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Save the live streamers! RTMP, HDMI and UVC
1112 26 1-6 12:46
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ThisIsKurtIRL on Twitch
United Kingdom

Pleeeeeeeeeeease add 50/60fps for all live streaming, it will help us so much. Its been asked many times and yet nothing happens.
1-6 12:46
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ThisIsKurtIRL on Twitch
United Kingdom

Also see
1-7 03:59
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United Kingdom

Please implement this ASAP, of zero use to me if it cant stream at a steady 50fps here in the UK.
1-8 05:39
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I am just sad I buy this camera, hope this will be fixed soon...
1-9 02:39
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Should be easy to implement in the camera. It has the hardware for it
1-11 18:03
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They doesnt even answer anymore xD
1-20 11:12
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ThisIsKurtIRL on Twitch
United Kingdom

They dont care
1-20 13:15
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DJI Wanda

Hi, there
We will forward your suggestion to our engineering team for further evaluation.
Please stay tuned to DJI's official website, as we will update the latest news on the official website as soon as we receive it.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
1-23 03:02
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ThisIsKurtIRL on Twitch
United Kingdom

DJI Wanda Posted at 1-23 03:02
Hi, there
We will forward your suggestion to our engineering team for further evaluation.
Please stay tuned to DJI's official website, as we will update the latest news on the official website as soon as we receive it.

They wont fix anything sadly
1-24 07:45
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DJI Wanda

Hello. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we sincerely appreciate you taking the time to bring this matter to our attention. Please be assured that your request for this feature has been documented and will be forwarded to our engineering team for further evaluation.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.
1-24 20:26
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ThisIsKurtIRL on Twitch
United Kingdom

DJI Wanda Posted at 1-24 20:26
Hello. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we sincerely appreciate you taking the time to bring this matter to our attention. Please be assured that your request for this feature has been documented and will be forwarded to our engineering team for further evaluation.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.

They already met with a live streaming company and refused to address the issues or add features
1-25 09:07
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Yea i would say its the matter of luck hitting us from now on. Just gotta wait and see and stick with our setups for now. Or even go back to phones. No point in hitting the forums every day to check in
1-25 17:50
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antti kalastelija

The bottleneck when streaming on android via mimo rtmp. There should be possibility to change bitrate. If i stream 1080 mimo uses all bandwith of my mobile internet which is 30mbit upload and that cant be handled on streaming platforms (twitch,kick..) and  ppl watching havent got that good of internet. Even top quality streamers with home internet go only 20mbits on 4k
Another question i havent got answered is that when you start a stream somewhere outside wheres no wifi  but only (100mbits download / 30mbits upload) mobile internet the mimo still requires wifi, so basically no stream without wifi no matter how good your mobile connection is.
IS that commonly known issue via android or do i have some sort of issue between hardware and software?
1-30 02:50
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antti kalastelija Posted at 1-30 02:50
The bottleneck when streaming on android via mimo rtmp. There should be possibility to change bitrate. If i stream 1080 mimo uses all bandwith of my mobile internet which is 30mbit upload and that cant be handled on streaming platforms (twitch,kick..) and  ppl watching havent got that good of internet. Even top quality streamers with home internet go only 20mbits on 4k
Another question i havent got answered is that when you start a stream somewhere outside wheres no wifi  but only (100mbits download / 30mbits upload) mobile internet the mimo still requires wifi, so basically no stream without wifi no matter how good your mobile connection is.
IS that commonly known issue via android or do i have some sort of issue between hardware and software?

If I remember correctly the mimo app only pushes 5000 in bitrate. So you should have plenty of bandwidth to stream from your phone. I would advice you too stream to a rtmp and then stream to twitch or what ever platform with obs from a desktop. Streaming directly from a camera to a platform is just gonna create a lot of issues for you, disconnects etc. I stream to a local wifi ip and then uses a box to bond it to an srtla server which gets pulled in my obs on my desktop and onto twitch.

