Flight distance : 27840676 ft
So this is a first for me. Had my Air2s for 5 years, hundreds of flights without issue - great drone. OK three low battery controlled landings but nothing else. So yesterday while running a workshop, on two demonstrations I had multiple disconnections, the worst one being the last where the RTH had it hovering about 1m over the edge of a cliff and would not reconnect!
So I would take off normally, fly out to some features 100-300m away do some moves and then, black and white screen, disconnection and I can hear it returning to home. About 50m away it would reconnect, I cancel RTH and I would continue the demonstration. The first time it did this 3 times, RTH, cancel, go back out to 100m, disconnect, RTH, and so on. The second and last session I was a bit further out, and managed to do the moves, was about to bring it back and 'disconnect' - I waited for it to RTH, but annoyingly my home point was set about 10m away over the edge of a cliff! Yes I had taken off in a rush and homepoint had set incorrectly but, forgiving me this error, on this occasion while the drone was just hovering, unable to land, I tunred the controller, rebooted the app a few times and this time it didn't reconnect, 10m away. Rather than wait for the battery to run out and it descend to oblivion, I precariously reached out and managed to just get it with my finger tips!
But the point of this is - why after 5 years I suddenly get disconnection issue when ZERO has changed with settings ... these were two very wild open locations with no interference - in fact my two participants had a3s and zero connection issues ... I use my air2s primarily as a lightweight demonstration drone for my workshops, but this was to be frank, rather embarrasing when it happened ...