John-in-Lincs UK
United Kingdom
It's been a while since I've been able to check in here as my old desktop PC literally blew up when I was processing some 4k footage. One very expensive new desptop computer later (which failed and had to be returned) and I am back in business again.
I have taken some nice footage with my recently purchased Action 5 Pro, both in the daytime and also some not-too-bad footage in less well lit settings, but this evening's attempt to film some festivities at our local church in much darker settings have come out, well, embarrassingly bad. I'm sure the footage should have been much better than this.
Using 'Supernight' at 4K30/RS, auto-everything at 16:9 ratio.
It's blurry, shaky, lots of flares due to bright street lighting, etc. and just generally very poor. What on earth have I got so badly wrong?
Thanks for any tips. (I am a total beginner and I know I have a LOT to learn so please go easy on me.)