Thank you for the offer of the discount but that’s not necessary. I appreciate your continued support and that is more than enough. I look forward to understanding how to properly use terrain following or identifying that there is a problem with the software or hardware.
I have uploaded the GCP file. It’s name is North East, WA(2).csv
There are 4 GCP’s used in the project. The GCP I used for my example is labeled 12873609 (Coordinate System NAD83(2011)/Washington South (ftUS) EPSG 6599 Vertical Datum NAVD88 height (geoid 12b) EPSG5703)
The position of this GCP is as follows:
Northing 723474.332 ft (US)
Easting 1164107.385 ft (US)
NAVD88 height (geoid12b) 365.561 ft (US)
The ellipsoid height of this GCP is 291.445 ft (US)
- Photograph DJI_20241120133534_0644.JPG
I have uploaded photograph DJI_20241120133534_0644.JPG (It appears we had an error in one of our emails. You list it as 064 when it is actually 0644, that may have come from me)
The recorded GPS information from the drone prior to PPK correction is as follows:
Latitude 47.3013933888889,
Longitude -122.419966416667,
132.896 (Meters) (This would be 436 Feet)
(Note that adding 74.116 feet to this results in 510.111’. Add to that the approximate 45 discrepancy and the result is 555.111’ This is within 10’ of the expected value of the photograph elevation below and closer to an acceptable level of error when not using RTK. Further note that this 10’ error is within the recorded vertical error of 3.7 meters as recorded in the image tags prior to PPK adjustment)
After PPK Correction the location information is as follows: (Coordinate System NAD83(2011)/Washington South (ftUS) EPSG 6599 Vertical Datum NAVD88 height (geoid 12b)EPSG5703)
Northing 723505.595
Easting 1164087.919
Elevation 520.858 (US Feet)
After Processing in Pix4d Photogrammetry software the location information is as follows: (Coordinate System NAD83(2011)/Washington South (ftUS) EPSG 6599 Vertical Datum NAVD88 height (geoid 12b)EPSG5703)
Northing 723505.64,
Easting 1164087.94,
Elevation 520.76 (US Feet)
A very small difference (520.858 vs 520.75) between the PPK corrected image tag and the calculated image position in the photogrammetry software is to be expected.
If terrain following was working property this photo should have an elevation after PPK correction that is something close to 200’ above the elevation of GCP 12873609. (365.561+200=565.561 The results of this photogrammetry project are extremely accurate. The data variance of the GCPs is less than 5 millimeters vertically. There error in the terrain following as performed by Pilot 2 is approximately 45’ This large terrain following error is not acceptable, will affect the photograph overlap percentage and could be unsafe in some situations.)
I also uploaded the image location file for all images both before and after PPK correction. These files are labeled as follows:
Itin.txt – These are the image location tags for all images after PPK correction
Itout.txt – These are the image location tags for all images as captured by the M350/P1 prior to PPK correction and reprojection to EPSG 6599 and Vertical Data EPSG5703)
It should be noted that I rechecked the elevation of the DSM in the location of the GCP. The elevation after reprojection to WGS84, adjustment to the ellipsoid and conversion to meters is as follows:
Elevation 88.5101 meters relative to the ellipsoid.
If I convert this to US Feet it is 290.386 feet
If I add the adjustment to from the ellipsoid to Geoid 12b which is 74.116 feet the result is 290.386 + 74.116 = 364.502 feet
If I add to the 364.502 feet the 200’ above ground level that I programmed into my terrain following flight plan I get 564.502 feet
This result matches what I expected for the height of the photograph as highlighted above to within about a foot. This suggests that the DSM file was properly prepared and that there is an error somewhere in the conversions performed by Pilot 2.
- Units Another thing to note that I’m curious about. I have my units in Pilot 2 set to Imperial (feet) but I prepared the DSM in meters because that’s what the instructions provided by DJI say to do. Is it possible that this could be the source of the error? If Pilot 2 is set to Imperial does it expect the DSM to also be imperial? I expect this it not the problem since it seems it would result in the error being much worse but I would like to know what DJI has to say on the subject.
I hope this explanation helps . It’s possible that I made an error in the preparation of the DSM used for the terrain following but I don’t believe that is the case. It appears to me that somewhere in Pilot 2 there is a conversion error of some kind. In the M350 DJI has produced an amazing piece of hardware. I’m confident that you will be able to help me identify where the error has occurred here.
Thanks again for your support.