Recreational Drones soon to be Regulated
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4879 68 2015-10-19
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Didnt think my drone was a rogue...

In all honesty, this is a good move. We should all be required to register our birds and receive "tail #'s" for identification in the event of a perceived problem, both public or situational.
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Sling Shot
United States

I agree 100%....
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Flight distance : 453684 ft
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United States

What a boon-doggy for the FAA. They can't regulate UAV except as to height limits and safety near airports, but they will have us all on a list, and teeny tail numbers that no-body can read on the body of the birds. My drone has a number, a serial number, and the manufacture company knows who owns each one. If trouble is a foot, or laws are broken, the government can get that name with a simple subpoena. Why hire people to send out stickers to drone owners when the job is already done?  No 747 pilot is going to be able to read a sticker on my Phantom unless I am trailing a banner with the number on it. Got to be a better way. Oh I forgot, it is the government.
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United States

just what DJI Didnt want.  Sales are going to go poof.   The great selloff with soon begin.   its not that registering going to be hard  it the that you need to deal with the government now.  No Mom or Dad is going to buy this for there kid if its going to need government sticker for something they say is a RC toy.  Whats next RC cars because kids drive that on the road.  this suck, as my P3P will most likely be $500 is 2 months
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United States

The notion of tail #'s being assigned to registered recreational drone users will suffice for the FAA as far as their rule keeping requirements. When an owner/operator infringes an aerial law, moderating such an individual from the FAA's perspective will be less cumbersome - and quite frankly they probably could care less who's serial number is assigned to who. They will be more inclined to say "you registered your UAV and were assigned an FAA identification tag, you have 7 days to show up and address the infringement, or a warrant will be issued." What might make moderating regulations of registered owners a feasible option, might end up being something that happens at the counter at the point of purchase, for the distributor to turn in said registration, who in turn could be tagged in a script that pings a drone once it is "activated". Similar to the purchase of a fishing license, or gun registration etc. in particular for the US market. This will at least create a framework for operator accountability, and dull the airwaves of rogue type behavior.

DJI - you're welcome for the idea
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Living in Canada, if the uav laws that reflect the Americans are anything like their liberal cannabis laws,
We will be looking at licensing our drones, oh maybe in about ten years. We love playing long ball catch up.

We used to be able to tie our own tennis shoes without permission from big brother.
Now we need to provide an itinerary and travel plan, if we want to bring our oversized tennis rackets out from the sport equipment safe. ;-)
Wouldn't want an errant tennis ball hitting an innocent, or God Forbid, if it ever gets away, & hits a window.

Volley or lob a few over the border. . . Friendly fire.

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United States

I agree too.  Just picked up a P3 advanced (amazing work of technology) and noticed the geo-fencing allows altitudes up to 1640 ft.
As a private pilot, there are times I would be flying at that altitude.  It would surely ruin my day to hit something like this at 200mph.
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Flight distance : 112185 ft
United States

Amen.  I am ready to help stop all the crazies.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Where DJI is at today.

I bring your attention to this statement in particular.
Warning Message
“해당무선설비는 운용 중 전파혼신 가능성이 있으므로 인명안전과 관련된 서비스는 할 수 없습니다.”
“해당 무선설비는 운용 중 전파혼신 가능성이 있음”

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United States

acenothing Posted at 2015-10-19 13:21
Amen.  I am ready to help stop all the crazies.

I'm a private pilot also and I agree that we need to do something to educate and control the few that our giving the hobby a bad name and in the end will windup hurting people. I would advocate more than just tail numbers I would say people should have too at least take an online educational course to get the tail numbers and fines if you don't take the course. I know people are going to say I'm wrong but there are people out there that have no idea what there doing or understand the consequences they could cause but are allowed to buy and fly. For example I was reading a post awhile back where a fellow was asking why his drone came down wet when he flew through some clouds....really! Those are the people we need to protect ourselves against.  
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United States

rmeyers Posted at 2015-10-19 16:56
I'm a private pilot also and I agree that we need to do something to educate and control the few t ...

