Hi P3 Guys.... DJI have today released a new firmware for you all to shove onto your Phantom 3's. This update is more of a tweak and maintenance release than a feature release. It's been tested by a crack team of P3 Ninjas so should go smoothly.
UPDATE: December 1st: If you experience a vibration in the motors at idle as demonstrated in this thread, please DOWNGRADE to firmware 1.4.0010 ( just download the 1.4 firmware and follow the same steps below ) and then UPGRADE back to 1.5.0030 followed by an IMU Calibration.
UPDATE November 26th: DJI Have also released a new RC update ( v1.5.70 ). This update is done using the DJI GO App. I suggest you update the Phantom as per the details below FIRSTTHEN update the RC ( details on this can be found HERE )
Also 2.7k for the P3P ( Android only it sems for now ) !
Notes: 1. After upgrading to 1.05.0030, you will ONLY be able to downgrade as far as the previous release 1.04.0010. 2. This update does NOT apply the Phantom 3 Standard. 3. The noteworthy points of this firmware are the following:
a. Fixes is the drifting issues some people were experiencing. Your P3 should be steady as a rock again now b. Added 2.7k recording capability to the Phantom 3 Pro - Android ONLY for now. c. Fixed upgrade issues related to the camera. d. Playback issues resolved. e. The Flight Recorder logs are now READ ONLY. f. Fixed P3P no live feed issue some users experienced ( even though OSD data was shown ). 4.There is NO RC firmware included in this release. But if your RC firmware is older than v1.3.20, it is recommended t upgrade this to v1.3.20 before updating the Aircraft to 5. There is NO battery update included in this firmware version. 6. The DJI GO App will display the Aircraft firmware as 1.5.30 after the update is completed successfully.
Phantom 3 Pro/Advanced Firmware 1.05.0030
Follow the process described below to upgrade the Phantom 3 Professional and Advanced
Updating the Aircraft Firmware ( SD Method ).
Step 1- Check Battery and SD Card
Ensure the Intelligent Flight Battery has at least 50% power and the SD card has been formatted using the DJI GO App ( not a requirement 99% of the time but does no harm ).
Formatting SD Card Using the DJI GO App
Note: The Phantom Professional, Phantom Advanced use different firmware files. Make sure to download the correct one.
Review the Release Notes for the particular P3 so you know what’s changed. P3 Professional: P3 Advanced:
2. Insert the SD card into your PC. Extract the downloaded firmware .BIN file into the root directory of the SD card. Remove the SD card from your PC.
Ensure the aircraft and controller is powered OFF then insert the SD card into the card slot on the camera.
The below video shows the process of adding the firmware .BIN file on the SD card.
NOTE: The video shows downloading firmware 1.3.20 for the Phantom 3 Professional, you will need to download the latest version ( 1.05.0030 for Pro/Advanced ) for your particular model.
Step 3- Update the Aircraft
1. Ensure the remote controller is powered OFF and then power ON the aircraft. Upgrade will begin automatically after aircraft is powered on.
The below video shows the complete update process.
Note: How long the update takes and the precise sequence of events migth differ from the video so use it as reference only.
It will take approximately 10 to 25 minutes to complete the firmware update. The camera status indicator will blink GREEN and RED to indicate the upgrade is in progress and turn solid GREEN when the update has completed with success.
Note: During the firmware upgrade the lights on the arms of the Phantom will flash different colours, beep in different patterns, gimbal might move and go limp. All of this is normal so just ignore it. It’s ONLY when the light on the front of the gimbal goes SOLID GREEN that the process is complete (you will also hear the DA…DA.DA beep).
When the light on the gimbal goes SOLID GREEN ( and you hear the DA...DA.DA beep ), turn off the Phantom by pressing and releasing the power button quickly, then immediately press and hold it in for 2 seconds.
2. Check the upgrade status by opening the “.txt” file that is automatically generated on the SD card after the update (you need to plug the SD back into your computer for this). The final line in the LOG file should have the word “Success”.
The LOG file will look similar to this:
========== 2014.01.01 00:00:13 remo-con disconnect======
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.05.0030.bin
Upgrading ...
Result: Success.
