I don't to be honest understand the difference between video range and control range.
For example, I lose video signal and all telemetry at less than 100m line of sight (this is only the standard)...
but it does not RTH and I appear to still have some control..
So my question is this:
* if you lose video signal and all telemetry is that loss of control as well? or not?
* how long with a black video screen do you have, in seconds, before RTH kicks in?
the "bars" indicator next to the controller picture -- is that signal strength? of what? of the video signal or the control signal?
because I lose video when it still shows lots of bars.
Bonus question:
If you are in CE territory (which is, what? Australia and Europe?) is usable range about half the "when in US" range
due to automatically set lower output stage power?