#Quick Reply Here# I used these parameters : bits_per_sample=int(metadata_exif.get('Image BitsPerSample').values[0])
black_level = int(metadata_xmp['BlackCurrent'])
sensor_gain = float(metadata_xmp['IrradianceGain'])
exposure_time = float(metadata_xmp['SunSensorExposureTime'])
irradiance = float(metadata_xmp['Irradiance'])
sun_sensor = float(metadata_xmp['SunSensor'])
and this formula:
def radiometric_correction(image, black_level, gain, exposure_time, irradiance, bits_per_sample, sun_sensor):
# Normalizar el nivel de negro
normalized_black = black_level / (2 ** bits_per_sample)
# Normalizar los valores crudos de los píxeles
normalized_image = image / (2 ** bits_per_sample)
# Corrección de radiancia
radiance = (normalized_image - normalized_black) / (gain * exposure_time *1000000)
# Ajuste usando irradiancia y el sensor solar
reflectance = (radiance / (irradiance/(2 ** bits_per_sample))) * (sun_sensor)
return reflectance
I think it's moderately correct; the manual is not very clear. Now I want to align the four multispectral images, but I can't find the HMatrix anywhere. If you know how to create it, please let me know. Greetings from Chile!