Automatic video recording
1073 10 2016-1-30
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Don Loftus

United States

I checked the forum and didn't find this topic, so I thouth I would ask.  What I would like to do is set the Go App to automatically start recording video as soon as it is powered up.  I usually remembe to hit the record button, but once in a while I forget, especially when I'm in a new area and I trying to take care of flight stuff first.  Auto record would be very helpful, one less thing to worry about.
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Flight distance : 61926 ft

Did not found this neither....
Adding myself to this request.

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United States

If you use Autopilot, it's one of the options. However while Autopilot is pretty much the go to app for photography and cinematic camera moves, it might be overkill for anything else.
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Don Loftus

United States

lidolido77 Posted at 2016-1-30 18:45
If you use Automatic, it's one of the options. However while Automatic is pretty much the go to app  ...

I looked at the menu for the camera and video settings but I can't find the option for "auto record on start up"  How do I get to that option?
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Don Loftus

United States

Don Loftus Posted at 2016-2-4 08:49
I looked at the menu for the camera and video settings but I can't find the option for "auto recor ...

As I read your response again, are you saying the Automatic is a program?  I am trying to see if it is available within the DJI Go app.  Due to warranty concerns, I'm avoiding 3rd parts apps right now.
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New Zealand

Don Loftus Posted at 2016-2-5 02:49
As I read your response again, are you saying the Automatic is a program?  I am trying to see if i ...

Yes, that is what they are saying. There a quite a few 3rd party apps, no that I have tried any myself.

I'm guessing this feature isn't included, as there are not many people who would want to include there entire flight, including warm up, calibration and take off/landing.

Normally you would take select short clips from a flight, no one wants to sit there and watch 20 mins of flight when there is probably only a few minutes of interest in it anyway.

The easiest way to solve your problem, would be just to add "start recording video" to your pre-flight checklist.
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Don Loftus

United States

Riley-NZL Posted at 2016-2-4 14:51
Yes, that is what they are saying. There a quite a few 3rd party apps, no that I have tried any my ...

That's probably what I will have to do.  I usually do OK, but sometimes when I'm flying in a different location I pay more attention to the flying end and not so much to the video so I forget to start the camera.  

As for capturing everything from startup to touchdown, it's not really that much of a problem in editing.  I use iMovie for a quick edit and Final Cut Pro for a more involved project.  With either one it is easy to scan the video, then cut and paste, so length is not a problem.  Thanks for your input, it is appreciated.
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Don Loftus

United States

Riley-NZL Posted at 2016-2-4 14:51
Yes, that is what they are saying. There a quite a few 3rd party apps, no that I have tried any my ...

That's probably what I will have to do.  I usually do OK, but sometimes when I'm flying in a different location I pay more attention to the flying end and not so much to the video so I forget to start the camera.  

As for capturing everything from startup to touchdown, it's not really that much of a problem in editing.  I use iMovie for a quick edit and Final Cut Pro for a more involved project.  With either one it is easy to scan the video, then cut and paste, so length is not a problem.  Thanks for your input, it is appreciated.
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Don Loftus

United States

Riley-NZL Posted at 2016-2-4 14:51
Yes, that is what they are saying. There a quite a few 3rd party apps, no that I have tried any my ...

That's probably what I will have to do.  I usually do OK, but sometimes when I'm flying in a different location I pay more attention to the flying end and not so much to the video so I forget to start the camera.  

As for capturing everything from startup to touchdown, it's not really that much of a problem in editing.  I use iMovie for a quick edit and Final Cut Pro for a more involved project.  With either one it is easy to scan the video, then cut and paste, so length is not a problem.  Thanks for your input, it is appreciated.
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United States

Don Loftus Posted at 2016-2-4 14:31
That's probably what I will have to do.  I usually do OK, but sometimes when I'm flying in a diffe ...

Like I said, you might want to check out Autopilot then (not sure why I called it Automatic – edited to fix that). It has all sorts of modes from not human assisted at all to fully automatic and various modes in between to control both camera movement and flight path, and can fully tilt and yaw the P3 to get Inspire-like full-yaw results.
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Don Loftus

United States

lidolido77, thanks for the info, I'll take a look at it.  Also, not sure why my post repeated 3 times.  Maybe I need an app for that too!  
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