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40038 639 2015-12-31
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
  • >>>

Is this a joke, right?

Hm, i will have to authorize every flight over my garden in my City, even in my own house. I will stay with old firmware forever, and with DJI for never. Now i have locked a flying over airports and stadiums. Personally i dont care about that, but in new fw i will have locked almost everything in my country, even TSA zones over few kilometers up, and every one my flight will be tracked.

This is the last nail to DJI coffin. NO for alleged safety. This is only about tracking people!

There is no other stupid solution on the market. Even with toy syma, parrot or anything else your flights are not collected and processed.

And what in a case of some air incident what could happend in the same day and area of Your flight?
Gov ask DJI for flight data, they get all DJI users who flied that day, all of them will be called to police, questioned and their drone will be keep by Government for analyse. It may take even a year.

Sorry, i do not have a time and desire for a that kind of unpleasantness.

IF this geofence systems could aplly to current no-fly zones and stadiums - OK - this is ont a big deal and i can understand security concerns.
But locking a 3/4 space of country? For a God sake!
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

Can you post a screenshot that shows 3/4 of the country a no-fly zone?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
  • >>>

Yes, you can go throug the map above Poland. Here is example, i cant zoom out to have entire country.
At below example most of region is TSA area for a planes.

Look also on other countries, situation is the same. And NFZ over almost all cities is crazy, because in most of countries UAV flights are not forbidden over a cities.
Flight zones over Poland: ... -KJ520.kGyq1NhHwuAw and

There are warning and restricted UAV zones for DJI.

And in all yellow and red zones you can flight, but you need to contact (yellow), or you need to have permission (red)

DJI. Look at Your map. It is madness.

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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

Kyokushin Posted at 2016-1-1 01:00
Yes, you can go throug the map above Poland. Here is example, i cant zoom out to have entire country ...

Here is the DJI No-Fly Zone map of Poland
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
  • >>>

At now. I am talkin about geofence. Please look at the map of Poland in the link in my first post.
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Kyokushin Posted at 2016-1-1 09:00
At now. I am talkin about geofence. Please look at the map of Poland in the link in my first post.

Who produced those maps? They don't look like they are produced by DJI?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
  • >>>

I do not know who. They are on DJI page so you know....

All of there yellow zones should be a green 'waring' zone. And not all.
What is the sense of making NFZ authorization zone for a  TSA zone over FL095 for a p3 with 500m altitude limit? Who was so brilliant for doing that?

This is only for collectind and processing data where and when You flight. Any other company do not have that system beause there is no law to require that.
Local authorities are authorizing flights, not any systems.
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Kyokushin Posted at 2015-12-31 23:54
I do not know who. They are on DJI page so you know....

All of there yellow zones should be a green ...

Trick is around activation of TSA airspaces. Only active TSA matters. When TSA is active that means that is forbidden for all expect  owner of this airspace. According to FUA (Flexible Use of Airspace) TSA can be also activated vertically.  You can find all necessary information in mobile application
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
  • >>>

Yes, and all of these TSA zones even if they are active, they are starting from FL095, a far beyond the P3 limit. Of course it may depend on zone.
However, there is too much tracking and authorizing for me. Only one authorization authority is my government. I do not need any third party system for that what collect my data and ask me 'are you sure?'.

A few airports and stadium - OK - not a big deal, but 3/4 of country?
Use props

United States

How do I unlock a small grass strip airport in Middle-of-Nowhere, USA?  It shows as a green warning zone, but the Phantom RC says it is a No Fly Zone and the motors will not start.  (I run the airport.)
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Brendan Schulma

United States

gcvisel Posted at 2016-1-1 23:41
How do I unlock a small grass strip airport in Middle-of-Nowhere, USA?  It shows as a green warning  ...

Did you update the firmware on the drone and the app?  Otherwise you are still using the old system.
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Brendan Schulma

United States

Kyokushin Posted at 2016-1-1 06:54
I do not know who. They are on DJI page so you know....

All of there yellow zones should be a green ...

This is why we are doing a beta.  Send your feedback so we can improve the user experience while addressing safety concerns.  Thanks!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
  • >>>

Brendan Schulma Posted at 2016-1-2 03:47
This is why we are doing a beta.  Send your feedback so we can improve the user experience while a ...

Really Brendan, i would like to start a constructive discussion. How can i join to beta and write my concernes and show some propositions to people who are deciding and making a changes in a shape of current Geofence solution?

