Flight distance : 1358215 ft
This is for DJI tahoe and DJI customer service hope they can help me.
On august i've experimented a fly away from my phantom, a few days after being updated with 1.3.20 FW.
Mine P3A was one month old,36610 meters on "his"flight log and never experienced a crash nor problem before.
I experienced a great delay in data trasmission and loss of signal on RC very often,no signal,wake signal ecc....
I was landing my P3A when signal was loss, with non chance to recover it,i was at about 20 meters from my P3 no obstacole between me and him, but still without signal,and flew away,i guess because after 10 seconds without signal, the RTH function start and as you can imagine i flew away and crashed,the RC was not all.
Now DJI gave me the BILL,more than 300 euros to get it back and i have 15 days of time to accept this sentence.
So the question is: is warranty only a word meaningless?
I wasn't doing a slalom between trees nor flying it in a irresponsible way,in that case onestly speaking,i would have accepted the BILL without saying absolutely nothing.
But due to the fact that the crash happened not due to me but "maybe" for a real problem of that FW release (also check this thread many complain about 1.3.20 FW performance)
i guess this should be covered by warranty.So if you DJI are listening i have my RMA number ...let me know