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Merry Christmas. Got a new FC40 4 X-max?
3377 7 2014-12-16
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United States

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Preparing for after Christmas questions...
FC40, Noobie information.
Read the manual at least twice. You can download it at
Download and install the drivers and NAZA Assistance programs from DJI aswell and install them in that order. (Use the same link above)
After running Naza Asst, check for firmware updates. The latest Firmware forthe FC40 is Version 4.02 (as of 12/16/2014) Go ahead and install the newfirmware if needed.
I don’t believe the remote controller has an available update as of thiswriting, but to check you’ll need to download the RC Asst program. The microUSB connector is located INSIDE the remote. You’ll need to take out the fourscrews in the back to separate the shell. Be careful, there are wires attachingthe two pieces. Be careful not to damage them. Try to leave the antennae inplace. It’s a PITA to get back into position. There are a few youtube videos onthis. My best advice; leave the remote alone as there isn’t an update for itanyway that I know of.
With the remote controller and theFC40 turned on (turn the remote controlleron FIRST) and take the props off, Hook it up to your computer with the USBcable. Run NAZA Assistant. The LED on the FC40 should turn solid green whenconnected to Naza Asst.
Under the "Advanced" tab, choose the "IOC" tab and activateit.
Under "F/S", make sure it is set to "Go-Home and Landing"
Under "Limits", set them at something reasonable. 2000 yards isuseless. You can use these to keep it close to you while you learn. Somethinglike 200-300 would be better at first. Remember, these are Meters, not feet.
Under the "Basic" tab, click on "R/C". At the bottom youwill see a horizontal line. At the right end of it is an arrow that will bringup a pull down menu. Change it to "Failsafe"
See image
Now when you put the right hand switch(S1) to the bottom, it will activate the"Return to Home, Fail Safe" function. Now you will notice that whenyou move the S2 (left side) switch down on your remote, the correspondingaction will appear in the Naza Asst. IE :GPS, ATTI and Fail Safe modes.
When you bring the left hand switch(S2) to the bottom (Home Lock), the quadwill fly the direction you move the right stick, regardless of which way it isfacing. When in the middle position you will be in Control lock, whichcorresponds to the remotes position, and the FC40s compass position
Now do an advanced IMU calibration. You might get a warning about it “Being toohot” You can ignore this warning and proceed.
Now, take you FC40 outside and face it forward (battery facing front), turn theremote on, plug the battery in and WAIT. You will hear several ascending tonebeeps and the LED flashing, this is normal. Then you will see a blinking greenLED followed by up to three blinking red LEDS. This is when the FC40 isacquiring satellites. As the FC40 acquires satellites the number of red LEDsbecomes less and less. Eventually you will have nothing but a slow flashinggreen LED.
During the start-up sequence you may notice the LED flashing greem 6 or sotimes very rapidly. This is the FC40 setting your GPS Home Point and your remotesControl Point. This is normal.
Now…we do the NAZA dance. You will need to calibrate your compass.
Flip your S1 switch all the way down and back up 3-4 times rapidly. The LEDlight on your FC40 will turn solid yellow. (Make sure you return your S1 switchback all the way up (GPS)
Now grab your FC40s landing gear from the back, lift it up and extend your armsout. Turn your body in a 360 degrees in a counter clockwise circle. The yellowLED light should turn green when you get back to the starting point (facingagain forward). Now turn the FC40 facing down towards the ground so the LEDlight is facing up towards the sky. Hold it like this and rotate your body onceagain 360 degrees. When you get back to the starting point the green LED shouldstart blinking slowly again. (You can search youtube for “Naza Dance” or “Howto do a compass calibration, Phantom”)
Put your FC40 back on the ground and facing forward. The slow flashing greenLED should now be facing you.
Time to fly!
Move both the Rt and Lft joysticks down and towards the inside corners of theremote. This will start your FC40s motors. The FC40 should be idling with nounbalancing…nice and smooth.
Now, move your left joystick all the way up to full throttle. Your FC40 shouldtake off. Let go of the joystick (it will return to center automatically) onceits about 10-15 feet up.
Let it hover a bit. Use your right joystick and move slightly left, right,forward and back. Just a little at a time, testing the movement and response.
