Natural Sounds and Sights
smbishop Posted at 12-15 14:29
I appreciate that you made an effort to provide a review of the Ulanzi 2X Converter. However, what you provided a was a personal rant, with little to no objective information for the rest of us.
No objective information? There is video showing each defect. What more do you want? You can see: 1) Severe distortion 2) An incredible 'white' or hazy vignetting 3) Purple fringing and other chromatic aberrations occur throughout 4) Only the centre of the frame remains reasonably in focus - the edges are a blurry mess. It's all clearly depicted.
Far from 'ranting' I do say that I rather like Ulanzi products generally and I use them regularly. This, however, falls far short of expectations. I've also used various front converters in the distant past (both wide and tele on camcorders) and do know to expect some degree of negative impact on image quality. This, though, is the worst I have ever encountered. In my opinion, it is unusable.
If you do find the optical quality acceptable (I certainly don't), by all means buy it and use it, but be aware that there are already some reports that it is damaging the gimbal motors. I cannot verify these so did not mention it, but combined with the optical quality it is enough for me to not wish to continue with it.