United States
Hello everyone, "please excuse my grammars, it's not that great"
Not too long i experienced something every strange/crazy.. i was hoping that someone can shead and light.
Initial check before take off.
-Battery condition 100% just left the charger about for about 10min.
-RC battery 100%
Weirdo 1.
Before taking off, i had the battery in and powered on everything was perfect. Just like a normal routine i proceed to do a compass calibration "sucessfully" afterward i re-initiated home point. So i took it straight up to about 300m, at that instant i was playing around with my camera setting, and was not paying any attention to location..... about 3-4 min later i realized that my drone had drifted a bit far away "due to the night time i was unable to see where its currently" so i then initiated RTH. imediately after i press RTH, the drone would turn around look at home and continue to driff away.... "at this momemt none of my joystick command was working" i then initiated RTH phantom3 would spin around and look at home and continue to driff away. I then had to chase with my truck about 2.5miles, once i got close enough to the drone, magically the i was able to control it, i was able to lower and land it safely.
I havent yet to find a solution, or anything that is related to it beside another person experiencing the same problem.
What i have done:
1) Update all my firmware
2) IMU calibration
Someone please help me.
Thank you in advance!
Taking off
drifting start