Account unbound in app but not controller
141 1 1-12 07:17
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United Kingdom

My father recently purchased a Mini 3 Fly More kit that had very little use, but whilst setting it up I found the seller had not unbound it from his account.  My father contacted the seller who was very apologetic and unbound it via the DJI app.  However when I checked the controller, it still shows the owners email address in the profile.  I spoke to the seller again who doesn't know what else he can do.  

I've read quite a few posts about unbinding issues, one of which mentioned that the previous owners DJI app would have to be connected to the controller and aircraft to fix this which obviously isn't possible as the seller is quite a long way from us.  Is there another way this can this be fixed?  The seller is being very cooperative so if there is something else he or I can do then all suggestions gratefully accepted.

1-12 07:17
Use props
DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.

To unbind the remote controller, the network needs to be connected, and the remote controller and aircraft need to be connected. Then please refer to the below path to unbind the remote controller.

The path is:

Profile>Device Management>Value-added service>Unbind RC

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
1-12 08:42
Use props
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