Flight distance : 1488609 ft
I used the app a few times and I really like it but there are a few things that I think it can be improved.
1. Change the direction of the path generated.
2. Beeing able to make shapes that have some narrower zones, now if I place a dot inside , it is ignored
3. In settings on the Battery section, what does it mean by Battery Limited ? How low it flyes before it returns to homepoint ? Can we see the battery voltage also (been flying diy hexas for years and I'm used to see voltages, not percentage)
4. Can we change the homepoint while flying a mission ? Can it set the homepoint from the remote controller position ? You can see in the picture bellow that the homepoint was set quite far away (1km away), this is because in the previeous days I photographed the area between the homepoint and the new path, I started this mission today from exactly the same place I started in previousmissions so all the photos will be from 115m above this point (about this altitude I'll have another request but don't think it will be possible, will talk more on #6) it estimated one battery, I set the limit time to 16 minutes. I always take off myself and go up to the set altitude , than press START. While the Inspire was flying to the green dot I also drived the road so I will be closer to the Inspire, all good untill the last 2 lines, the Inspire decided to go home to change the pack, I pressed STOP and try to bring it back to me, right in the middle of the area photographed but altrough the arrow was pointing to me, to my new location when moving the right stick of the controller away from me, the inspire should have come closer , but the oposite happent, it went farther away, going to the initial homepoint, if I was moving the yaw the arrow rotated but somehow it wasnt to good direction. I had to switch to P and fly it down (I had another issue as the DJI GO app didn't reconnect and I didn't had the correct direction, but I managed to land it safely with 19% battery, after driving fast with the car to where the inspire was flying / waiting in the air , spot on at 115m)
5. Can you save permantently how much of the mission was done? it happent to me that I couldn't continue the mission in the same day, and I had to return the next day or when weather allows, I had to do another mission with the unphotographed area. It would be great if the progress was saved and on the next time you load the mission to ask if you want to start over or continue from where you stopped it last time.
6. Is there a way to set the mission altitude by actual altitude from sea level and not from takeoff point ? Because I had to photograph a quite high area , and I think a set of images sent for processing has to be made from the same altitude (please ignore this request if MME can process the images even if they ware not made from the same altitude and let me know if there are any cons or issues I could have in the processing process) I had to fly for 1 km without making any photo and wasting the battery just to reach the next area to be photographed. It will be great if we can set the flying altitude to the real altitude from sea level, this way I can start a mission from different places to minimize flying without making photos. I know my house is situated at 450m altitude (from sea level) It will be awesome to be able to set the flying altitude to 500m, and be able to take off from the hill next to me , or from the lake a few hundreds meters away which is at a lower level, and send the whole images to be processed at once.
7. It happent to me twice, don't know why and if because I had the latest firmware files on the SD card, I updated now a week ago and didn't delelted them. So after flying a mission, the first part of the mission returned to homepoint, swapped battery and I get an error when I try to upload the mission , an error about SD card, I did not changed the sd, just landed and changed packs. After that I restarted Map Pilot, ofcorse the progress was lost and I had to make another mission (another reason to have the option of my 5th request) .. the things went even worse as it started to do the firmware update (everything was already updated a week ago) .. I stopped the updated process (bad , I know) and it didn't link the RC .. came back home and tryed again the firmware update, but it failed twice, linking RC didn;t worked, I had to downgrade to v01.05.00.30 and than upgrade again and everything was fine.
Long story short: keep the firmware V01.06.00.40 files on SD, upload a mission, fly it partialy, return to homepoint, change pack and power up the Inspire, try to upload the mission
phuu ,.. what a long post! Hope you guys are patient enough to read it
Hmm I don't know why the picture with the motors was placed here, I uploaded it months ago, not now!?!?!!