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Lower sensors problems - Dark mode
1659 30 2024-12-16
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DJI continues to ignore the issue in the latest firmware. This video does a great job and easily explains why the drone is going crazy. DJI, when are you going to fix this? How many drones must suffer before you take action? I demand that you show this video to your engineers and correct the drone's behavior.
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Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States

Another cover the sensors with black tape video.  Now multiple  documented on a number of YTube videos.

As noted in the video. If flying Manual mode using the FPV RC3.  No issues even with zero satellites and dimly lighted.  

The satellites captured fluctuation happens under all conditions.

Yesterday flying outdoors experienced the "Red Warning Box" that appeared in the video regarding sat and visual sensors.  Sat number dropped from 20 to 0 in a blink of a moment.  Using FPV RC3 in S mode.  No loss of control.  Few seconds later regained a few satellites. No change in flight environment. Neo was just doing the normal sat fluc, but this time down to zero.
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OldGuy2024 Posted at 12-16 16:41
Another cover the sensors with black tape video.  Now multiple  documented on a number of YTube videos.

As noted in the video. If flying Manual mode using the FPV RC3.  No issues even with zero satellites and dimly lighted.  

I understand, but I like flying RC MC 3 more and I wish they would just work out their mistakes
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Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States

GermanD3Z6 Posted at 12-17 02:17
I understand, but I like flying RC MC 3 more and I wish they would just work out their mistakes

I've flown indoors using the MC3 without issues when staying out of shadows.   First Neo flight was indoors back in early October when it was released.  No satellites locked just as with the Avata2 indoors (steel roof). Didn't realize the Neo had an issue until flying into a deep shadow at the top of the open stairs to the loft.  Neo accelerated by itself into a dark colored quilt draped over a sofa.  Other autonomous crash was  flying through a relatively narrow but apparently too deep a shadow.

Enjoy flying with the MC3 outdoors when flying relatively slow in very tight, close proximity to ground and obstacles.  Find it a bit "sluggish" in response and limited angles of attack for other flying situations. FPV RC3 Manual mode or even in S mode is more response.  You can always quickly bail out of Manual mode by just hitting the RC3's Brake/Pause switch or Mode option rocker switch.

Side note:  Sort of crashed the Neo onto the snow covered ground.  Just a drop down and motor cut off from low elevation. Neo landed flat. Wasn't thinking. Restarted the motors. Took off.  Unaware that the sensors were packed with snow.   Few meters of flight and a ~2 meters altitude the Neo auto switched to N and auto landing mode. Apparently enough light, but the Neo thought it was close to  the ground. Cleaned off the sensors.  All was good.
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United States

Hi OldGuy (I’m one myself!).  Appears you fly Neo manually with regularity using Fpv controller 3.  Did you change gain/ expo rates and if so to what values?  Seems Neo is a bit under powered.  Still learning manual on simulator as I await Goggles N3 back order.  Flying with RCN3, phone or by auto, and fell in love with this thing immediately.   I had no idea how difficult flying a quad copter manually would be!  Thank goodness for simulators!
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Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States

DannoCoy Posted at 12-18 07:16
Hi OldGuy (I’m one myself!).  Appears you fly Neo manually with regularity using Fpv controller 3.  Did you change gain/ expo rates and if so to what values?  Seems Neo is a bit under powered.  Still learning manual on simulator as I await Goggles N3 back order.  Flying with RCN3, phone or by auto, and fell in love with this thing immediately.   I had no idea how difficult flying a quad copter manually would be!  Thank goodness for simulators!

I really toned down the max rates. Increased the expo a bit and a little decreased the center stick sensitivity for my old thumbs.  Bit of a wonky left (flying mode 2) thumb due to ligament damage. Need a bit of a less sensitive response to yaw when modulating throttle.

Issue I'm having in trying to fine tune the gain/rate are without graphic curves for visualization it is a bit of trial and error regarding finding the desired curve when adjusting center stick sensitivity and expo.  Sort of gave up and just dropped the max rates way down (180) to have a more linear curve with a more forgiving center stick response.  

Crash a bit too often when flying low (sub 3 meter altitude) in more confined spaces. A little slow at times hitting the Brake/Pause switch to bail form M to N mode.  Rate mode(aka manual) is a very different beast than angle mode.  Add if you haven't flown angle mode in non dji quads (no stabilization) it is a more significant transition.   

