United States
I am new to the drone world but I've been trying to educate myself so as not to become a news story or to lose a considerable amount of money by making a silly mistake. To that end I have done tons of research and have finally purchased the Phantom 3 Advanced. I read all of the documentation, follwed all of the instructions and various forums, and have been as proactive as I can be.
The day came to finally fly for the first time so I went to an oprn field next to home, set the drone down and powered it up. I recieved the No Fly Zone message and could not launch it. I went back home and started doing my reaserch. Any map I look at, including DJI's does not show my area as a No Fly Zone, so why can't I launch? I will admit that there is a small airport about 1.5 miles from where I was, but after reading the No Fly Zone documentation it would seem to me to be a catagory B airport and I'd only need to be 1 km form there which I was. Still, I drove about 6 miles further away and tried to launch again with the same results. I have yet to be able to launch no matter where I go.
I reached out to DJI support via chat but they pasted some standard trouble shooting techniques and disconnected the session. Today i am going to call DJI to see what the matter might be. I'll follow up later here.
My questions are: Could there be an issue with my drone that it always thinks it's in a No Fly Zone and is there a way to verify this? If there's an issue, What is the best way to deal with it?
Sorry for being so verbose. This is my first time actually posting on any forum, so I'm breaking ground all over the place.
Thanks for the help.