Flight distance : 2758875 ft
the solution for you is the DJI Inspire. There are a few pieces of I1's that don't have NFZ implemented. Google them, you might still find some for sale. Also on DJI A2 controllers NFZ can be disabled, the WooKong-M doesn't have this feature at all!!!
Otherwise I agree. I'm not an experienced pilot as you are, I'm only flying 10 months, but I have 600 flight hours, and very soon I will become certified for commercial pilot too...
One of the reason I bought the I1 is to monitor a huge project we are going to build. It a highway construction 60km, and I wanted to take aerial shots every week. a 5km part of this is in an airport NFZ. I talked to the authorities, and once I'm commercially certified they will let me in. I need to airport is willing to give me flight time in their airspace. But I can't...
DJI arguments, that I1 P3 are not professional products, but professional users want to use them that way. The I1 is prosumer, and the P3 is consumer category.
I understand DJI's position, but for me the Inspire 1 is a superb drone. compact, ready to fly, great flight time, built in lightbride, 2 remote operator, and primitive waypoints. All I need!
I can buy an S900/S1000 with A2 controller, but I would not need it(except the NFZ capability).
P.S.: there are multiple topics on this, I think DJI should allow certified pilots to fly in NFZ's