Why are batteries with only 100ish cycles dying?
So I normally run four batteries on my Air2s and Air2, cycling through them as they are numbered for flight sessions. Also I store them at 30-50% when not in use, even just hovering to run them down at times vs letting the auto depletion kick in. That said I have counted 12 times where I have had to let them auto deplete.
Recently I have noticed that three of them are now showing signs of swelling (and yes I know I should throw them away immediately etc etc), but there are degrees, from very slight swelling after a full flgiht to quite bad (they wobble when put flat on table) but these are only 120 cycles in?!
I methodically did a test of five batteries I have - including one brand new one as a good benchmark and here are the results ... I think it very bad that even after looking after these batteries they are far down from the projected 200 cycles and we are expected to just throw $200AUD at time into the 'battery' bins ... And batteries 1-3 here means if I buy new I just kiss goodbye to $600AUD and have to spend another $600AUD replacing them. Obviously the Dji warranty will run out on these and is a good money earner if we are talking about 100 flights per battery, which would work out at $2AUD per 15 minutes of flight time (given that is the realistic in air time for these) ...
As at 6 January 2025 ambient temperature 19C - DRSD (duration reported at start to fully depleted). These are hover tests in no wind so less cooling for battery of course.
1 - 1Z3PH3REA101MO - cycles 127 - 11.38V av - max temp 51C - drsd 20:05 (from full) - noticeable swelling after flight 2 - 1Z3PH4MEA10DE7 - cycles 127 - 11.42V av - max temp - drsd 20:12 ( (from full) - noticeable swelling after flight 3 - 1Z3PH4REA1080P - cycles 114 - 11.2V av … max temp 52C - drsd 20:16 (from full) - some swelling after flight 4 - 1Z3PJ16EA2060B - cycles 88 - 11.4V av - max temp 49C - drsd 22:15 (from full) - minimal swelling after flight 5 - 1Z3PJ4FEA30CZK (new) - cycles 3 - 11.8V av - max temp 44C - drsd 24:10 - no swelling after flight
Batteries 1-4 historically stored at 30-50% and only about 12 times they have auto depleted due to cancelled flights / weather etc