DJI Team
Hong Kong
Hi, for your information. There are three folders which might have lots of hidden files and you need to delete it additionally.
1) MISC/ xcode: This folder contains files produced during the video editing process.
2) DCIM\TIMELAPSE\: This folder contains original photos of your Timelapse. Each photo can be 5MB, if you've shoot the Timelapse before, it's highly possible that there are lots of original photos saved here.
3) DCIM\PANORAMA\: This folder contains original photos of your Panorama.
Some customer may want to stitch or edit higher quality of panorama or Timeplapse themselves, provided all of the original photos, they can edit them on their own PC. But these files can be very memory consuming, so you need to delete it periodically or they will be increasingly accumulated.
If you've delete all these hidden files or original files and the problem persist:
1) Have you formatted this SD card on your MAC before? If yes, then you need to check whether you've formatted it into different district or not. OSMO can only detect SD card with one district.
2) Please provide your SD card type and the drive letter and disk attributes screenshot on your MAC. |