United States
I agree to a certain extent. However, IMO the Section 333 exemption and pilot requirements to operate commercially in the US are a huge damper on using UAS for business......legally. Not to mention the paperwork and other required incidentals. Not worth the hassle to me and I've been a rated helo/fixed wing pilot for 3+ decades.
I do realize that I'm preaching to the choir here. My hat is off to you and others that (presumably) have the 333, etc. and operate commercially. You are the pioneers.
Perhaps another question or poll could be "How many plan to operate commercially when the FAA pulls their head out of rectal defilade?"
If the final rules (Part 107) reflect what the sUAS NPRM proposes, commercial usage should increase substantially. I know that I'll will. (The 3 mile visibility requirement is absurd in my opinion!)
Here's a link to the sUAS NPRM summary for those interested. ... 15_suas_summary.pdf
Note to Some: The above NPRM is for (proposed!) Commercial UAS operations only!
For all you hobbyists like me in the US, we (should) operate under Advisory Circular 91-57A in accordance with Section 336 of US Public Law 112-95.
FWIW, I carry a couple copies of AC 91-57A (3 page document) with me when flying. I've already displayed it to several folks that have questioned me about the rules. Believe me, it works wonders on those that want to hate. This, combined with the "Hover" app on my phone that shows my ops being outside the 5 mile ring of airports.
Here's a .pdf link to AC 91-57A for those interested. ... cular/AC_91-57A.pdf
Have a good time, fly safe, and do it legally!