Flight distance : 1581138 ft
hi everyone,
we set multiple flights during a big surveyor programmed as "corridor mode".
customer ask only for a coastriver of a big lake in our country.
now dji terra processed was fully completed, but noted that areas that cover blend of flights was little bit noised, maybe when 350 rotating for back ward L2 dont stop acquisition, and "multiple circle line" appears on model.
this "circle line" appears as noise, as you see on pics attached, but software create a little bit layer that create confusion on customer.
did you know how could we remove, next step processing, (ex terra solid that we not know how), decimaing, or simply processing by third part software in order to have a clear model?
Flights was taken by Emlid reach RS+ in rtk mode, then in all flights was inserted rinex files, so no layer was affected for a mismatched blend.