And you really think that is going to make those people more responsible.  You people are dreaming.
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United States

Those who refuse to be regulated, and/or held to account, should not be afforded the luxury of launching a bird into the sky. On the flip side this is a positive step forward for the serious enthusiast/hobbiest/commercial user of this technology. Those willing and desirous of upholding the rule of law as it might pertain to this industry, will gladly comply and uphold it, and those who don't will carry the "rogue" label and face the wrath of judgment...I guess.
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Flight distance : 11549 ft
United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2015-10-19 15:45
Where DJI is at today.

Because interference is a possibility that the radio equipment can not be operated propagation of services related to life safety."
"This radio equipment is likely that interference propagation of Operations"
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United States

The problem like so many things is assuming that registration will fix all the problems and then will move on about our lives without hearing from the FAA again, but history teaches us new incidences will still happen again and again and the agency will feel the need that it has to come up with a new set of regulations to fix the past ones, and keep building on each one.

The solution I think needs to come from the manufactures, and not take us down this dark hole.
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I would suspect that much of what is being proposed in unenforceable. Interesting point, because of population densities around cities, I bet that the majority of Americans live within 5 miles of an airport, so how will that work?
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United States

The FAA does not have the jurisdiction to mandate drone registrations for civilians as they would lead you to believe. If they already had that power they wouldn't be demanding that you register and their attempts to regulate drones wouldn't be so challenging. Demanding registration is their attempt to gain jurisdiction. When you file for a 333 exemption or register your drone, you are submitting yourself to their jurisdiction and to their authority.

You sheep advocating for this need to wake up and stop kissing the king's arse.

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United States

wanccie Posted at 2015-10-19 16:39
And you really think that is going to make those people more responsible.  You people are dreaming ...

No wanccie, you're wrong.

As we all know, the government can protect us from everything. That's why after registering drivers and automobiles we now have no more drunk driving. And that's why with registered firearms, and often with government approved concealed carry permits, we have no more gun misuse, wrongful shootings, murders or domestic violence. Man, wanccie, don't be on the wrong side of history. Rush in now and give up any rights you might think you have while you still can. You don't want to be one of those antiques that actually believe this is any longer a free country.

Rant off.

In reality, to those of you that believe drone registration is a great idea that will actually accomplish even a small portion of what it promises, what will you think when you find out it's going to cost you $25, $50 or $100/year to keep you and your drone in good graces with your government? Who is going to pay for the program? Who will pay for the bureaucracy necessary to implement this? What happened to the FAA requirement for a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM)?

What about the micro drones that people fly around their living rooms? Will they need to be registered? There's always the possibility someone might take one outside and fly it. God knows what could happen... What about Radio Controlled planes? Are they drones, or are they drones only if they have a camera on them? How about Radio Controlled helicopters? With the electronics now available, they fly just like drones.

Does it take two rotors to be a drone? Three? Four? Eight? All those configurations are out there now flying as drones. Will they make the decision based on weight limit? With or without batteries installed? Certified scales? Who calibrates the scales and who certifies the results? What do you do to decommission a drone? Does it need to be unregistered? What happens when you sell your drone? How do you transfer the registration? Do you now need a third party to officiate the sale? Will there be a transfer fee? Does the sale have to be monitored and recorded (and a fee paid) so you're no longer responsible for the drone, or will we do what lawyers are doing now - if you ever owned it, you're in the chain of responsibility (and liability) for anything that happens.

The majority of us that use these drones safely and sanely will be paying for the few idiots that get these drones on every newscast. Paying with a loss of freedoms and with our wallets is unconscionable.

