Well, most here would say not to upgrade anything at present with all the uncertainty going on regarding the geofencing trial. Upgrading can be a difficult process unless you do it properly anyway. If you do want to, follow the tutorials on it here. Many people end up thoroughly frustrated when an upgrade fails.
I would leave the aircraft as it is until you have a few flights under your belt before doing any upgrade. First thing I would suggest is making sure every connects properly, if you get an upgrade message, just ignore it for the time being. Once it is all connected, and you have the aircraft, remote and phone/tablet connected and working, try using the simulator to try out your flying skills. You have to have the aircraft powered on to use the simulator, but best to leave the props off.
Once you are happy you can fly it, take it outside in good weather conditions and perform the compass calibration routine. Again watch a tutorial about this. Then you are ready for your first short flight. Keep it short, don't go very high.
Just build up confidence from there. Good luck. |