Really, i am not against, idea is good, but sorry to say - current shape definately need a work.
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Brendan Schulma

United States

Kyokushin Posted at 2016-1-2 11:09
Really Brendan, i would like to start a constructive discussion. How can i join to beta and write  ...
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United States

I live in a national forest
This is really fantastic DJI
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Flight distance : 4224925 ft
United Kingdom

I agree ref the airports etc but the 'authorisation' zones are completely over the top. The U.K. authorities have not restricted flight of drones (not referring to airports here) in these areas OR introduced registration (like the US just have) - so it's a little 'Big Brother' to have to 'authorise' flight from my back garden as it is just on the edge of a yellow Zone......for a airfield occasionally used by gliders.......gliders do not fly 120m from the ground....

I understand that I 'can' fly if I unlock......but am not happy with the intrusive nature of having to register to fly in a perfectly safe area.

Do I have to 'plan a flight' regularly or is the authorisation (from my home for example) unlocked forever ? Rather than being able to spontaneously fly - will I have to log on and unlock  areas ? Doesn't really fit with the ethos of these devices does it ?

It's a beta - so I'm assuming it's under review.. My suggestion would be that once an zone is unlocked - it's unlocked for good. Will these need unlocking again following a firmware update for example ?
I'm on the border of Oxfordshire & Bucks in the Uk - check out the 'authorisation' zone - it covers the whole area ! Apart from Oxford centre - it's fields and countryside !

Authorisation Zone Oxford UK

Authorisation Zone Oxford UK
Use props
Flight distance : 4224925 ft
United Kingdom

I've just noticed that authorisations are only valid for 3 days !

Complete madness. Flying with a drone is supposed to be fun/hobby isnt it ? I dont see the fun in having to 'plan' for a flight, request an unlock for an authorisation to fly from my back garden every 3 days ? I'm sure, if someone dug around enough, there's an EU law preventing this invasion of privacy....they seem to have laws about pretty much anything affecting civil liberties etc.....
Use props
Flight distance : 94058 ft
  • >>>

When will the error reporting system mentioned in geofence FAQ be available?

DJI will create an error-reporting system. We want our new system to be as accurate and helpful as possible. The unlocking mechanism should allow you to fly in these locations, based on your own judgment, while DJI evaluates your error report.
There is a number of R zones in Poland that only apply for supersonic speeds, which DJI drones are not (yet) capable of. Here is the list:
Silesia Area (ID: 658663)
Warsaw Area (ID: 659298)
Poznan Area (ID: 656427)
Trojmiasto Area (ID: 663161)
Hel Peninsula Area (ID: 659464)
Radom Pionki Area (ID: 651228)
Krupski Mlyn (ID: 659046)

I believe these shall be removed from the geofence system.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
  • >>>

It is not good when our hardware will be locked by default to almost entire coutnry, and we should unlock it before each flight.
DJI should make only green - waring area with a checkbox 'yes, i am aware of the zone and law', without any authorisations.
P3 should be unlocked by default for all areas.
Authorisation is sending your request to DJI, servers will repply 'yes', and then you will have device unlocked. This solution is completely transfering the power of decision about flight from user to DJI.
This is NOT what we paid. We would never buy P3 if we would know about something like that.

Use props
Flight distance : 316545 ft
United Kingdom

And all of the above is the reason why I havent updated my firmware for a while now (since the flyaround and camera upgrade) and Im not going to.
My bird does exactly what I want it to when I want it to, so why the hell should I upgrade?.

Dont jump on the bandwagon of having to have the latest upgrade, because its not necessary - if it fly's fine, leave it alone !!

Use props
Flight distance : 475371 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2015-12-31 17:51
Can you post a screenshot that shows 3/4 of the country a no-fly zone?

It does look like someone had some fun with your customers.You havent hired some under cover techs from a competing brand recenty by any chance?

If I ever get to own a P3 again it does not look like I'll be able to fly it much.
Most of my flights are impulsive country-side non cellular places.

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Second Officer

United States

buzzcbr@gmail.c Posted at 2016-1-2 08:40
And all of the above is the reason why I havent updated my firmware for a while now (since the flyar ...

Pretty much my sentiments as well.  If your quad is flying well and you are happy with it, leave it alone and don't update.  Now with the geofencing coming around, if you want to keep your quad flying well and how you want when you want, DON'T update the firmware.

I think this whole geofencing is going too far to address the few operators (comparatively speaking) that do stupid stuff with their quads.  And the fact that ONLY DJI quads are affected makes it even worse.  My friend flies a Solo quad.  With this new system, theoretically we can go to the same location, he will be able to take off and I won't.  How does that make any sense at all?  Unless ALL quads are going to be held to the same restrictions, placing restrictions on one kind of quad is really senseless.  And as you can see from posts above, the system is really intrusive and overbearing in its reach.  Saying things like "send your feedback so we can improve the user experience while addressing safety concerns" is pointless.  How about you design a system that makes sense, is minimally intrusive and doesn't require an operator to jump through hoops just to fly from their backyard and not a system that starts out with pretty much everywhere requiring authorization and then relying on the operators to fix it for you.  This tells me that if it is not reported as being in error, it won't be fixed.  Really the lazy way out if you ask me.  

