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vibration in video since firmware update
413 29 1-25 02:48
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Since I updated the firmware a week or so ago my video is experiencing a lot of vibration.

Not sure if its actually the firmware or hardware issue, but I have not had this before.

see video

anyone else ?

Rocksteady is ON.

1-25 02:48
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United States

Sorry to hear but can you go over each setting that is used in Pro please so all can better understand if you need to  up  the shutter  of the fps used, glad I held off loading, sorry
1-25 03:40
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In the sun
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Fishycomics Posted at 1-25 03:40
Sorry to hear but can you go over each setting that is used in Pro please so all can better understand if you need to  up  the shutter  of the fps used, glad I held off loading, sorry

I am using the same setting I was before updating.
1-25 04:04
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United States

In the sun Posted at 1-25 04:04
I am using the same setting I was before updating.

thank you hope the settings get  resolved.   
1  the mount, was it snug and tight. could it have been loose to cause the   jitterness, as the bike will cause vibration to  the camera if not isolated.   
1-25 04:20
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Umberto Uderzo
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Looks like there is some kind of resonance with the engine that drives Rocksteady crazy.
1-25 04:51
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South Africa

My action 3 padding got wear out by using it mounted to the handlebars. By padding I mean the rubberish material between  the camera body and quick release. Check if you can feel any play when it is mounted on the quick release. Also if you added some additional extensions between the adapter and the handlebars those can also wear fast in that scenario. For handlebars I really think the best way is having a body style mount like gopro, a lot of vibrations happen there and any not solid connection is going to wear out.
1-25 05:00
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Umberto Uderzo Posted at 1-25 04:51
Looks like there is some kind of resonance with the engine that drives Rocksteady crazy.

yes, your right.

In past I have done same road with same settings and its fine

Bit of puzzle, only thing thats changed is firmware.

Unless its a hardware issue ?
1-25 05:06
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peloncr Posted at 1-25 05:00
My action 3 padding got wear out by using it mounted to the handlebars. By padding I mean the rubberish material between  the camera body and quick release. Check if you can feel any play when it is mounted on the quick release. Also if you added some additional extensions between the adapter and the handlebars those can also wear fast in that scenario. For handlebars I really think the best way is having a body style mount like gopro, a lot of vibrations happen there and any not solid connection is going to wear out.

I am using a big stick on sucker, with twin fork mount that goes into genuine DJI clamp.
1-25 05:07
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Costa Rica

In the sun Posted at 1-25 05:07
I am using a big stick on sucker, with twin fork mount that goes into genuine DJI clamp.

To me, it looks like a hardware mounting issue. Especially since the Himalayan vibrates a lot and they look like motor vibrations shaking the mount.
1-25 05:46
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In the sun
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It's the same mount I have been suing with out problems for 5 months or so. But yes, odd.
1-25 06:20
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United States

like said what a coincidence  glad we helped you resolved this issue  ride on
1-25 06:51
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In the sun
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Fishycomics Posted at 1-25 06:51
like said what a coincidence  glad we helped you resolved this issue  ride on

what are you on about. ?

ITS NOT Solved !
1-25 07:42
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United States

You can try Factory reset
1-25 07:53
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dozZzer Posted at 1-25 07:53
You can try Factory reset

yes, that was going to be an option if can resolve quickly. thanks
1-25 07:55
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Costa Rica

In the sun Posted at 1-25 06:20
It's the same mount I have been suing with out problems for 5 months or so. But yes, odd.

It can be wear, it may be worth to remove the setup, clean it and re-install it. From the previous post the camera I didn't understand, for big sucker I guess you mean a suction mount? It is mounted on the gas tank or the wind shield? If the later, the screw in rubber mounts are know to get loose overtime and they will also wear causing the whole thing to vibrate, if they are too loose you may need to buy new ones. In the camera options you can set the Shutter speed range to 1/200 - 1/8000 to help the stabilization, but in this case it doesn't look like the camera is using a slow shutter.
1-25 08:36
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In the sun
Flight distance : 1709583 ft
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peloncr Posted at 1-25 08:36
It can be wear, it may be worth to remove the setup, clean it and re-install it. From the previous post the camera I didn't understand, for big sucker I guess you mean a suction mount? It is mounted on the gas tank or the wind shield? If the later, the screw in rubber mounts are know to get loose overtime and they will also wear causing the whole thing to vibrate, if they are too loose you may need to buy new ones. In the camera options you can set the Shutter speed range to 1/200 - 1/8000 to help the stabilization, but in this case it doesn't look like the camera is using a slow shutter.

the mount is like a large sucker but with adhesive, not removable.  3-4 inches diameter.
the standard dji mount to hold camera.
i have checked all the mounts and its not moving or loose.
no idea what shutter speed is, its a bright sunny day so should be high.
1-25 08:44
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In the sun
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peloncr Posted at 1-25 05:46
To me, it looks like a hardware mounting issue. Especially since the Himalayan vibrates a lot  and they look like motor vibrations shaking the mount.

actually its not that bad but why now when not had in past ?
1-25 08:47
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United States

so all are saying what to do thought that was resolved,  
1-25 08:54
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In the sun
Flight distance : 1709583 ft
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Fishycomics Posted at 1-25 08:54
so all are saying what to do thought that was resolved,


its not resolved
1-25 09:00
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United States

get to DJI Dm about Rollback then good luck
1-25 09:03
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Costa Rica

In the sun Posted at 1-25 08:47
actually its not that bad but why now when not had in past ?

