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iPAD Mini 4 and Cached Photos
2249 12 2015-12-11
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States

Just received my iPad Mini 4 today. Awesome! Nice to have something with a display that big. The size seems almost perfect. I think if it was any larger, it would "unbalance" the mounting system on the controller.

I was able to get a few quick test flights in before the wind picked up. I have the codeo cachine set to NO but I took some still photos and they're showing up with the pilot log info on the GO app. What's the accepted technique for getting rid of the thumbnails that show up in the pilot log?

Also, one extraneous question - my Tab 4 will recharge the battery when connected to the controller. Does the iPad Mini do this as well? It looks like the battery icon comes on, but the battery percentage appears to be going down (instead of up) while connected to the R/C.

Art - N4PJ
Leesburg, FL

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Hong Kong

Hi ,
Sorry I can't quite understand the "thumbnails that show up in the pilot log" . Could you please post a picture and point it out ?
For your second question , the RC will not charge the IOS device when they are connected .
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States

DJI-Patrick Posted at 2015-12-12 02:25
Hi ,
Sorry I can't quite understand the "thumbnails that show up in the pilot log" . Could you pleas ...

Thanks Patrick. The non-charging issue seemed logical based on what I saw for several flights.

The "thumbnails" I'm referring to appear in the Pilot Log - on my iPad Mini 4.
Out on the same line, to the right, if you took any still photos, there are copies of each photo. They are shown on the line under the column labeled "moments."

If you touch one of the small "thumbnails" the photo comes up in a larger size. If you have more than one, you can flip through them one at a time. All I'm looking for is some way to delete them from the log.

If you turn on video caching, your video will be captured both on the SD card and the device running the GO app. I can't seem to find anything similar for photos - I'm getting copies of them on the iPad, but can't find any way to get rid of them there.

Thanks again.

Art - N4PJ
Leesburg, FL
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Hong Kong

aburkefl@gmail. Posted at 2015-12-12 22:26
Thanks Patrick. The non-charging issue seemed logical based on what I saw for several flights.

Th ...

Sorry , those photos can't not be deleted in the "Flight Record" page .
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States

DJI-Patrick Posted at 2015-12-15 05:41
Sorry , those photos can't not be deleted in the "Flight Record" page .

Thanks Patrick. I sort of suspected that. They are apparently a permanent part of the flight record.

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Flight distance : 1931568 ft
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United States

Yes I just bought an iPad mini 4 wifi+Cellular I'm running the latest update from iOS 9.2 and my DJI go app crashes it's not letting me see the camera view how did you get it to work?
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Flight distance : 1931568 ft
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United States

Yes I just bought an iPad mini 4 wifi+Cellular I'm running the latest update from iOS 9.2 and my DJI go app crashes it's not letting me see the camera view how did you get it to work?
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Flight distance : 1931568 ft
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United States

I'm having issues my new iPad mini 4 wifi+cellular is not working with the DJI go app on iOS 9.2. It crashes every time I press the camera view. How did you get it to work on yours.
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station10b@yaho Posted at 2015-12-22 19:53
I'm having issues my new iPad mini 4 wifi+cellular is not working with the DJI go app on iOS 9.2. It ...

1- Delete the App.
2- Power reboot your iPad Mini 4
3- Download and install the new app.
4- Power reboot your iPad Mini 4 again.
That must be ok.
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Flight distance : 1931568 ft
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United States

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It worked perfect I basically didn't sleep last night thinking I invested in an iPad mini 4 that wasn't going to work but thanks to your knowledge it's working thank you again.
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Flight distance : 1931568 ft
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United States

Not even the people at DJI tech support know this because I called them today and they had no clue on what to tell me WOW.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States

station10b@yaho Posted at 2015-12-22 19:38
Yes I just bought an iPad mini 4 wifi+Cellular I'm running the latest update from iOS 9.2 and my DJI ...

I honestly don't recall doing anything special. I despise iTuners (don't like being led around by the nose!) but a lot of people seemingly are far more impressed with iOS than Android, so I bought the Mini strictly for use with my Phantom.

I downloaded the GO app from the Apple Store directly into the Mini. I don't remember having to override anything. I say that because on my Galaxy Tab 4 7" I had to alter the security settings to get the software installed. Now I never use that one!

Before I bought the Mini 4 (I bought the 64 GB WiFi model w/o cellular) I checked here and there were several others using it as well. Plus, since it was an enhancement of the Mini 3 I figured it should work just fine. Mine has worked well - very, very few crashes, and what crashes I have experienced, the app starts up again pretty much on its own and fairly quickly at that.

Art - N4PJ
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States

station10b@yaho Posted at 2015-12-22 22:06
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It worked perfect I basically didn't sleep last night thinkin ...

Ah! I should have read further ahead! Glad you got it working.

I was disappointed right off the bat when I discovered my old iPad 2 would not work. It's too big to fit in the holder and the processor is too old. Didn't want to spend the big bucks but "stole" the money from my budget and bought the Mini 4 anyway!

Again, glad yours got working fine.

Art - N4PJ
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