I accidently bricked my P3A with an old Firmware
1129 2 2015-10-28
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United Kingdom

I thought I'd share this in case it happens to other people.

Yesterday I got ready to fly my Phantom Advanced packing everything up & changing the SD card as I had media from a previous flight on the old card that i wanted to keep.
Once at my location i got everything set up and started the controller,iPad and the Phantom the first thing i did after that was try to format the SD card..It would not reformat.
At this point my Phantom started to beep(I know now this was the firmaware update beep) not knowing what to do I turned everything off and started the startup process again.
Now my phantom was making really loud bleeps with no leds I tried the whole startup process a few times always ending up with the same loud bleeps & no leds.

I went home and tried everyting again got the same bleeps which left me a bit stumped as a few days I had flown with no probs at all then I remembered the only thing I had changed was the SD card so I popped it out and put it into my laptop where a saw that it had the Firmware v1.3.20 on I now realised that the on the first power up the Phantom must have started to update from the old firmware and as i had shut it down before it had finished i had bricked my Phantom!

After a bit of searching here I found that I should reformat the the SD card put the latest firmware on it put it in the Phantom then start up and leave it.
The beeping was so loud it drove me nuts but after 10 mins it stopped and the leds all came on i connected my controller and all was good again...Phew!

So is it normal for the Phantom to update from an old firmaware this way & as my controller was on during the first upate attempt could my controller firmware be affected?

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First Officer
Flight distance : 700846 ft
United States

I don't know about the update in reverse, but I can tell you that you did the right thing by letting it beep until it self corrects IS the right thing to do.  Went through that myself on the first upgrade.  I didn't have an old version on, but had inadvertently shut it down before it was finished with the upgrade.  I let it yell at me for a half hour or so in a closed room and it updated nicely and has worked fine ever since.
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United Kingdom

ag0n Posted at 2015-10-29 00:16
I don't know about the update in reverse, but I can tell you that you did the right thing by letting ...

I havnt had the time for a flight since this happened but all seems good now..Thanks for your feedback
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