When first flying manual mode you may want to engage the ATTI to prevent unintended rolls and loops.
Sim time is a big plus.  Painless to the "drone funds" when I crash.  I need sim time to practice making the "perfect" simple loops and rolls. That is, finishing the roll and loop with a level horizon line.  
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Flight distance : 963287 ft

I had some issues (neo flew wild and crash) in sunset with neo (rc-n3) and previous firmware, but now after update even if I try to make it go crazy it just won't.
Even today I tested
Indoors no gps flying in and out to dark room (night outside, and no artificial light) - no issue
Flew outside in the night before and after gps positioning got lock on - no issue
But one thing that I noticed, when neo is in the dark and in atti, there's no modes of flying (C, N, S), it's goes in full (aggressive) sport mode, so when you flying Indoor in cinematic mode full throttle, and you'll hit darker area, then neo will switch to full sport full throttle in atti mode. So before you'll notice that something is wrong it will be going fast, and drifting.
My thoughts on this case are, if you adding throttle in normal conditions (visual/gps positioning) stick is controlling speed of neo not pitch, but in atti neo doesn't know the speed, and stick takes control over pitch of neo not speed.
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Flight distance : 963287 ft

But in motion controller there's only speed control, so when neo loses track of speed... crash happens.
If this is the problem than for rc-n3 controller tilt limit (different for all modes) in atti mode should lower speed difference while going from other mode.
atti for sport mode is 1:1 - full stick is max tilt
Atti for normal is 2:1 - full stick is half of max tilt
Atti for cine is 3:1 - full stick is 1/3 of max tilt
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Flight distance : 235833 ft


Hello, I found a solution to fly indoors, in not "well lit environments". Ordered it yesterday, arrived today, and I flew a complete battery empty, in my dim lit house. (normally the Neo would crash after the first sign of darkness). I tried using the controller mode (rc n3)  + the FPV (rc motion 3) mode . Will try some more tonight (outside is impossible due to regulations / weather conditions) . But even if it works only inside, it is sooo nice!! And for the price, it is my cheapest Neo accesory.
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PilotRudolf Posted at 12-19 11:04
Hello, I found a solution to fly indoors, in not "well lit environments". Ordered it yesterday, arrived today, and I flew a complete battery empty, in my dim lit house. (normally the Neo would crash after the first sign of darkness). I tried using the controller mode (rc n3)  + the FPV (rc motion 3) mode . Will try some more tonight (outside is impossible due to regulations / weather conditions) . But even if it works only inside, it is sooo nice!! And for the price, it is my cheapest Neo accesory.

Gamora will scold you now for using third-party accessories))
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DJI Stephen

Hi GermanD3Z6,

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We truly appreciate your input and will forward the video is forwarded to our engineering team for further investigation into the lower sensors issue. These insights are invaluable to us.

Thank you once again for being a valuable member of the DJI community. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
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DJI Stephen

Hi GermanD3Z6,

Thank you for your patience, the DJI Neo uses three sensors for positioning: GPS, a bottom monocular vision sensor, and a bottom infrared sensor. These three sensors work simultaneously, correcting each other's data to achieve accurate positioning and stable hovering, ensuring the drone maintains a stable attitude during flight.

When the monocular vision and infrared sensors are obstructed but the GPS is strong (as in the first test in the YouTube link), the drone will not lose control, but its positioning may be inaccurate. This is because GPS inherently has a meter-level error, GPS alone cannot fully ensure stable positioning and altitude hold.

In environments without GPS but where the monocular vision and infrared sensors are functioning properly (such as in a well-lit indoor setting), the Neo can hover stably without drifting or losing control. This is because the vision and infrared sensors are sufficient for stable hovering within a small range (effective distance is 0.5 to 10 meters, brightness > 15 lux, surface reflectivity greater than 20%). Please kindly refer to the official website for more details:

In rooms with insufficient lighting, where both GPS and vision are lost and only infrared is operational, the Neo cannot hover stably and may drift.
The three tests shown in the YouTube video align with what our engineering team would expect.

Thank you once again for your patience and understanding.
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Flight distance : 963287 ft

DJI Stephen Posted at 12-21 02:20
Hi GermanD3Z6,

Thank you for your patience. Based on feedback from our professional team, the DJI Neo uses three sensors for positioning: GPS, a bottom monocular vision sensor, and a bottom infrared sensor. These three sensors work simultaneously, correcting each other's data to achieve accurate positioning and stable hovering, ensuring the drone maintains a stable attitude during flight.

