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All 3 batteries and controller won't charge
590 7 2024-12-13
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United States

I have a 2 year old Mini 3, with the controller and 3 batteries.  I last used it about 2 months ago and it was fine. I normally launch it every couple of months or so.  I normally keep all 3 batteries plugged into the charging device. So, I'm not letting batteries sit there for long periods of time until they fully discharge.

Today I went to check it and I see the 3 batteries still have about 50% charge, and the controller is at 3 of 4 LED lights on.  At the moment, with the charge, they still work and I can launch drone. But, I can't charge anything, so once these charges are gone, no more launching.

If I plug the charger with 3 batteries in, they blink a couple of times indicating 50% charge, then just go dark. If I plug the controller into this charger, it will also blink a couple of times and then go dark.  I also tried leaving a battery in the drone and charging it that way, same thing, just blinks a couple of times then goes dark.  It seems unlikely to me all 3 batteries and controller would decide at same time to no longer charge, especially when they still have some charge and aren't really dead.

I also thought I'd try updating firmware. I connect my wifi then tell it to check for updates.  (Yes, my wifi is connected and working well.)  All it does is say:
Server error. Wait a moment and try again (Code: 0x115000100001)
I tried many times, same thing... waiting a moment doesn't help.

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Serg SSA
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 14496650 ft
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Have you considered that maybe the charger is faulty? If you charge it in the drone, everything is fine?
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United States

Yes, thanks, I think you may be right.  Instead of charge using the "out" port on the charger, I put of the batteries in the drone and just connected the drone using a cell phone charger, instead of the DJI charger... it is now charging. I did likewise with the controller and that is now charging with another cell phone charger.

I'm wondering if there's a way to make the DJI 3-battery charger work though?  It isn't as if it is dead... when plugged in, it blinks the half depleted battery levels a couple of times, then starts blinking the lights in a way that normally would indicate it is charging. But, then it just shuts off.  Does this thing have any electronics in it or is it a rather mindless charger like a typical cell phone charger would be?  I notice it has a power button.... I don't remember ever needing to press that in the last two  years, but maybe I did and I forgot.  I tried that power button today, maybe I'm doing it wrong but it doesn't seem to help get the charger into a good state.
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Serg SSA
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 14496650 ft
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cwells Posted at 12-13 09:52
Yes, thanks, I think you may be right.  Instead of charge using the "out" port on the charger, I put of the batteries in the drone and just connected the drone using a cell phone charger, instead of the DJI charger... it is now charging. I did likewise with the controller and that is now charging with another cell phone charger.

I'm wondering if there's a way to make the DJI 3-battery charger work though?  It isn't as if it is dead... when plugged in, it blinks the half depleted battery levels a couple of times, then starts blinking the lights in a way that normally would indicate it is charging. But, then it just shuts off.  Does this thing have any electronics in it or is it a rather mindless charger like a typical cell phone charger would be?  I notice it has a power button.... I don't remember ever needing to press that in the last two  years, but maybe I did and I forgot.  I tried that power button today, maybe I'm doing it wrong but it doesn't seem to help get the charger into a good state.

You can buy a separate charging controller from a third-party manufacturer at a price lower than the original.
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United States

I've ordered a new charger, lets see if this helps.  
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DJI Natalia

Hi there! We would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for reaching out. Regarding this issue, you may proceed with the troubleshooting steps below:

1. Please check if the RC system date and time zone are consistent with the local time; if not, set it as the same to retry.

2. It is recommended to check your current network status, try using another network, log out of the account, and log in with their DJI accounts again.

The details are: Log out of DJI Account > Restart DJI RC > try connecting to another network > Log in to DJI Account

3. Please try to use the DJI Assistant 2 to upgrade the firmware;

4. If the problem persists after the above steps, please send back the controller for further check.

I hope this helps you find the solution you were expecting. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you!
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 12-18 00:30
Hi there! We would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for reaching out. Regarding this issue, you may proceed with the troubleshooting steps below:

1. Please check if the RC system date and time zone are consistent with the local time; if not, set it as the same to retry.

What I ended up doing is turning on the hotspot for my cell phone and connecting the controller to that wifi.  There, it had no trouble doing the update.  

I don't know why it worked though.  I do know there is nothing wrong with my Internet or wifi router... works great for everything else including work-related VPN and streaming way too many videos.

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United States

As for the batteries not charging, I did buy a new charger from DJI.  No difference!  Identical behavior, device just blinks for a couple of seconds its low battery level, then never charges it with all the lights out.  The batteries can still be charged by plugging into the drone. So, I don't understand what's going on here, almost as if there's some odd software problem where the code is just deciding it doesn't want to charge any battery.
1-11 10:15
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