Wear, it can be that until today it got so bad that you noticed. I am almost sure that what I am seeing are motor vibration amplified by something, I have seen them in the past in my recordings when trying different mounts. There is not stabilization that is going to be able to stabilize such vibrations, OIS type will be destroyed very quickly in something like this and EIS can't react fast enough to completely remove them.
1-25 09:20
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In the sun
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peloncr Posted at 1-25 09:20
Wear, it can be that until today it got so bad that you noticed. I am almost sure that what I am seeing are motor vibration amplified by something, I have seen them in the past in my recordings when trying different mounts. There is not stabilization that is going to be able to stabilize such vibrations, OIS type will be destroyed very quickly in something like this and EIS can't react fast enough to completely remove them.

ok, but video i took a pre update was ok.

i have never had this in the 5 months since i purchased camera.
1-25 09:22
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Costa Rica

In the sun Posted at 1-25 09:22
ok, but video i took a pre update was ok.

i have never had this in the 5 months since i purchased camera.

At 9:30 you can see them, with less amplitude but they were already visible. If I was you I would check the DJI mount and rubber mounts of the windshields. Those two IMO are the more likely to be causing them, since if you are using a sticky pad the mount itself should be good.

1-25 09:51
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antti kalastelija

In the sun Posted at 1-25 09:22
ok, but video i took a pre update was ok.

i have never had this in the 5 months since i purchased camera.

I´ve also noticed less stable image when i run. Image gets littel shaky when my foot hits the ground. With old firmware i could use RS and get good image but now need to use RS+.
Still doing some testing so not 100% sure. I was first thinking its the new VIVID tone update that ive been using but now that i read your issue not so sure anymore.
I think that chosen bitrate (high) and wireless ON can lower efficiency of RS, not sure what else can do the same
1-25 10:20
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In the sun
Flight distance : 1709583 ft
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antti kalastelija Posted at 1-25 10:20
I´ve also noticed less stable image when i run. Image gets littel shaky when my foot hits the ground. With old firmware i could use RS and get good image but now need to use RS+.
Still doing some testing so not 100% sure. I was first thinking its the new VIVID tone update that ive been using but now that i read your issue not so sure anymore.
I think that chosen bitrate (high) and wireless ON can lower efficiency of RS, not sure what else can do the same

1-25 10:44
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In the sun
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peloncr Posted at 1-25 09:51
At 9:30 you can see them, with less amplitude but they were already visible. If I was you I would check the DJI mount and rubber mounts of the windshields. Those two IMO are the more likely to be causing them, since if you are using a sticky pad the mount itself should be good.

I will recheck mounts in the morning, they do look good though
1-25 10:45
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fish sticks
New Zealand

If you want to check what is causing the artifacts in the video, you can try to fix the exposure settings with high shutter speed, or increase the framerate if you aren't already recording in 48/50/60 fps. The firmware could contain changes that affect how the camera exposes, and hence the problem appearing (or being more frequent) after the update.

Another thing you can try is to ride the same stretch of road where the blurring happens at different speeds. It can be a combination of engine vibrations and road bumps (suspension travel) that result in the bad shaking frequency.

Side note: if you mount the camera on the front fender (or your helmet) you will eliminate engine vibrations altogether.
1-25 13:30
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In the sun
Flight distance : 1709583 ft
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fish sticks Posted at 1-25 13:30
If you want to check what is causing the artifacts in the video, you can try to fix the exposure settings with high shutter speed, or increase the framerate if you aren't already recording in 48/50/60 fps. The firmware could contain changes that affect how the camera exposes, and hence the problem appearing (or being more frequent) after the update.

Another thing you can try is to ride the same stretch of road where the blurring happens at different speeds. It can be a combination of engine vibrations and road bumps (suspension travel) that result in the bad shaking frequency.

the artefacts as you call them is the camera shaking like mad and not compensating for it.

The reason for camera mounting location is so I can visibly see what camera is doing as I start stop it during ride. It does not always respond to voice commands.

i will trying upping the fps next time.
1-25 22:02
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fish sticks
New Zealand

Another thing that just occurred to me is that you can test if specific engine rpm is causing the shake. You will have to point the camera so the instrument cluster (tacho/speedo) is in frame.
1-26 01:09
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In the sun
Flight distance : 1709583 ft
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fish sticks Posted at 1-26 01:09
Another thing that just occurred to me is that you can test if specific engine rpm is causing the shake. You will have to point the camera so the instrument cluster (tacho/speedo) is in frame.

Good idea but not possible as camera is in front of screen and not possible to point at dash as its at wrong angle.

I just did a full factory reset and weather permitting will take motorbike for a ride this afternoon to see if that changes anything.
1-26 01:49
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