DJI Natalia Posted at 12-12 04:06
Hello, thank you for your interest in the DJI Mini 4K. The DJI Mini 4K does indeed have an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit), which helps with flight stabilization and control.
Regarding the camera gimbal angle, could you please elaborate on what specific information or functionality you are referring to?
Thank you for your reply!
Would it be possible to access this IMU data after the flight? Does the DJI store this information in a way the user can access it? Is it time stamped and stored in a way where I can get the GPS coordinates and IMU at each time step?
For the camera angle I just would like to know it's actual angle at any time step.
So it total I would be asking if it is possible to know after the flight at each time step:
(GPS location, IMU data, and camera angle) |