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SuperNight video: Ouch!
3327 21 2024-12-21
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John-in-Lincs UK
United Kingdom

It's been a while since I've been able to check in here as my old desktop PC literally blew up when I was processing some 4k footage. One very expensive new desptop computer later (which failed and had to be returned) and I am back in business again.

I have taken some nice footage with my recently purchased Action 5 Pro, both in the daytime and also some not-too-bad footage in less well lit settings, but this evening's attempt to film some festivities at our local church in much darker settings have come out, well, embarrassingly bad. I'm sure the footage should have been much better than this.

Using 'Supernight' at 4K30/RS, auto-everything at 16:9 ratio.

It's blurry, shaky, lots of flares due to bright street lighting, etc. and just generally very poor. What on earth have I got so badly wrong?

Thanks for any tips. (I am a total beginner and I know I have a LOT to learn so please go easy on me.)
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United States

I'll note down settings that  may want to try to yourself.

I shoot at:

4K30 or 60fps,  EIS HB (forced STD dewarp)
Exposure Auto: Shutter speed 1/200 - 8000, or 1/100 - 8000, EV -0.3
Color profile 10-bit  color
Image adjustmentL Texture -2. Vid NR -1
Stab scene  Daily (walking) sport moving)
AWB auto

When I set this up this way the shots do not jitter when walking slow,  flares  can not be controlled, either    miss the street lights and keep them above you,  once they get in at 10-2 O'clock area its flares

enjoyed the shots
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op vid

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Fishycomics Posted at 12-21 15:55
I'll note down settings that  may want to try to yourself.

I shoot at:

Hi Fish, Your settings are for video, not supernight mode right? I don' think you can adjust NR and texture in supernight mode, except for shutter speed range, AWB and stabilization scenario. With max ISO cranked up all the way to 51200 which is fixed, it's all AI processing and the only way you get a nice video is when you and the subjects are not moving...

Sounds like your video settings are right on when it comes to the best achievable video quality. I'm using those too except for ISO keeping it to max 12800 (to keep the noise low, at the expense of darker looking videos) and both NR and Texture at -1.

I have yet to try ISO25600 using Texture -2...will give it a try later to see if it can further reduce the noise (less sharpening).

Thanks Fish.

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John-in-Lincs UK
United Kingdom

Thanks both for the input. Appreciated.

No doubt Christmas is going to get in the way in the coming week but I'll squeeze in some more video time somehow.

Got to say, overall, I am really pleased with this camera.  

Onward and upward!

Wishing everybody a fab festive season.
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United States

FfoSuy Posted at 12-21 20:58
Hi Fish, Your settings are for video, not supernight mode right? I don' think you can adjust NR and texture in supernight mode, except for shutter speed range, AWB and stabilization scenario. With max ISO cranked up all the way to 51200 which is fixed, it's all AI processing and the only way you get a nice video is when you and the subjects are not moving...

Sounds like your video settings are right on when it comes to the best achievable video quality. I'm using those too except for ISO keeping it to max 12800 (to keep the noise low, at the expense of darker looking videos) and both NR and Texture at -1.

Super night use the video mode setting and if you want to go lighter do the 1/100th-8000, also since DJI  (yes) locked the ISO  they should offer it then lock it.
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SkegnessDX Posted at 12-22 03:23
Thanks both for the input. Appreciated.

No doubt Christmas is going to get in the way in the coming week but I'll squeeze in some more video time somehow.

you are most welcomed. the cmaera is by far better then the Action 4 " In ways" some do notlove ie,  but we do not hate it.

  once we dial it in, DJI will change up the profile real soon and  game

Happy holidays  Christmas is the best time of year never in our way
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John-in-Lincs UK
United Kingdom

Fishycomics Posted at 12-22 03:55
you are most welcomed. the cmaera is by far better then the Action 4 " In ways" some do notlove ie,  but we do not hate it.

 once we dial it in, DJI will change up the profile real soon and  game

Good to hear. Thanks Fishy.
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Fishycomics Posted at 12-22 03:53
Super night use the video mode setting and if you want to go lighter do the 1/100th-8000, also since DJI  (yes) locked the ISO  they should offer it then lock it.

Thanks Fish...I didn't know that...
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United States

FfoSuy Posted at 12-22 06:16
Thanks Fish...I didn't know that...

the lower the shutter number, the brighter the video, the Supernight seems to be like 1/30th, we should keep no less then 1/100, that is where the jitters stop, but I am sure there are other   settings going on, and DJI will not tell us. you ask them they simply  avoid answering questions of settings.

they should help then   say     wait for a member that has..
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Fishycomics Posted at 12-22 06:56
the lower the shutter number, the brighter the video, the Supernight seems to be like 1/30th, we should keep no less then 1/100, that is where the jitters stop, but I am sure there are other   settings going on, and DJI will not tell us. you ask them they simply  avoid answering questions of settings.

they should help then   say     wait for a member that has..

