DJI Natalia
Hi there! We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused reagrding your DJI Mavic 3 classic. Could you clarify with me your firmware version? Please be informed that, the latest firmware 0600 optimizes most satellite search and signal interference problems to improve the user experience. However, we are aware of user concerns regarding DJI Mavic 3’s slow satellite search upon powering on and have already located the problem.
We have noticed that it takes additional time for some users’ Mavic 3 to connect to satellites in some high-latitude areas. We have located the cause of this issue and will address it directly in a firmware update within the next two months.
It is worth noting that satellite acquisition time, also known as time to first fix (TTFF) is also affected by internet connection. If the aircraft is not connected to the internet, a cold start of its GPS receiver will result in a TTFF of approximately one to two minutes under ideal satellite signal conditions. A cold start can be avoided if the previous flight was within 40 minutes. In general, TTFF is significantly reduced when the aircraft is connected to the internet.
User satisfaction is always at the heart of our work. We will continue to improve your experience.