Most operators are responsible and fly safely.  Yes, there are always going to be people who don't.  This system is not going to prevent those who don't.
Use props
Flight distance : 133287 ft
United States

nrgwise Posted at 2016-1-2 09:08
Pretty much my sentiments as well.  If your quad is flying well and you are happy with it, leave i ...

The proposal is too restrictive around regional airports with small aircraft .

Recommend a combo of below 400' (already in effect) and the FLs for typical GPS and VOR approaches which are well above 400' and well inside of the proposed 5 mile buffer. In my case that is the difference between obtaining authorization every 3 days since I'm about 4.8 miles from a regional airport vs. the current FLs at that airport 2600 at 4.6 miles and 1820 at 2.7 miles. Of course there are general aviation aircraft flying around my house at 500'+ but that's covered by the existing 400' UAS altitude limit.

I use flight radar 24 for ADS-B tracking and have only seen potential conflicts along the ME and FL atlantic ocean coasts with non ADS-B transmitting helicopter and ultralight traffic below 400' and that is NOT addressed by either DJI or FAA limits.
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United Kingdom

Flipperman Posted at 2016-1-2 11:26
I've just noticed that authorisations are only valid for 3 days !

Complete madness. Flying with a  ...

Looks Like the  P1 & P2's are saved this geofence..AS they have been discontinued from their website and no new updates have been issued for months.... and they can fly on OLD FW
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
  • >>>

If DJI are concerned about unexperienced people, they should add a possibility to permanent turn off NFZ zones for people with a licence.
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United Kingdom

Well I have had a look at the maps for my area (I live on Dartmoor in Devon in the UK) I live in a small village adjacent to 3 Military training area's, all of these are now designated "no fly zones", not by the UK government or by the MOD or by the CAA but by DJI.

Within these area's lie some of the most beautiful country side in the country (it's a national park) these area's are now to be denied to me, even the park authorities have not done this. The MOD train within these area's on different days and these are publicised in the local press and online, they average approximately 100 days per year leaving the other 265 (266 this year) free for the public to carry walking, hiking, walking dogs, cycling and lots of other pursuits including model flying, but now DJI say I cannot fly there unless I unlock these nfz's by registering a credit card and going through yet another pre flight ritual and then I might be able to fly for a three day period.

Unfortunately this small village where I live has the slowest internet connection on the planet (no fibre here) and no cellular network connection (I'm sitting at my computer desk  and no phone signal) so how does this work for me.

Well sadly it appears it doesn't, so as I have only had my P3P for about 3 months it now has to go (hope I don't lose to much on the sale) and I will build my own video platform.

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Lord Pyrre
Flight distance : 510692 ft

Brendan Schulma Posted at 2016-1-2 03:47
Did you update the firmware on the drone and the app?  Otherwise you are still using the old syste ...

from which update will this apply from?
Use props

United States

DJI has tricked many into upgrading to firmware 1.6 scaring them with the “cold battery“ update.  Sadly for these fools they might be stuck with the GEO restriction.  I have found a glitch in the current GO app which allows flying (even take off) in no fly zones, even restricted ones.  Without giving DJI your credit card, email, phone #.  I will publish my findings after this beta testing is done so that hopefully DJI won't close this loophole in their next software or firmware updates.  Stay tuned.
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Alan Z.
Flight distance : 256362 ft
United States

I knew DJI was going to pull this in future upgrades to the software or firmware. My bird has been flying just fine and plan on keeping it that way.
Use props
Flight distance : 495735 ft

3/4 of a country??  Ok here we are !!!  All Cyprus is a NFZ !!!! No one can fly there !!!!!!

Just some questions please.

1) What an owner of a phantom or inspire from Cyprus must do ? He must travel to another country just to fly his drone?
2) What the meaning of yellow anf green areas inside a red no fly zone please?
3) From where DJI take the data for this Geofencing? Is there any colaboration with any country?
4) Who check the accuracy of the data?
5) Is there any possibility someone to give us a responsible answer?
Use props

United States

   Face it, people, somehow we are going to have to learn to live in an airspace where people are already flying real airplanes.  If they hit a drone, we are talking dead people.  These may look like "toys" to you, but they are like landmines to real aircraft.  