I once wanted to buy a beautiful homebuilt aircraft from a man that had lost his medical and could no longer fly. Because of government liability rules and lawyers and idiots, instead of selling his perfectly-built airplane he took a chainsaw to it. Rather than deal with this new government money-making venture that will not keep anyone any safer or fix the problems some of our other drone owning idiots have created, I will probably run over my P3A with my truck and throw the sad, unrecognizable remains in the local landfill.

It’s heartbreaking when I read the comments of those on this website (and comments on every news story printed on the internet) that think by registering and regulating every drone in America we’ll somehow be more safe. Safety is an illusion. Government keeping you safe is a grand delusion. Critical thinking is dead. Best of luck.

through the trees.jpg
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United States

I am not advocating that anyone will be safe or not, it is a roll of the dice just as it pertains to gun laws, which thank goodness this forum is not about. But there is a stark difference nonetheless, which we won't get into here, regarding the freedoms real or perceived that we get to enjoy. I'd be quite happy to pay $100 a year to keep my bird in the air knowing that I am responsible and do this for personal fun and enjoyment, rather than not register, be called out by the 'drone police' and face a stiff fine I can ill afford.

I totally get the goes down a very murky slippery slope of chemtrails, the Bilderberg group, One World government, control...yada yada yada.

All I want to do, in the moment,  is enjoy the hobby that I love, and can afford, and will abide by the laws that govern it as and when such are legislated.   
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Willie Wonka
United States
Offline Posted at 2015-10-19 19:17
No wanccie, you're wrong.

As we all know, the government can protect us from everything. That's w ...

You my friend hit the nail on the head of the cobra, If the government gets in the hobby it is NO longer a hobby, it is would become part of the system, and we the people have been sucked in the system for too much.

I bet whats next is going to be a psych test and medical and background check plus a couple of hundred dollars to fly, add to that special permits for flying in parts of our own country.

I will shutdown my phantom 400 feet on top of garbage dumpster when this regulation becomes active.
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United States

Nah. Won't respond on the public forum. Much better to send a private message...  

Now, if I could only figure out how.
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Flight distance : 430686 ft
United States

druiz100@hotmai Posted at 2015-10-19 14:54
just what DJI Didnt want.  Sales are going to go poof.   The great selloff with soon begin.   its no ...

I don't think this will cause sales to plummet at all.

No Mom or Dad should be buying a kid a Phantom. Although, I am sure many irresponsible parents will. While some might call it a toy. It is not actually a toy. It clearly states on the box 18+.
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United States

pilot222 Posted at 2015-10-19 18:00
Nah. Won't respond on the public forum. Much better to send a private message...  

Now, if I could  ...

You can PM if you have added a user as friend and they have accepted your invite.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

A very Big election tonight, here in jolly old Canada.
It would appear we may have a young and much hipper leader of the Liberl party becoming our next respected Prime Minister. ;-)
He's going to a Huff n Puff and blow down those archaic 'herbal medicine' laws.

There is finally light at the end of the 'foggy' tunnel.

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United States

This will only be a problem for idiots who use/fly their drones where they aren't supposed to...if you follow the rules and guidelines it won't affect you one bit
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-10-19 19:17
No wanccie, you're wrong.

As we all know, the government can protect us from everything. That's w ...

Pilot222.... You're right.  I loved it.   I was worried for a second.  Oh no, not another one.  
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Flight distance : 1298317 ft
United States

So.....what about all the other RC hobbies. It would be slightly crazy to number drones only....
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United States

If it comes down to fly or not flying I'll register my multi-rotor, but any of the validated pilots here would do the same maybe with a bit of regret and grumbling. We would do it though be cause we won't do crazy things with them.
I'm sure everyone here has broke the 400ft ceiling at least once, maybe in a far remote area just to see what it looks like in a snap shot, but at the end of the day would not strap things to it, fly near planes or manned aircraft with out some sort of permission, WHY.. Because we have common sense!
So again I don't understand the regulation and worry now that a hobby will become bloated with fees and insurance regulations.
I have already seen many reporters doing the " what if "this falls out of the sky and hits someone?  I would almost bet money as soon as you register we will soon need to carry liability insurance in order to maintain the privilege to fly.
Just my thoughts about it.... I have more but that's it for tonight.
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Flight distance : 1298317 ft
United States

Willie Wonka Posted at 2015-10-20 07:53
You my friend hit the nail on the head of the cobra, If the government gets in the hobby it is NO  ...