There is also another LOG file in a hidden directory on the SD card called /MISC/LOG. This file contains further detailed information on each hardware module within the P3 that’s updated. Useful if something goes wrong.
The LOG will look similar to this:
[00014762]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00014955][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00045266][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00045547][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[00385853][03 06] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
See this video on how to see hidden files on Windows and OSX.
Perform Calibrations.
After all the firmware updates have been completed, perform the following calibration's from within the DJI GO App.
1. Calibrate the IMU (even if the app says you don’t need to). Try to do the IMU when the Phantom is cold and on a level surface. 2. Calibrate the gimbal as soon as a successful IMU is done. 3. Calibrate the remote controller. This step is optional as the controller will beep like mad and indicate in the App if it needs calibrating. No harm doing it though. 4. Before flight, calibrate the Compass. Make sure to do this away from metal, magnets and other ferrous thingy-ma-doodas (in a big open field with just grass).
Upgrade Notes.
a. When the update fails you will get a solid RED light and a screech hurts your head. Here is a short video showing the results of a failed update (in this case it was a corrupt BIN file)
b. Ensure there is only one firmware package file stored on your SD card at any one time. c. Ensure you remove any gimbal lock and lens cap before powering on the Phantom. d. Only storage devices that are formatted for FAT32 and exFAT file systems are supported for aircraft and remote controller firmware updates. e. Ensure the internet connection of your mobile device is stable when downloading the firmware update package. f. Turn on Airplane Mode on your mobile device before updating the firmware on the controller, as any incoming calls may disrupt the update process. g. Do not perform firmware update while the aircraft is still flying in the air (I just cannot imagine someone even doing this). h. Be sure to update the remote controller’s firmware to the latest version after you upgrade the aircraft’s firmware. i. The remote controller may become unlinked from the aircraft after updating. Re-link the remote controller and aircraft. j. Confirm the update results based on the blinking pattern of camera status indicator or gimbal sound. It is normal for the aircraft to sound or the LED to blink during the update process. k. Always check the logs no matter if it completed or not. Subsequent restarts of the P3 with the firmware on the card will result in an "Abort" being logged saying the firmware is the same. If you get this, its likely the update went OK. Any concerns, post the logs in this or the support thread. l. When updating, the ONLY thing to look at is the gimbal light;
Flashing GREEN and RED - Its updating
Solid GREEN - Update sucessful
Solid RED - Update failed ( check the log files. )
If after following this guide you are unable to update the firmware or are experiencing any issues, please report back by commenting in this thread.
Because the Cloaking Device was actually shifting the P3 into another dimension accidentally, and they did not want to start a whole new round of Shift-Aways.
I did.. As long as nothing changes like a new revision or something
Its a normal install anyway but its good to keep the update threads up-to-date as I'm sure many people will have a P3 on the Christmas list so it will assist them too as well as the current owners....
Sploodge, mine did that just this afternoon. I kept trying to control it, but all I could feel was a static charge coming over my body. It tingled for awhile after I landed.
maybe they are removing the trans-dimensional-wormhole-cloaki ...
Apparently they did pull the trigger a little early, its scheduled to appear again today.. It does look like a few did catch it on the site at the time though
Has anyone with the drift problems in 1.4 release updated to 1.5 and had the drift problems disappear? I'm still on 1.3.2 as it was a solid release with no drift probs. Not being able to go back past 1.4 release if the drift problems still exist in 1.5 is very concerning. Anyone?
Yes it is resolved.. I have tested mine since DJI posted it a bit early on Monday. My drift issue ( was not much of an issue anyway ) has gone.
It is a risk if you are happy on 1.3.20. The only major benefit of updating is obviously the way-point stuff that was in 1.4 but also now the ability to use 2.7k on the Phantom 3 pro.
better than nothing I suppose.. I will make good use of 2.7 in some of the work I do. 4k is good but overkill for web IMO. 2.7 is a good middle-ground that offers good quality for web..
AWESOME job Sploodge, as usual you do great stuff on here. To those new to FW updates......PLEASE BE SURE THE GIMBLE LOCK COVER IS TAKEN OFF prior to updating. Sorry, Sploodge left that one point out.