United States
Hi fello DJI nerds. I read through these forums a lot but don't post too much as most of the things I would have to add have already been added. Having said that, I have noticed a trend that I thought was worthy of mentioning.
I see a ton of complaints from people about DJI not solving thier problem within a day or two, or putting out gear that still needs firmware updates and on and on... I think it's worth noting that as early adopters of this cool new tech (and yes, we are early adopters!) we need to understand that things are not going to be perfect right out of the box. If you want that kind of product experience, buy a different product that has been out for a while. All tech companies get their products to a "good enough to sell" point, then release, then fix problems. If they were to wait until the product is perfect, it would never get released.
If this is anoying to you or you think you are being snowed over or lied to, don't buy the product. It's really that simple. I recently saw a post asking DJI to speed up the firmware update because this person had a gig that he baught the OSMO specifically for. That just makes no sense to me. If you are balancing the succes of your media business on a product that has been out less than a month, you need to rethink your plan.
Personally, I think DJI is doing a fantastic job. I crashed my Inspire the first month I had it and they fixed it at no cost to me. The crash was totally my fault, but they didn't even blink, just fixed it and sent it back. It did take a long time, but I accepted that as the price of being an early adopter. I just got my Osmo toady and I'll have to say that I am looking forward to a better power solution, but I was aware when I bought it that the battery life was limited.
I'm not saying that we should all be ok with anything they throw at us, but it's still early days for this growing industry and DJI is leading the way. Do your research, check the forums, purchase with the understanding that it will be a journey and you will learn as things change and by the time the mass population gets involved, you'll be an expert. (Inspire guys, remember the first couple of firmware upates and how confused everyone was?).
I'm not trying to start a fight, or flame anyone, I just think that we all need to understand where we stand and do our best to help DJI solve problems by giving constructive feedback rather than throwing tantrums because we get impatient or our expectations are not met, regardless if they are reasonable or not.
Happy flying....