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JAB - Just another bug in timelapse recording
1785 4 2015-12-22
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And one additional bug in Timelapse recording:

I did a timelapse recording with the Osmo fixed to a tripod and recorded movie (poor 1280 x 720 resolution) and JPGs in parallel, one picture every two seconds.
Beside the known bug of uncontrollable slow gimbal movements you can see harsh camera movements in the Osmo video file (esp. at the beginning).
To my big surprise these movements are NOT VISIBLE in the JPG movie I created on PC - and I did not use any automatic picture overlay whatever algorithms to smooth camera movement. Now that is a very strange behaviour: obviously the movie records something different (not just resolution but FOV) than the JPGs?!
Can anyone confirm that issue?

I will try to upload both files (orig. Osmao video and Post produced movie from JPG) to MEGA and share the link / PW with you.

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Ok, I finally uploaded both files to MEGA (
How can I now share the files with DJI?
Any EMail Adress / Mega-Account I should share them with?
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DJI Team
Hong Kong

Hi, you can upload to MEGA or Dropbox and share the download link here.(The link you've provided is not for downloading) Check this link for help:

Timelapse drift is actually a software(Algorithm) issue rather than a gimbal drift issue. That's why the JPG files are fine compared to video format. This is a known issue, the R&D are working on it now. Thanks for your feedback.
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here are the links including the key. I hope the filenames are self explaining ;-)!TQwyGYCS!_78Y8 ... fLzWjOOHNAJVwIJbRV0!LABlwACQ!2gUqd ... 7b3_18KP7x4TIyIrNBc

If I am correct we are now talking about three different effects in respect to "uncontrolled FOV changes" during timelapse:
- the fluttering gimbal (due to wind etc, you can see if watching the left tree in the video)
- the slowly moving gimbal drift (just sometimes, not here)
- the effect you can see here that the original Osmo timelapse movie has "jumps" while the timelapse made from JPG does not.

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martin94b Posted at 2015-12-23 07:05

here are the links including the key. I hope the filenames are self explaining ;-)


I now tested the TimeLapse function again with the new firmware from Dec. 25th which I was one of the lucky ones being able to install without bricking the buggy Osmo.
Here are my results:

- The uncontrollable fluttering camera movement issue got much better. There is still some minor movement existing, so I consider this 90% done but still some rework required for future updates.
- The uncontrollable gimbal drift seems to be fixed 100%. So far I did not see any drift anymore. Thanks!
- The timelapse movie recorded by the buggy Osmo still has jumps, while the JPG images don´t. So nothing fixed here so far?! The video is still in 1280 x 720 resolution and not 4k - hardly waiting on that fix (especially due to the next issue)!!!
- I discovered one more bug in timelapse: while the original movie is still in unacceptable 1280 x 720 resolution I have to record the JPGs as well and render the movie at my PC. But some of the JPGs are faulty resulting in errors (Photoshop CC, the effected images are only half way visible) and thus a buggy rendered video! The faulty images seem to not fully be saved on the µSD card due to timing issues (one more time). I did use a highspeed 32GB µSD card and will retry the same with the original 16GB µSD card from buggy Osmo soon. Faulty image rate is about 10 images out of 1000.

Thus, the Osmo is still not capable for recording somewhat adequate TimeLapse videos!

And while the video rendering process at my PC is very time consuming for me and I could have done that with all of my other Digital cameras as well I do not need to buy the buggy Osmo for that?! It promised me 4K TimeLapse videos and I expect that to happen soon! And please don´t excuse yourself again with the cheap "Osmo does not have enough processor power" argument - buggy Osmo does not need to render video from JPG in realtime but just shoot video in 4k at lets say 1 Hz (=1 fps). Buggy Osmo can already record in 4K 24 fps, so wheres the technical limitation to do much less?

So Please Please Please fix the issues with the Timelapse Video (Jumps not visible in JPG and 4K resolution) very soon!

One more thing while 4k TimeLapsing ain´t work as promised:
While I have to record JPGs the App tells me I can´t record in 1 image per second mode due to "P+V" enabled (I encrypted that to "Picture and Video)?!
So fastest frequency is 0.5 Hz recording now - together with the very limited battery life of buggy Osmo the longest Timelapse movies are about 50 Minutes recording * 0.5Hz / 24 fps = 62.5 seconds! Thats just 1 Minute of final timelapse video! Are you serious?

As long as the buggy Osmo cannot record TimeLapse video in 4k right away please give us TimeLapsers the opportunity to select just images for recording, while the video is absolutly useless in the current blurry resolution and full of jumps so nobody can use that anyhow. Hopefully that will lead to a 1 Hz recording frequency (= 1 shot per second leading to 2 Minute final TimeLapse videos) then?
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