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What happens when satellite connection lost
412 5 2024-12-4
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Petrified Shrimp
United States

What happens to the drone if it were to lose its satellite connection? Would it try to land or hover for a while to hopefully regain connection? What if it loses satellite connection during the return to home route?
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Before you take off, make sure your Mini 3 has a solid satelite lock and updates its home point. I've had my drone's loose controller signal several times, but never loose satelite signal outdoors once they are in the air. Make sure you have your emergency procedure set to return to home, not to land, and be sure your return to home altitude is set to clear any obstacles between you and the drone. If it looses signal lock with the controller, it will initiate a return to home, and almost always regain signal soon after as they drone is getting closer to you.
More importantly, keep an eye on your display, if you're starting to loose signal, or you are seeing loss of satelites, increase altitude, assuming there is no wind or legal height restriction issues. Its surprising how a 20 meter increase in altitude as one is seeing signal start to drop will bring it back up to full bars.
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What happens to the drone if it were to lose its satellite connection?
Without GPS reception, the drone loses horizontal position holding and "brakes".
It's still possible to keep flying.

Would it try to land or hover for a while to hopefully regain connection?
It would just drift on the breeze unless you provide some joystick input.

What if it loses satellite connection during the return to home route?
RTH can't work without GPS, so you would have to fly home manually.

It's not normal to lose GPS if you are flying in the open with no buildings or terrain blocking the drone's skyview.
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Petrified Shrimp
United States

Manitobahunter Posted at 12-4 20:36
Before you take off, make sure your Mini 3 has a solid satelite lock and updates its home point. I've had my drone's loose controller signal several times, but never loose satelite signal outdoors once they are in the air. Make sure you have your emergency procedure set to return to home, not to land, and be sure your return to home altitude is set to clear any obstacles between you and the drone. If it looses signal lock with the controller, it will initiate a return to home, and almost always regain signal soon after as they drone is getting closer to you.
More importantly, keep an eye on your display, if you're starting to loose signal, or you are seeing loss of satelites, increase altitude, assuming there is no wind or legal height restriction issues. Its surprising how a 20 meter increase in altitude as one is seeing signal start to drop will bring it back up to full bars.

Thanks a lot
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Petrified Shrimp
United States

Labroides Posted at 12-4 21:29
What happens to the drone if it were to lose its satellite connection?
Without GPS reception, the drone loses horizontal position holding and "brakes".
It's still possible to keep flying.

Okay Thanks
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DJI Gamora

Hi Petrified Shrimp,

Thank You for reaching out. We are truly sorry for the inconvenience you are experiencing. A drone equipped with visual sensors and Advanced RTH capabilities would try to bypass GEO Zones and Restricted Zones, if any, during its auto RTH flight. If the drone cannot avoid GEO Zones, it descends to the altitude of 120 m before proceeding with the return to home (if the RTH altitude is below 120 m, it continues returning to home normally). In the case of Restricted Zones, the drone hovers and awaits further instructions.

• The aircraft cannot return to the Home Point if the GNSS signal is weak or unavailable. The aircraft may enter ATTI mode if the GNSS signal becomes weak or unavailable after entering Failsafe RTH. The aircraft will hover in place for a while before landing.

• It is important to set a suitable RTH altitude before each flight. Launch DJI Fly and set the RTH altitude. In RTH, if the current altitude of the aircraft is lower than the RTH altitude, it will automatically ascend to the RTH altitude first. If the current altitude of the aircraft reaches or is higher than the RTH altitude, it will fly to the Home Point at its current altitude.

• During RTH, the speed and altitude of the aircraft can be controlled using the remote controller if the remote controller signal is normal. However, the aircraft cannot be shifted leftward or rightward. When the aircraft is ascending or flying forward, push the control stick completely in the opposite direction to exit RTH, and the aircraft will brake and hover.

I hope this information has helped to clarify your inquiries. If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
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