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Avata 2 Camera settings
135 2 1-9 01:17
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Hi Guys, I got my new avata 2, 2 weeks ago and I don't see options for white balance, shutterspeed or ISO.

I only see EIS , aspect ratio, FPS, and auto iso limit.

All the firmware is up to date. Am I missing something here?
1-9 01:17
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

Use the 3d button on the goggles to push up to reveal the menu for setting the camera modes like this -

1-9 02:56
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DJI Natalia

Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. We would like to apologize for the inconvenience. To change the white balance, shutter speed, or ISO on a DJI Avata 2, you can access the camera settings through the DJI Goggles. You may follow the guidelines below on how to access the camera settings:

1. Connect the DJI Goggles, DJI Avata, and DJI Controller
2. Go to Main Menu > Settings > Camera
3. Click on each setting you want to change

You can also refer to the user manual provided below for instructions on accessing the camera settings, found on page 69.

DJI Avata 2 User Manual LINK: ... _Manual_v1.0_en.pdf

I hope you have got the solution you were expecting. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you!
1-11 03:09
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