Hi Dji Stephen, I think that most of us understand already how it works. Problem lays in acceleration when going on atti mode (please read my previous replay). I don't have any problem flying in dark with rc-n3, but probably many users when for example flying in cine with full speed will go in darker area and neo will change to atti mode then it will accelerate and drift, this sudden change is uncontrollable for a common user of DJI products. It would be great if in next firmware you would implement a tilt limit for atti mode,  creating something like sub modes - cine atti, normal atti and sport atti. Cuz now full speed in cine is limited to a speed, and in atti there's no speed reading so neo tilts forward to max, and speed up suddenly. Hope you understand what I'm saying.
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DJI Stephen

TheSkyIsForYou Posted at 12-21 03:02
Hi Dji Stephen, I think that most of us understand already how it works. Problem lays in acceleration when going on atti mode (please read my previous replay). I don't have any problem flying in dark with rc-n3, but probably many users when for example flying in cine with full speed will go in darker area and neo will change to atti mode then it will accelerate and drift, this sudden change is uncontrollable for a common user of DJI products. It would be great if in next firmware you would implement a tilt limit for atti mode,  creating something like sub modes - cine atti, normal atti and sport atti. Cuz now full speed in cine is limited to a speed, and in atti there's no speed reading so neo tilts forward to max, and speed up suddenly. Hope you understand what I'm saying.

Hello TheSkyIsForYou,

Thank you for your valuable suggestions. We appreciate your insights and understand the concerns regarding the acceleration in ATTI mode. Please also kindly keep an eye on the DJI website for updates on future product improvements and firmware releases.

Thank you once again and we hope you have a wonderful Christmas season.
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DJI Stephen Posted at 12-21 02:20
Hi GermanD3Z6,

Thank you for your patience. Based on feedback from our professional team, the DJI Neo uses three sensors for positioning: GPS, a bottom monocular vision sensor, and a bottom infrared sensor. These three sensors work simultaneously, correcting each other's data to achieve accurate positioning and stable hovering, ensuring the drone maintains a stable attitude during flight.

wow! After a month at least some adequate answer. I will only make corrections, this is not just drifting, this is a problem with rc mc 3 and its behavior. Full throttle is turned on, which leads to dangerous situations. Please just make adjustments in the drone-glasses-RC MC 3 controller bundle. Because now even the orange emergency brake button does not work
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DJI Stephen Posted at 12-21 02:20
Hi GermanD3Z6,

Thank you for your patience. Based on feedback from our professional team, the DJI Neo uses three sensors for positioning: GPS, a bottom monocular vision sensor, and a bottom infrared sensor. These three sensors work simultaneously, correcting each other's data to achieve accurate positioning and stable hovering, ensuring the drone maintains a stable attitude during flight.

Unfortunately, I waited too long for an answer and did not receive one from your female colleagues. I returned the Neo to the store because it is dangerous for indoor flights. I bought a Hover. I advise your engineers to see how a compact drone should work indoors. Work on your support, otherwise you won't become the Apple you so desperately want to be like.
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Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 12-21 02:20
Hi GermanD3Z6,

Thank you for your patience. Based on feedback from our professional team, the DJI Neo uses three sensors for positioning: GPS, a bottom monocular vision sensor, and a bottom infrared sensor. These three sensors work simultaneously, correcting each other's data to achieve accurate positioning and stable hovering, ensuring the drone maintains a stable attitude during flight.

Thanks DJI Stephen.  Finally or I missed any prior posts explaining why the Neo behaves the way it does.
The >15LUX illumination on a textured floor as the spec note seems to be the critical factor for maintaining control.

Any possibility of a firmware update that allows user to shut the stabilization off in N and/or S modes.  At least when using the FPV RC3 controller.  Option in the Menu>Safety>Advance Safety sub menu. Basically what the rest of the world calls Angle mode.  Personally would rather fly without stabilization when indoors v. unplanned loss of input control in lower lighted areas.  
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DJI Tony

GermanD3Z6 Posted at 12-21 07:26
Unfortunately, I waited too long for an answer and did not receive one from your female colleagues. I returned the Neo to the store because it is dangerous for indoor flights. I bought a Hover. I advise your engineers to see how a compact drone should work indoors. Work on your support, otherwise you won't become the Apple you so desperately want to be like.

