Flight distance : 18484 ft
United States
Looks like some great work! Not bad for just starting out. The beginning of the video has a big WOW factor to the regular sightviewer but to a editor, it may be too aggressive on the contrast and saturation. A big difference can be seen at 0:15 when the island in the background pretty much is a blur due to over-saturation. I would dial it back a tiny bit. The sand HELP scene needed a bit of touch, but almost perfect.
At 0:54, it is a bit hard to work with darker scenes. The sky can be proof that color grading was over-done to compensate for the dark areas on the island and trees. Still a very good mix for dark footage. Water looks excellent.
Great video IMHO. Most viewers would be WOW'ed. Good work, plenty of room for improvement, and I am looking forward to seeing more videos as you hone in your skills.