United States
Hi there -- I flew a number of manual missions using an L2, flying on an M350. Every 3 minutes, when prompted, I ran a manual calibration, but I kept the mission recording at the same time. Now that I've downloaded the resulting data, I see that the missions seem to have been divided up into three different folders, such that I have all of the relevant files in the first folder -- in cluding .imu and .ldr and .rtk -- but then there are no such files in the subsequent folders, which only contain timestamp files and photographs. The .IMU and .LDR and .RTK files in the first folder indicate that IMU readings, lidar data, and RTK positions continued to be recorded while the photographs stored in the latter two folders were being taken. Is there any way I can add the photographs from the latter two folders to the first folder? Could I do so by batch renaming the photographs so that they continue the sequence found in the first folder and then add these updated file names to the timestamp document?
Also, is the proper procedure to manually calibrate, then record, then stop recording before calibration is demanded again, so that one divides up all manual flights into roughly 3-minute sections, stored as different missoins? Or does one simply need to initiate calibration before the 3 minutes are up?
Thank you!