But with that being said, I agree. We should be able to have flexibility and change bitrate instead of 3 settings. Low, med, high. I mean what does that even mean? Lmao. A slider would be sweet and even make it so it can push 30000 in bitrate max to low 1000 to find your sweet spot. Because these wifi6 cams can do much more than what we see and what the mimo apps offers. I hate being limited with software when the hardware can push more..
1-30 07:48
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antti kalastelija

SoWeQ Posted at 1-30 07:48
If I remember correctly the mimo app only pushes 5000 in bitrate. So you should have plenty of bandwidth to stream from your phone. I would advice you too stream to a rtmp and then stream to twitch or what ever platform with obs from a desktop. Streaming directly from a camera to a platform is just gonna create a lot of issues for you, disconnects etc. I stream to a local wifi ip and then uses a box to bond it to an srtla server which gets pulled in my obs on my desktop and onto twitch.

But with that being said, I agree. We should be able to have flexibility and change bitrate instead of 3 settings. Low, med, high. I mean what does that even mean? Lmao. A slider would be sweet and even make it so it can push 30000 in bitrate max to low 1000 to find your sweet spot. Because these wifi6 cams can do much more than what we see and what the mimo apps offers. I hate being limited with software when the hardware can push more..

ok, then im missing something because i should have latest andorid mimo (v2.1.16) but i dont have those low, med or high options, andoird only has smooth and HD. I have done several streams and yes it pushes 30mbits out to twitch on 1080uhd, next lower option is 720hd which pushes out 15mbits, RS is very poor on both, lowets option is 480p havent tried that yet
Might be different on iphone (iOS) atleast version number is higher.
And lets say you want to stream out from a lake and cant start a stream because for connecting camera to phone u first need a wifi connection and that for like a couple seconds and then change to mobile hotspot
Seems like the andorid version is really on its baby phaseI allready asked about these in december but DJI people only gave some copy paste text, basicly not aswering at all for the problems
1-30 09:36
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antti kalastelija

While streaming people told that twitch desktop app doesnt work and with poor internet it was a slide show for many. In kick the VODs were 6seconds in lenght, twitch kept it in 1 file.i use "restream" as a rtmp distributor, so its not going straight to stream platforms
Not sure how long this VOd is still available but on settings/advanced/video stats/playback bitrate you can see upto 30mbits
People with good internet had no problems watching the stream but others could only see slide show, desktop app only gave black screen with audio, thats why i call it a bottleneck, infrastructure globally cant handle the 30mbits and if lower resolution 720 is still boosting upto 15 mbits , the mimo app sucks that what i mean.
When my android phone dies, next phone is iphone and with moblin app all should be easier, i´ve heard
1-30 10:27
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antti kalastelija

did go through osmo 4 forum and this problem was there in early 2024 allready
1-30 21:43
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antti kalastelija Posted at 1-30 21:43
did go through osmo 4 forum and this problem was there in early 2024 allready

Like i said, i wouldnt stream directly to a platform from a camera. Always use a rtmp to obs and then obs to platform. Twitch is limited on 8000mbps so anything above will limit you. Setting obs to 10000mbps will take your stream to 720p 2000 mbps. The mimo app is not very good I agree, but if used to set to a Hotspot/ local rtmp its gonna be decent. You can check out my channel if you want i use OA4 daily connected with some homemade stuff to a local rtmp / encoder. I can text you how if you shoot me a dm on twitch/insta or what ever suits you.
1-31 00:48
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So if the cam shoots 30000 directly to twitch, your stream will have big issues
1-31 00:48
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antti kalastelija

SoWeQ Posted at 1-31 00:48
Like i said, i wouldnt stream directly to a platform from a camera. Always use a rtmp to obs and then obs to platform. Twitch is limited on 8000mbps so anything above will limit you. Setting obs to 10000mbps will take your stream to 720p 2000 mbps. The mimo app is not very good I agree, but if used to set to a Hotspot/ local rtmp its gonna be decent. You can check out my channel if you want i use OA4 daily connected with some homemade stuff to a local rtmp / encoder. I can text you how if you shoot me a dm on twitch/insta or what ever suits you.

