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Please remove HDR look and fix color profiles
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5512 125 2024-12-7
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Kanaye Shogun
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1196555 ft
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I bought Action 5 Today for my YouTube Moto/Travel channel. I am disappointed that the video in Normal Color Profile and D-log ( after LUT was applied ) still looks unnatural and HDR-ish. Can you please leave this HDR tonal mapping only for the HDR color profile? The video and colors on Action 4 look so much better without HDR tonal mapping. Sky looks much better, skin tones and there is no ghosting on Action 4.

It would also be much more easy to color-match the footage from Action 4 and Action 5 in the post. I know that you did that because of the "bigger dynamic range, but since this is not an FF sensor it would be better to have an option with a more contrasty image and less dynamic range than this HDR look.

Also, it would be nice to add more minus values for even lower sharpness and noise reduction values so the people have more control in the post.

In summary..

1. Option to turn off Agrssive HDR tonal mapping for normal and D-log profile ( just like on Action 4 )
2. Or add a Color profile the same as on Action 4 for easier color matching between 2 cameras ( without HDR look and lesser Dynamic range )
2. Add more negative values for sharpness and noise reduction

Thank you!
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A D2

GoPro made the leap years ago with GoPro Labs, allowing users to completely customise their settings
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Tian Shan Nomad

Totally agree. It's crazy that the action 4 looks better.
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100% agree
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United States

+ one to this as well, then lock things  down
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+1, just do it already!
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+1, just fix it!
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United States

The Osmo action 5 pro will never have the chance to be as good as a gopro as long as you continue to get unrealistic colors. It's a fact
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DJI Natalia

Hi there. Thank you for your feedback and sorry for the inconvenience. We greatly appreciate it and will promptly forward this valuable input to the relevant department for further evaluation. Your support for our DJI products is truly appreciated. Thank you.
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Kanaye Shogun
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1196555 ft
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DJI Natalia Posted at 12-9 22:59
Hi there. Thank you for your feedback and sorry for the inconvenience. We greatly appreciate it and will promptly forward this valuable input to the relevant department for further evaluation. Your support for our DJI products is truly appreciated. Thank you.

Hi Natalia. It is frustrating that GoPro and older DJI Action 4 have better colors and video during the daylight because of this aggressive HDR processing that can't be turned on. The old Action 4 has much better and more natural colors and video because there is not this HDR plastic cartoon look and you can lower the sharpness and noise reduction even more.

I bought DJI Action 5 for my Moto YouTube channel, but when i go outside and make videos i still use my old Gopro 12 because the video is much better.

Please just give us the option to remove this HDR processing and pink colors an give us the option to use processing from Action 4. Thank you
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DJI Natalia

Kanaye Shogun Posted at 12-11 02:41
Hi Natalia. It is frustrating that GoPro and older DJI Action 4 have better colors and video during the daylight because of this aggressive HDR processing that can't be turned on. The old Action 4 has much better and more natural colors and video because there is not this HDR plastic cartoon look and you can lower the sharpness and noise reduction even more.

I bought DJI Action 5 for my Moto YouTube channel, but when i go outside and make videos i still use my old Gopro 12 because the video is much better.

Hi there, thank you for feedback and we truly appreciate your advise. We're sorry that changes might take a little time, but we truly value your feedback and we'll make sure to pass it on to the right team for review. We're always striving to make things better and better, so please stay tuned to the latest news on our DJI official website at Thank you so much for your understanding and support!
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DJI Natalia Posted at 12-13 14:17
Hi there, thank you for feedback and we truly appreciate your advise. We're sorry that changes might take a little time, but we truly value your feedback and we'll make sure to pass it on to the right team for review. We're always striving to make things better and better, so please stay tuned to the latest news on our DJI official website at Thank you so much for your understanding and support!

