hudson8312 Posted at 2016-5-1 13:51
It's the cold that is draining the phone down. Try getting some of the hand warmers that start heating up when you open them up and get exposed to the air. One should work for a phone and it might take 2 for a tablet. Just put them on the back side right against them should help with your problem
Dealing with your iPhone’s battery draining too quickly can be super frustrating, especially when it feels like you barely used your phone and it’s already begging for a charge. There are a bunch of things that could be behind it, but luckily, there are also a few simple adjustments that can help you stretch that battery life without having to constantly search for a charger.
First, it’s always good to check what's using the most juice. Head into Settings, tap on Battery, and you'll see a detailed breakdown of what’s been eating away at your battery. Sometimes, it’s an app you didn’t even realize was running in the background, constantly updating or using location services. From here, you can decide if you need to adjust how often those apps are refreshing or maybe even uninstall some if they're being overly power-hungry.
Another big one is the screen brightness. It sounds small, but having your display on full brightness can take a toll. You can either lower it manually or turn on Auto-Brightness (under Accessibility settings) to let the phone adjust based on your surroundings. Also, turning on Dark Mode can be a subtle but noticeable way to save some power, especially on iPhones with OLED screens.
If you have problem persist after trying these solution, you can follow for more details assistance below. ... too-quickly-solved/