I thought for years that twitch is limited to 6000 but in this my case i could go to 30mbits with 1080, even viewers were telling from advanced settings that bitrates were that high.
Maybe things have changed from last time you tested but theres no limit or atleast its not 30mbits. With 720 resolution and "smooth" bitrate the average is 3500kbps, so its streamable but with quite poor quality. Who ever is in charge of osmo action live streaming developing, the work quality is a piece of ....
I hit the follow button and come check someday, thanks for helping

1-31 01:00
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United States

antti kalastelija Posted at 1-31 01:00
I thought for years that twitch is limited to 6000 but in this my case i could go to 30mbits with 1080, even viewers were telling from advanced settings that bitrates were that high.
Maybe things have changed from last time you tested but theres no limit or atleast its not 30mbits. With 720 resolution and "smooth" bitrate the average is 3500kbps, so its streamable but with quite poor quality. Who ever is in charge of osmo action live streaming developing, the work quality is a piece of ....
I hit the follow button and come check someday, thanks for helping

You cant go higher than 8000.. i stream on twitch every day and have done for years. So it's not something that has changed. The 30000 you see is not real numbers. I've seen various tests on this camera where it claims a certain bitrate but doesn't broadcast it. I know for a fact someone that has been in the software development and have put the cam to 20000 where it was stuck at 5000 even though it said otherwise. It all depends on the software you test with. There's some smarter people out there than me that can explain better, but I don't think it matters
2-2 04:35
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antti kalastelija

SoWeQ Posted at 2-2 04:35
You cant go higher than 8000.. i stream on twitch every day and have done for years. So it's not something that has changed. The 30000 you see is not real numbers. I've seen various tests on this camera where it claims a certain bitrate but doesn't broadcast it. I know for a fact someone that has been in the software development and have put the cam to 20000 where it was stuck at 5000 even though it said otherwise. It all depends on the software you test with. There's some smarter people out there than me that can explain better, but I don't think it matters

well then its just possible for some people it, you have many followers so u maight have unlocked that option. Like the possibility for viewers to change resolution works for bigger streamers only
for example heres 10000kbps
do u need more evidence?
2-2 04:45
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antti kalastelija

The data was collected from twitch platforms own statics, so i wouldnt say they show totally wrong numbers and the quality of the VOD was showing it definitely was 1080UHD really good image. I have done close to 10 years of streaming and seen alot, but I don't think it matters
2-2 04:52
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antti kalastelija

you can see the chat mentioning bitrate too and all difficulties that i have mentioned above the advance video stats and see yourself and thats only on 30fps, what would it be on 60fps! u can even download the stream file for further analyzing
Now that it´s pin pointed out i hope some DJI moderators deliver this to upstairs.
Basicly the quality is atleast a decade ahead of its time (dji can cheer for this!) but bad thing is that it doesnt work for most viewers.
And im talking now when using OA5pro via mimo rtmp to different streaming platforms, the bitrate of 30mbits on lowest 1080 setting is too much.
Theres many ways to cut those bits down but im looking now a zero budget solution which should be DJI´s priority if theres anybody understandin anything about live streaming and its requirements. Possibility to change bitrate and auto reconnect would be a huge improvement and 50/60fps would be a heaven
2-2 06:50
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We have been trying to communicate the problems with RTMP on OA5 for months now... In most threads, they have already stopped replying. You will be lucky to get an answer, and if you do, it will be something like 'We appreciate your feedback' and that's it.
2-3 03:10
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ThisIsKurtIRL on Twitch
United Kingdom

I created a thread about the issues with live streaming and wireless mics on the OA5 and DJI didnt even bother to reply not even the standard response
2-4 02:39
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antti kalastelija

ThisIsKurtIRL on Twitch Posted at 2-4 02:39
I created a thread about the issues with live streaming and wireless mics on the OA5 and DJI didnt even bother to reply not even the standard response

good to know, thinking of buying wireless mics when driving "simulator" wheel n pedals on iracing, but maybe rode is the way to go
2-4 05:56
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