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ISSUE - Yaw Tumble
317 2 2024-12-27
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Aladdin FPV

Hi, I expected the infamous yaw tumble 3 times in my first 3 times ever flying the avata, I just bought it last week for a quick trip, the avata is capable of most manuvares and all the movements are done in a slow controlled way, but whenever i do any yew movement when i'm decending or diving down, this happens, and i almost crash 3 times!

This is a serious issue or some sensor safety feature that needs to be disabled or at least have an option to disable it, flying in manual mode is a completly different way of flying and your head is in a different place, i can't call it manual when i know something is there to save me or take control at any point.

Note that I've been flying manual fpv with all different types of fpv drones commercially for over 4 years, from cinelifters to micros, and never had a cinewhoop or ducted drone behave this way, if it has limits, it shows while you're flying it and not sudden.

If you believe this is not an issue like some of the replies i've seen on forums, then i will happely return it and request for a refund.

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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

The yaw tumble issue is well known issue with most whoops,  and both the original avata and the 2 both suffer from it if you push it too hard.  
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Aladdin FPV

I don't think i was pushing it in anyway in the above videos, and I'm uploading 2 more videos later, just normal filming moves, not freestyle
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