Thx for your Reply Amy,
1) "About the audio cracks and unsynchronity, we are trying to collect files from users who have this problem and haven't got feedback yet. If you have any originals files to help us locate the reason, please upload the files and send the download link here."
Don´t you have some Osmos yourself to test? It seems as this is a systematic error (within Software / Firmware) and affects ALL Osmos rather than being a single device failure?! Did you / your R&D never test it before? Just shoot a let´s say 5 Min 4k Video with Audio and then figure out the asynchronity... Please don´t wait for files and hide behind the waiting argument - be proactive and fix your bugs!
2)About slowly moving gimbal, the app have provided different gimbal settings including the custom C1 and C2 settings where you can set the speed of the axis individually. Does the max speed still not fast enough for you? If you have any suggestions about the movement of gimbal, welcome to give your suggestions here.
I guess I was unclear in that statement: I am not complaining about a too slow gimbal movement at all. Rather I am complaining (like many others) about a constant slow gimbal movement which was unintended and ruins statical video and timelapse recording (see point 5). And yes I know you will state that the problem is well known and analyzed and will be fixed etc. But again: currently nothing is fixed, and my deadline is running - two more days.
3) 4K Timelapse: Even for the PC, the 4K timelapse editing is challenging. So direct files editing by Osmo is not possible for the current hardware composition or current technology for such a small device. That's why we provide the original files so the professional customers can make their own 4k timelapse on the computer. Also, we're developing PC software to help with the 4K timelapse editing.
??? I don´t get your point: The Osmo is capable of recording 4k 24fps but not capable of recording 4k 1Hz or below? Sorry, that doesn´t make any sense to me at all and just sounds like another bad excuse for not providing key features of the Osmo which I paid for. If I still need a Post PC-production for getting my 4k timelapse movie I was able to do that even before Osmo with any of my DSLR or other digital cameras. The point for buying an Osmo was to get rid of the Post-production movie making effort... And of course the pro-programmable 2-axis rotation for timelapse, all within one device just as you Amy promised it. But thats another point and I am not complaining about that feature not being published yet.
4)4096*2160 video shooting issue: This issue has already been solved in the next firmware. Which new firmware? The one we are waiting for since weeks / months? ;-(
5)UNControllable moving gimbal: This is a function under developing already, it will come when it's been fully tested and developed. Sorry, again nothing but a vague promise (which - frankly - I do not trust anymore). But I hope we are on the same track in respect to this bug? Its about a random gimbal movement that happens all by itself (or a little wind) every once in a while when mounted to a tripod. So its unwanted uncontrollable gimbal movement! It´s one of those bugs which makes the Osmo basically useless, so lets fix it fast! 2 more days...
6) SlowMotion: As mentioned in the specs the FOV becomes 47. Another limitation of the hardware, we're trying to improve this by the algorithm and software. Good to hear. As I stated above I withdraw my complaint about the FOV / digital zoom not mentioned in the Spec, as indeed it is mentioned.
7) Tripod and extension rod: About the order from DJI GO app without the mention of extension rod, I will report the sales department. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. So whats your point here? Don´t you think I already contacted sales several times? Do you think they have anything to offer to a pissed off customer? You should know better - Sales doesn´t offer nothing in that matter. I have to pay >15 Euro for shipping period. Do your homework when selling your accessories (homepage as well as App). If you have redundant sales information systems, keep them in Synch - oh I get it: synching is not your key competence at DJI (see 1). Sorry for that sarcastic joke, but it seemed too nearby to miss it ;-)
8)Service: We're strive to improve our after sales service, if you have any complaints about the service, please feel free to point it out in details. Your criticism will help us learn our shortage and improve our service. Well, to be frank again: your response here is just another good example for what I call bad service - and it´s not against you personally. All you do and most likely are able to do is to put customers off with vague promises on some future updates. Nothing solid, nothing reliable, nothing precise. No solution to our problems.
You (Amy and other service people) are in a pretty bad situation currently, having to deal with offended customers and left alone by your company (R&D department, Sales, management..). But since you are in contact with us customers, you get all the bullshitting. My suggestion: take your frustration to those departments. Every day, every hour, every complaint you get. Every minute if neccessary! Make them feel your / our pain AND GET THEM TO DELIVER SOLUTIONS! I would not like to swap jobs with you currently.
My Deadline is solid and precise: Firmware which fixes most of the essential bugs until christmas evening (2 more days) or give me my money back!