Hi GermanD3Z6. We are sorry to hear this. However we truly value your feedback, and we'll make sure to pass it on to the right team for review.
If you have other questions in the future, please feel free to contact us.
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DJI Tony

OldGuy2024 Posted at 12-21 07:46
Thanks DJI Stephen.  Finally or I missed any prior posts explaining why the Neo behaves the way it does.
The >15LUX illumination on a textured floor as the spec note seems to be the critical factor for maintaining control.

Hi there. We appreciate your suggestion and will let our engineers evaluate it.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
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Flight distance : 235833 ft


Just when in thought that I found a solution with my  led bottom lights, , I crashed my Neo again, several times! I flew in a covered parking space, with was well lit. But probably not textured enough. I understand perfectly that this is problematic. But the main problem is, that at several moments (each time I crashed), the Neo just was uncontrollable, it flew into the walls at full speed. I could not even stop the drone! Controls were just gone.... I used Goggles N3 with motion controller. I know I have to  "fly in well lit textured environment", and I know for best results you need all the sensors and Gps to be functional, but losing 100% control at 20mtrs is just unacceptable!!!
Come on DJI, give us a solution, before this drone gets a bad reputation.
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DJI Tony

OldGuy2024 Posted at 12-21 07:46
Thanks DJI Stephen.  Finally or I missed any prior posts explaining why the Neo behaves the way it does.
The >15LUX illumination on a textured floor as the spec note seems to be the critical factor for maintaining control.

Hi there. After we gave suggestions to the engineers, they told us that if there is no downward sensor, then indoors (without GPS signal), there is only one infrared sensor left, and the aircraft will be out of control more seriously.
If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us.
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With Love

DJI Tony Posted at 12-25 00:58
Hi there. After we gave suggestions to the engineers, they told us that if there is no downward sensor, then indoors (without GPS signal), there is only one infrared sensor left, and the aircraft will be out of control more seriously.
If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us.

Do you still think that the problem does not exist?
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DJI Tony

With Love Posted at 12-25 03:05
Do you still think that the problem does not exist?

We are sorry to inform you that DJI has temporarily suspended all business activities in Russia and Ukraine from 00:00 on April 27, 2022 (Beijing time). Here is the information for your reference: ... -compliance-efforts Thanks for your understanding.
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With Love

DJI Tony Posted at 12-25 03:53
We are sorry to inform you that DJI has temporarily suspended all business activities in Russia and Ukraine from 00:00 on April 27, 2022 (Beijing time). Here is the information for your reference: Thanks for your understanding.

How does this relate to the problem? And what does Russia have to do with it?
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With Love

DJI Tony Posted at 12-25 03:53
We are sorry to inform you that DJI has temporarily suspended all business activities in Russia and Ukraine from 00:00 on April 27, 2022 (Beijing time). Here is the information for your reference: Thanks for your understanding.

If I fly to your office in China tomorrow, will you start solving the problem?))
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DJI Tony

With Love Posted at 12-25 04:03
If I fly to your office in China tomorrow, will you start solving the problem?))

We sincerely apologize, but DJI currently does not sell any products in this area and cannot provide service (and we do not provide service for any after-sales issues related to military activities/military weapons). Thank you for your understanding and support.
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With Love

DJI Tony Posted at 12-25 04:05
We sincerely apologize, but DJI currently does not sell any products in this area and cannot provide service (and we do not provide service for any after-sales issues related to military activities/military weapons). Thank you for your understanding and support.

You don't sell drones in China? Are you nuts? Please wake up and start working. Where I am is my own business. It's not related to the issue.
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Flight distance : 1193133 ft

With Love Posted at 12-25 04:07
You don't sell drones in China? Are you nuts? Please wake up and start working. Where I am is my own business. It's not related to the issue.

Haha! Welcome to the team. They do everything but solve problems.
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With Love

NoDJI Posted at 12-25 04:18
Haha! Welcome to the team. They do everything but solve problems.

I don't want to be in any teams. I want to get an answer to my question.
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DJI Tony

With Love Posted at 12-25 04:07
You don't sell drones in China? Are you nuts? Please wake up and start working. Where I am is my own business. It's not related to the issue.

We are sorry to inform you that we are unable to provide you with service because your IP address is displayed as Russia. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
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Dominic Laberge

I did experience the same low light behavior on my Neo where the drone goes full throtle after going in the dark; it should remain AT ALL TIME operable via controller. This is not acceptable behavior for a quality product.... please investigate/fix so at least the drone remain controllable even if sensor are blocked.
1-2 16:02
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