Nikonitis Posted at 1-10 03:26
I've tried opening one of the dng file in Adobe DNG converter, with which Adobe says it is compatible, using the latest version, but all folder files are greyed out, so no files are recognised. I've had a look at Darktable, Mac doesn't recognise the program and Therapee produces much the same results as the Serif Labs on Affinity 2, with vignetting and blue cast over the image.
hI, Nikontis. The adobe dng converter is used to convert other raw files TO dng, so it won't do a thing with your dnng files....
The very first complication tweaking with raw/dng is finding the software that does what you want and that you like to use.
I'm on linux guy so I can't speak to RawTherapee or others on Macs, but I can say that there's a lot to learn navigating these more complicated programs....
Simpler, you can try just tweaking the drone's jpegs in many, many less convoluted softwares, but do save all originals as copies somewhere. If you are worried about lossiness, make a copy of the drone's jpeg as a tiff or png and edit them-they are lossless.