I, for one, will NOT be paying a $100 annual fee. That is horse crap. AMA and rc flying has been around for years and there has been no such targeting in that hobby. If only the AMA had the "teeth" of the NRA.
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United States

Dang it first post and half of it was cut off arrrrrrrggggggg
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Flight distance : 448327 ft
United States

Well since I'm actually an illegal immigrant I have to register my Phantom?
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United States

Jay_Bit Posted at 2015-10-20 06:22
Those who refuse to be regulated, and/or held to account, should not be afforded the luxury of launc ...

Yep, when all your dream come true regulations are in place and you're all registered, they'll then announce ALL the places you can no longer fly (whch will be everyhere).   Hope you enjoy flying your drone in your back yard.

Like anything in a free society, there are already laws in place to punish law breakers.  They have tools now to down a rogue drone from 1/2 mile away.But hey, people with this kind of thinking have ensured America is no longer a Free country.  In fact, The USA now ranks like 20th in the list of "Free" countries.

Good job!
Let's regulate the fun right of life.
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United States

SpunOne69 Posted at 2015-10-20 09:47
This will only be a problem for idiots who use/fly their drones where they aren't supposed to...if y ...

If I'm not mistaken, that's what Progressives say every single time they want another gun law passed.  
Problem is, every time they get one passed, they then move on to getting the NEXT one passed and the next one and the next one....
Yeah we really need all this crap because of the mountains of dead bodies left by drones so far.

People are sheeple and unable to think beyond propaganda.
You haven't a clue as to why this is actually happening.   But it's not because of all the dead bodies.
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United States

This is drone-ism!!!!!

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Willie Wonka
United States

Hella crap all the way .....

Video link
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United States

They clearly mentioned drones all the time not planes , helicopters or anything else on the D.O.T event
This is drone I'm joking
Is it just because drones have cameras?
If that the case I don't want the creepy Google car coming up my street taking random pictures!

I'm grabbing popcorn and interested in how all this will work out .
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Willie Wonka
United States

SpunOne69 Posted at 2015-10-19 21:47
This will only be a problem for idiots who use/fly their drones where they aren't supposed to...if y ...

Then you would not mind getting an implant with a beacon anytime soon?
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Willie Wonka
United States

jimcloud74@yaho Posted at 2015-10-19 22:50
I, for one, will NOT be paying a $100 annual fee. That is horse crap. AMA and rc flying has been a ...

Wait and see action is about to unfold, its going to be a fun ride.
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Willie Wonka
United States

lancegriggs Posted at 2015-10-19 23:02
Well since I'm actually an illegal immigrant I have to register my Phantom?

If you don't you will be grabbed and sent to the  Guantanamo bay resort, where you will be sun bathing and water boarding like no tomorrow....... Resistance is futile.
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Flight distance : 9859 ft
United States

To be honest I don't think this will stop the crazies out there. I'm willing to bet money those people out there doing stuff they shouldn't will not register their drones. We will still see stories in the news and thing will keep getting worse.
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Flight distance : 112185 ft
United States

rmeyers Posted at 2015-10-19 13:56
I'm a private pilot also and I agree that we need to do something to educate and control the few t ...

Again, AMEN!!!  Sadly I spend more time in airports and on airplane than the average business traveler.  I sit in jumbo jets and "flying coffins".  The post here and other place tell me soon or later a small plane or commercial helio will be hit and possible bring it down.  We need to protect the passengers from the crazies (the HIGHER AND FARTHER gang).
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