   This is a new phenomenon, and it will take some sorting.  The existing model aircraft guidelines (not laws) help keep models and aircraft separate, staying under 400 feet and away from airports, etc., but until now everyone and his brother did not have model airplanes.  Word is that half a million drones were sold over Christmas.  That is an awful lot of newbies to potentially throw into the same airspace with aircraft.  I applaud DJI's attempt to be responsible, but the situation will obviously take some sorting.  Stay tuned for coming changes!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
  • >>>

gcvisel, and what? If someone hit an airplaine then he will get a death sentence or long jail. Similar situation if you hit a bus at Your bike, and bus driver will hit the trees or a river with all pasengers onboard.
These things are called a freedom of choice, responsibility and inevitable consequences.

Geofence will NOT prevent unresponsible people to do unresponsible things, because an unresponsible people WILL authorise HIS actions and DO unresponsible thing.
Of course he should be WARNED, and everyone should be warned about potentially dangerous air zone, but THERE IS NO difference self authorisation with DJI and a checkbox 'yes, i want fly'

In both cases a person can do unresponsible thing, and you cannot prevent it. If he will be locked in DJI hardware then he get other brand hardware and he DO this unresponsible thing.

Self-authorisation is only for collecting data, tracking people finding scapegoats and for witchhunting. This could break a rule of presumption of innocence. Nothing else.

Waring zone and map + chechbox? YES, i will sign on that with all hands, legs and other.
Self authorisation in a foreing country server? NO.

There is also another thing - a transfer of power of deciding from a user and government to manufacturer. User could be responsible, government will authorise flight and then manufacturer can just simply do NOT unlock the device, because will be locked by default.
China may fall, DJI may falland world my fall and DJI user will have a locked device. Again. There is no law, in my country and in Your countries what could require authorisation method what DJI want to introduce.

Everyone can understand some limitations in a real dangerous areas like airports, nuclear facilities, military bases, white house, but NOT cities, personal NFZ's, temporary areas or other air zones, because this is also regulated by a local law and UAV operator in the most cases are aware of that.

Unresponsible people are a promile of users, and DJI should not put everyone in Geofence chain only because there a few of them could be unresponsible. This is again, breaking a presumption of innocence.
Cars are more dangerous, knives are more dangerous, but nobody is authorising usage of a knife to make sandwitch or unlocking a car to get to work. And there is a lot unresponsible people on roads.
Use props
Flight distance : 35125 ft
  • >>>
United States

Are all airports large and small now considered a 5 mile radius no fly zone under the new GEO system? If I recall, the old system had a radius of .6 miles for small airports and 5 miles for larger airports like LAX. Also, if flying within the zone on the old system, you were still able to take off if 1.5 to 5 miles of the airport. Has this changed with this new GEO system?
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Dacon Productio

United States

This is a typical KISS SPHINCTER by a company to sell outside their country.
DJI builds drones and wants to sell them in the US >>> US that lives in constant paranoia tells DJI that if they want to sell it here, they HAVE to put the following restrictions on their product as all the NO FLY ZONES you see on the map. Is not DJI's fault or idea to stop you from flying but they have to follow the required imposed guidelines. From DJI's point of view, they care less where do you fly.
Use props
Flight distance : 117343 ft
United Kingdom

Can we downgrade from 1.6.0040 to avoid all this?
I can not even use the flight sim from my own front room since upgrading and I am nowhere near a no fly zone. can we downgrade or is it ebay time or 3rd party software time? please advise.


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If this comes into force soon which it will then I will sell my bird.  I'm not giving in my Credit card details and all just so I can fly....Nope !
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The Bat Drone

United Kingdom

It appears that all we have to do, to avoid this is not to download the next firmware.

However, wonder what else they will offer in the new update to try and bribe us into this ? Probably some new flight mode or extended battery levels lol

I think they should all be warning zones apart from those that really need restircting like stadiums and aiprots.
Use props
Flight distance : 117343 ft
United Kingdom

The Bat Drone Posted at 2016-1-3 15:40
It appears that all we have to do, to avoid this is not to download the next firmware.

However, won ...

Thanks, that's good if it is true. I will not upgrade any more firmware or apps from DJI until they give proper information on what is being updated in their updates.. my drone will never see another internet connection lol

I thought I was doing the right thing by keeping up with the latest updates but clearly it is not the best thing to do with this drone.

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United States

This is the typical hardware software evolution with any product developed and sold. Take companies like IBM, DELL, Microsoft, HP. They all come out with the latest version of software / hardware and people bitch about upgrading and ditching said product if they still want to be supported. In the end consumers are so invested they install x,y.z. If you want to fly your drone you will provide them with the information or have a pretty expensive paperweight sitting in your house. Either way DJI got your money and now the question is do you want to just sideline it and buy another drone? The fact is inevitable, it will happen with future updates.
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How do we unlocked the Authorization Zones with the App ?
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