Hello all,
i fly a P3P with the „old“ Motors on 1.4. It flies perfectly smooth, no problems, it´s a perfect machine, i love it!
But: It`s Winter here in the Alps, so it´s pretty cold outside and i have some Winter Winterwonderland Footage to create with the Phantom.
As it´s well known there is a issue with Battery Management in the 1.4 FW in cold conditions. From my point of view is also well known that some P3P`s with the „old“ Motors are getting Vibration Issues with the 1.6 FW.
So i am in a hurry: If i upgrade to 1.6 i might be safe in terms of battery management and operating the P3P in cold enviroments , but the risk of getting shaky footage do to vibrations seems pretty high.
There is also to consider that i cannot switch easily to a newer Version of the P3P (Buying a newer Version or getting it replaced) as my P3P is registered officilly here in Italy with it`s S/N, so replacing it would create a lot of paper work to do AND some additional cost. (Registering officially a P3P here in Italy costs about 1500 €)
Any idea someone (DJI Guys??) how i should proceed? Afaik i cannot downgrade to 1.4 if there are vibrations issues with my P3P. Will i be on the safe side if i stay on 1.4 and try to fly slow and smooth as possible in cold conditions?
Thanks for your advice/ help!