Hi Fish, one thing for sure there is a lot of AI processing going on with the noise reduction at such ISOs, and things get mushed up in the darker areas in Supernight mode. I too keep high shutter speeds to reduce the jitters but it does darken the video a bit and the noise also get worse as it pushes for the highest ISO to compensate. I believe our fellow forumer hgamelas has a nice video comparison with different FPS and shutter speed in Supernight mode.
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United States

FfoSuy Posted at 12-22 07:32
Hi Fish, one thing for sure there is a lot of AI processing going on with the noise reduction at such ISOs, and things get mushed up in the darker areas in Supernight mode. I too keep high shutter speeds to reduce the jitters but it does darken the video a bit and the noise also get worse as it pushes for the highest ISO to compensate. I believe our fellow forumer hgamelas has a nice video comparison with different FPS and shutter speed in Supernight mode.

sure does. I am just happy I can get low light walks in now. We are for sure going to see more A.I . in these cameras, that is today's technology
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after i used supernight for a couple of times, i never used it again.

mainly do

video mode
4k60 wide
shutter speed 1/200~1/8000 (if you are just walking, maybe you could slow the shutter speed to 1/100)
iso 100~25600
stabilization scenario sport
Image Adjustment
Texture -1 Noise Reduction -1
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John-in-Lincs UK
United Kingdom

Interesting. Thanks for this defcomedyjam. I'll get this into practice shortly.

I will post the results on my new channel.
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I tailored mine to mostly night dimly lit shots and used the following settings (day shots are always fantastic with these settings too)
Video Mode
4k30 or 4k25 (depending on where you are...NTSC or PAL), 4k60/50 will make your video darker as compared to 4k30/25 if surrounding is very dimly lit. Unless you want to rid motion blur and do not mind larger file sizes, of course)
Standard Dewarp or Wide (depending on what FOV you want)
Shutter Speed 1/100 - 1/8000 (1/200 will also work but the video will end up darker)
ISO 100 to 12800 (if video is too dark for your taste, you may want to bump this up to 100-25600, but the noise will be more obvious in some situations)
Stabilization Scenario: Sport
Image Adjustment: Texture -1 Noise Reduction -1

Hope this helps as well!
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John-in-Lincs UK
United Kingdom

Thanks FfoSuy.

I do get the fact that it's often a trade-off with these settings.

If I am lucky, I will make a short video in town tonight, same place, with these different settings. This thing called Christmas might get in the way but we'll see!

Anther thing I am looking forward to along the way is post-processing in Premiere, but if I am honest, I am someone who likes the camera to do the work for me. i.e. everything 'auto', but that kind of thinking won't solve the problems I am getting.
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SkegnessDX Posted at 12-23 03:36
Thanks FfoSuy.

I do get the fact that it's often a trade-off with these settings.

I'm like you too...I try to avoid post work at all cost unless I have no choice. Good luck and looking forward to your next posting/ sharing.
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First Officer
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United Kingdom

FfoSuy Posted at 12-23 04:31
I'm like you too...I try to avoid post work at all cost unless I have no choice. Good luck and looking forward to your next posting/ sharing.

I also like to use the standard profile when I can because having less done to the picture in post gives slightly faster rendering times.
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Iancraig10 Posted at 12-23 06:42
I also like to use the standard profile when I can because having less done to the picture in post gives slightly faster rendering times.

Fully agree....
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DJI Natalia

Hi there, thank you for your feedback and we are sorry for the inconvenience caused. This phenomenon is normal. When using Osmo Action 5 Pro to record in SuperNight mode outdoors or in well-lit environments, the camera will not activate the low-light image enhancement upon transitioning to indoor or dimly lit scenes. Please start the recording again to resolve this issue.

We appreciate your ongoing support!
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John-in-Lincs UK
United Kingdom

DJI Natalia Posted at 12-31 03:33
Hi there, thank you for your feedback and we are sorry for the inconvenience caused. This phenomenon is normal. When using Osmo Action 5 Pro to record in SuperNight mode outdoors or in well-lit environments, the camera will not activate the low-light image enhancement upon transitioning to indoor or dimly lit scenes. Please start the recording again to resolve this issue.

We appreciate your ongoing support!

Thanks DJI Natalia.

I have always known that low light situations are never the best.

I am still yet to try the settings described by the forum members above but, as I expected, Christmas got in the way. I should be back to 'normal' (whatever that is) in a week or so.

I did try a few recordings in dim light indoors with good results. A little post-processing was necessary to add some brightness and this worked very well.

More in the new year!

... and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR to all members!
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United States

Happy New year as well, we look forward to your experience in the shots,  FISH
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