Re-upping this forum topic to check status.
Just wondering if we have any status updates on this? I hope we have something coming up. The Ace Pro 2 has the capability of turning HDR on and off and also a selection of color profiles....which is kinda nice to have. If not for it's size and the battery life, I would have gone for the AP2. Thanks!
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 12-13 14:17
Hi there, thank you for feedback and we truly appreciate your advise. We're sorry that changes might take a little time, but we truly value your feedback and we'll make sure to pass it on to the right team for review. We're always striving to make things better and better, so please stay tuned to the latest news on our DJI official website at Thank you so much for your understanding and support!

Please escalate our request again
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Kanaye Shogun
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1196555 ft
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Any progress with this or info will it be fixed in new firmware so i don't have to return the camera?
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DJI Natalia

FfoSuy Posted at 12-14 03:57
Re-upping this forum topic to check status.
Just wondering if we have any status updates on this? I hope we have something coming up. The Ace Pro 2 has the capability of turning HDR on and off and also a selection of color profiles....which is kinda nice to have. If not for it's size and the battery life, I would have gone for the AP2. Thanks!

Hi there, we have not yet received any information related to your question. Please stay tuned to DJI's official website, as we will update the latest news on the official website as soon as we receive it. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
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DJI Natalia

Fishycomics Posted at 12-14 03:58
Please escalate our request again

HI there, kindly take note that the feedback has been escalated and forwarded to the relevant team. Please stay tuned to DJI's official website, as we will update the latest news on the official website as soon as we receive it. We appreciate your understanding and patience.
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 12-14 13:02
Hi there, we have not yet received any information related to your question. Please stay tuned to DJI's official website, as we will update the latest news on the official website as soon as we receive it. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

this seems to be Please check the sites pages  as a brush off
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DJI Natalia

Kanaye Shogun Posted at 12-14 07:12
Any progress with this or info will it be fixed in new firmware so i don't have to return the camera?

Hi there, we understand that you have been waiting for a response from our team and we're sorry that changes might take a little time. As of now, we have not yet received any information related to your question. Please stay tuned to DJI's official website, as we will update the latest news on the official website as soon as we receive it. Thank you for your understanding.
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 12-14 13:03
HI there, kindly take note that the feedback has been escalated and forwarded to the relevant team. Please stay tuned to DJI's official website, as we will update the latest news on the official website as soon as we receive it. We appreciate your understanding and patience.

when is hte firmware for it
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DJI Tony

Fishycomics Posted at 12-14 13:06
when is hte firmware for it

Hi there. Optimization and debugging takes time. Please rest assured that our engineers have paid attention to this issue.
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DJI Tony Posted at 12-15 01:21
Hi there. Optimization and debugging takes time. Please rest assured that our engineers have paid attention to this issue.

Thanks, DJI Tony for acknowledging the feedback and ensuring the team is working on this. On a separate note....H264 coding as well...

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DJI Tony

FfoSuy Posted at 12-15 01:59
Thanks, DJI Tony for acknowledging the feedback and ensuring the team is working on this. On a separate note....H264 coding as well...


Hi there. Please rest assured that we will also feedback your opinions to our engineers.
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United States

DJI Tony Posted at 12-15 01:21
Hi there. Optimization and debugging takes time. Please rest assured that our engineers have paid attention to this issue.

then please do not tell us to look at a page, simply say that.
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DJI Tony

Fishycomics Posted at 12-15 04:03
then please do not tell us to look at a page, simply say that.

Noted. Thank you for your suggestion. At the same time, we will also escalated the previous feedback to the relevant departments.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
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Umberto Uderzo
Flight distance : 10115 ft
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Hey, i think i missed the party! I know that DJI already noted this but i'd feel sick if i'd not asked to fix the weird color profile too.
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DJI Mindy

Umberto Uderzo Posted at 12-16 00:20
Hey, i think i missed the party! I know that DJI already noted this but i'd feel sick if i'd not asked to fix the weird color profile too.

Hi Umberto,

We are extremely grateful for the valuable suggestions you provided. You can be assured that we will convey not only your thoughts but also those of other customers to the appropriate teams for further consideration and action.