After landing there are two ways to turn your motors off.
1) Move the left joystick all the way down to its lowest position and hold itthere for about 3 seconds.
2) Move both the Rt and Lft joysticks down and towards the inside corners ofthe remote
Happy Landings.
A couple of side notes.
Although Ive never heard of it happening, some say that it could..
Turn off your FC40 first when done, then your remote. Some say there's a smallchance that if you turn off the remote first the FC40 could enter Return toHome mode and well...that wouldn't be a pleasant experience if you're holdingit.
Id use prop guards at first. You WILL tip it over and scrape up your blades.Damaged blades make your FC40 go all unbalanced and you don't want that.
Most remove prop guards after a short while.
Heres some basic part info specific to your FC40.
Battery. DJI 2200 Mah 3S.
Props. DJI 8045
Motors. DJI 2212
Prop guards DJI P330, spare part #019
Believe it or not FC40s really don't do this very often at all. What you readon the internet is about the P2s etc. The FC40 is a fancy P1. Most of the P2sFly aways are pilot error...but some are not. Don't worry, the FC40 is VERYreliable.
Like I mentioned. The last update is Ver. 4.02. I highly doubt DJI will updatethe Firmware anymore. Although the FC40 is still supported by DJI, it has beendiscontinued and no longer in production.
Fly in GPS mode (Both S1 and S2 switches in the full up position) until youlearn how this thing flys.
Can you lose your FC40 even in GPS mode.
Yes you can. The most common reason is the pilot loses the orientation of theFC40. If you lose you orientation you will panic. The FC40 may go in theopposite or random direction than you expected, making your situation worse.
What to do?
The first thing is to flip your S2 switch all the way down to its lowestposition. This is "Home lock" and move your right joystick all theway down to its lowest position. Your FC40 should then faithfully return toyour position. When you regain orientation flip the S2 back up and you're gtgagain.
Watch your flight times.
Running out of power in flight is a huge problem. The first signal of low poweris a red blinking LED in flight. Time to bring it home. But even better is toTIME your flights. Get a smal0 digital kitchen timer and stick it on yourremote.
I bring my FC40 home around 9 minutes of flight time and without any red LEDsblinking at me.
The easiest way for me to learn was to take off in GPS mode and go up andhigher than anything around me. Let go of the left joystick and just use theright joystick to go different directions, figure 8s etc bring it home, thenland. The FC40 will maintain a reasonable orientation if you don't use the leftstick.
You'll have to learn ATTI mode eventually....try it by flipping your S1switch down one position. Do this on a calm day at a big park. Remember, if itgets out of control and you panic, flip the S1 switch back up to the top (GPSmode) flip the S2 switch down all the way, rt stick down and she'll come home.
Remember. Altitude usually WINS.
When in doubt go higher than anything around you. If you use Home lock orControl Lock and you're lower than the trees your prob going to run into them.
Altitude wins.

Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
  • >>>
United States

I'm not sure if this is needed - but I try to stand about 20 feet behind the thing which may do a better job activating the home and course lock.  Something like that anyway...and your image link does not work.
Use props
United States

Links works for me.  Weird.
Use props
Flight distance : 616598 ft
  • >>>
United States

Few comments:
1. It confused me that when making changes in NAZA the changes are instant - there is no "save" button.
2. Personally I prefer to hand catch - tipovers are not unusual, particularly on grass, which is not totally flat
Use props
United States

1) RTM    Press ENTER

2) Although I hand catch myself, i will not recommend it .

Its a start up guide for noobies......
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
  • >>>
United States

The link has some facebook URL in it which fails.


The link works if I copy and paste the actual link that is showing

Use props
Flight distance : 616598 ft
  • >>>
United States

When doing the advanced IMU calibration - make sure that your unit is no where near anything that might interfere.  I had some strange results where the Phantom wouldn't hold position properly until I realized that I was calibrating right next to a power brick for a laptop.  Moved that and things improved considerably.  
Use props
Flight distance : 616598 ft
  • >>>
United States

Home lock only works if you are more than 30ft away from the home point.
Use props
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