Flight distance : 1131886 ft
United States
Do you get OK images doing the day? You should be able to take night time pictures although you are pushing the limits of the camera. The second image is a 1 second exposure so you really cannot have ANY movement. I agree with johnsr that winds are probably not the cause as the flags are not moving much. However, winds aloft can bet significantly different from ground winds. You should balance your props. There are a number of ways to do this - look it up.
Phantoms have recently had significant problems with shaking due to something in a recent firmware update (1.5 - 1.6). What is your firmware version. You can try reducing the roll gain to 90, sometimes works. Some people have had to send the drone in for repair. Cold weather seems to make this worse.
You should also set your exposure mode to manual and push the ISO up to get a faster shutter speed. |