In the course of your future use of our products or services, if any questions or concerns arise regarding other offerings, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to assist you and ensure your experience with us remains a positive one.

Thank you again for your input and for choosing to engage with us.
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Kanaye Shogun
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1196555 ft
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Here is an example of a video between GoPro 12 and DJI Action 5 Pro.

The video is shot in the same settings ( WB, SHUTTER, ISO ) and in 10 Bit "Normal" modes.

DJI Action 5 PRO sharpness -2 and noise reduction -2, and GoPro to LOW

1. Notice how much Sharper is the video on Action 5 Pro even with settings on -2
2. Notice the halo around the branches and contrasty edges ( no halo on Gopro )
3. Notice how the sky is too flat and clouds are much less visible
4. Notice how much less contrast overall there is on Action 5 Pro
5. Notice how much un natural the video looks like
5. Notice the hard HDR processing with less contrast and plastic look

Action 4 has much better video quality and more natural look.
Why is there still no option to remove this bad HDR processing, sharpness, and noise reduction?
We should have an option to edit photos, sharpen and HDR look more in post for more flexibility and natural look.
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United States

Wow what a difference. thanks for sharing (like) 4th liker
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Flight distance : 220400 ft

Kanaye Shogun Posted at 12-18 05:37
Here is an example of a video between GoPro 12 and DJI Action 5 Pro.

The video is shot in the same settings ( WB, SHUTTER, ISO ) and in 10 Bit "Normal" modes.

I bought the dji action 5 because of the action 4 high quality so i thought it will be even better, but actualy its just look like a cheap android phone, i regret of buying this camera
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YAIR DVIR Posted at 12-18 06:49
I bought the dji action 5 because of the action 4 high quality so i thought it will be even better, but actualy its just look like a cheap android phone, i regret of buying this camera

Let's wait till the next firmware release and hopefully the issues fixed. The OA5 has a better sensor than the OA4,'s just the processing that needs to be tweaked.
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United Kingdom

I was using the Action 3 and bought the 5 because it links to two DJI mics without having to connect a receiver and I already have and love the Pocket 3 so getting the Action 5 to compliment my setup seemed like a no brainer.

However, I am extremely disappointed with the normal colour profile, it is over saturated and lacks detail in the background  and there is an unnatural glare around trees etc against the sky. Backgrounfs look cartoon- like.

Consequently I have bought the Action 4 on sale as the normal picture profile is so much better, and although I can only attach a single mic (DJI Mic 2) it is definitely the better camera due to the better picture quality.

I have tried using the Action 5 with D-LOG M and using the DJI LUT but still the Action 4 normal colour profile is better.

So DJI please please can you make the required changes that others in this thread have requested as this one thing is really spoiling what is otherwise a fantastic camera.
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Kanaye Shogun
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1196555 ft
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FfoSuy Posted at 12-18 08:10
Let's wait till the next firmware release and hopefully the issues fixed. The OA5 has a better sensor than the OA4,'s just the processing that needs to be tweaked.

Where is the proof for that? They had to say it is a newer and better sensor for marketing purposes, The reality is completely different. I bet that the sensor in A4 has the same capabilities as A5 considering realistic options.

The sensor is the same size so there is no crazy magic that it will be much better. They just implemented this new HDR processing just to justify claims that it has a more dynamic range.

All this extra dynamic range and super night modes are gimmicks because they look like trash and it is done by processing.
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Kanaye Shogun Posted at 12-18 08:40
Where is the proof for that? They had to say it is a newer and better sensor for marketing purposes, The reality is completely different. I bet that the sensor in A4 has the same capabilities as A5 considering realistic options.

The sensor is the same size so there is no crazy magic that it will be much better. They just implemented this new HDR processing just to justify claims that it has a more dynamic range.

