Missing photos
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Flight distance : 109596 ft
United States

I have not yet been able to duplicate the issue yet, sitting at home inside (since it's dark outside now) but I flew my first 4 flights today and did a lot of bracketed shots.  Once I got confortable with shooting, I tried a 360 degree panorama and overlapped bracketed shots by about 50%.  When I got home, several pictures were missing, some of the 5-bracket shots only had one DNG file and the rest of them had all 5... odd!

The app let me take them, even though the Phantom was still writing the previously cached images to the micro SD card.  So, my process was to spin the Phantom until I had the proper overlap and take a bracket.  It didn't seem to take long at all but then I also did not get all of my shots on the SD card.

So the question is, what can cause the missing shots?

Did I overrun the Phantom's memory buffer so when I took more pics, it overwrote the ones in the queue that had not yet been written to the micro SD card?

Did the next bracket set flush the shots from the previous bracket set that had not been written to disk yet?

I'll restest tomorrow and hope to find out why, or at least understand how it happened and how to prevent it in the future.

Any help appreciated.

BTW, I did search and could not find a similar thread and even googled "Phantom 3 missing aeb photos" and did not find anything relevent.


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Flight distance : 109596 ft
United States

I believe I figured it out since I can replicate the "lost" pictures scenario.

The shutter button on the RC will "pretend" to start another bracket of shots while the Phantom is still writing the first bracket set to the micro SD card.  I even hear the 5 simulated shutter clicks.  However, the Phantom is ignoring any additional RC shutter button presses until the buffer is written completely to the card.

In contrast, when pressing the Go app's shutter button, I cannot start another bracket until the first one has been completely written to the card.  The button keeps spinning and is locked out until complete.

This is a software bug since the behavior is not consistent between methods to take pictures.  Anyone know how to open a issue/ticket to DJI to notify their development group of the issue and a use case to replicate it so they can prioritize accordingly?
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