Well, considering it has higher sensitivity, based on just technical specifications, it is a better sensor. IMO.
Ace Pro 2 has a similar sensor, so as I mentioned before, it's just processing methods, which DJI is not getting it right. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next update, otherwise, it's the Ace Pro 2 for my upcoming trip to Japan, and my OA5 goes to the 2nd hand market.
Sigh....unfortunate fate for, otherwise a promising camera.

I read most of the posts here about OA5 many things to fix....product quality with the door mechanism/seals, color profiles and HDR on/ off capability, etc. and recently, recording stops during dives not exceeding the stated limit.
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Costa Rica

FfoSuy Posted at 12-18 19:58
Well, considering it has higher sensitivity, based on just technical specifications, it is a better sensor. IMO.
Ace Pro 2 has a similar sensor, so as I mentioned before, it's just processing methods, which DJI is not getting it right. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next update, otherwise, it's the Ace Pro 2 for my upcoming trip to Japan, and my OA5 goes to the 2nd hand market.
Sigh....unfortunate fate for, otherwise a promising camera.

Last time I was researching what sensor is being used in the Action5, since high-end sensors need advanced foundries, so I am almost sure it is not manufactured by DJI but by a third party. These two matches from OMNIVISION are what I suspect they are using, one in the A4 and the other in the A5P. It is very possible that something is going on at the sensor level since the sensor maybe is not the same.

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yair 847
Flight distance : 220400 ft

whoever thought the hdr can look good, look at this. the camera produce images that look like old cheap android phone
and this is not edited
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peloncr Posted at 12-18 20:45
Last time I was researching what sensor is being used in the Action5, since high-end sensors need advanced foundries, so I am almost sure it is not manufactured by DJI but by a third party. These two matches from OMNIVISION are what I suspect they are using, one in the A4 and the other in the A5P. It is very possible that something is going on at the sensor level since the sensor maybe is not the same.

That cannot be right, the OA5 uses a roughly 40-megapixel 1/1.3 sensor. 50 is definitely way off, and the Omnivision site also clearly says it's used in mobile phones. Generally, most optical designs will maximize sensor area which means it should not be far off from the total sensor resolution.
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Costa Rica

FfoSuy Posted at 12-19 07:01
That cannot be right, the OA5 uses a roughly 40-megapixel 1/1.3 sensor. 50 is definitely way off, and the Omnivision site also clearly says it's used in mobile phones. Generally, most optical designs will maximize sensor area which means it should not be far off from the total sensor resolution.

From what I know they are using the same sensor as the Ace Pro 2 which Insta360 says is 50MP, DJI don't list the total MP in their specs, only 40mp for stills. Mobile phones = low profile and low power so it makes sense to use it in an action camera, it also explain the "smartphone" hdr lookish video from both AP2 and A5P.
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peloncr Posted at 12-19 07:59
From what I know they are using the same sensor as the Ace Pro 2 which Insta360 says is 50MP, DJI don't list the total MP in their specs, only 40mp for stills. Mobile phones = low profile and low power so it makes sense to use it in an action camera, it also explain the "smartphone" hdr lookish video from both AP2 and A5P.

Hmm, interesting. Can you point to me the link where it says 50MP? I only saw the specs listed as shown:

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Costa Rica

FfoSuy Posted at 12-19 08:05
Hmm, interesting. Can you point to me the link where it says 50MP? I only saw the specs listed as shown:

My bad, they also don't disclose it explicitly, but they mention 50MP stills, so it must be at least 50MP. DJI only uses the 8K mode (Aprox 40MP in their specs).

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peloncr Posted at 12-19 08:22
My bad, they also don't disclose it explicitly, but they mention 50MP stills, so it must be at least 50MP. DJI only uses the 8K mode (Aprox 40MP in their specs).


Most likely you're right unless there is some AI scaling to hit 50MP. It has a more advanced AI chip compared to OA5, so this is entirely possible.
8k sensor need at least 35MP but it could be of  a 4:3 or 3:2 aspect ratio which means  44MP or 40MP respectively. I am more inclined to think it's 40MP sensor just by evaluating the above. But again, looking at 50MP're most likely correct.
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