Three strange issues going on ...
1000 2 2016-2-6
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Sir Shepherd
United States

I had three issues going on this late afternoon, that I'm hoping someone can shine light on. First, I am still running 1.3 and have not updated since.

1) While flying my iPad screen grayed out, and glitchy. I thought maybe it was the cable, landed and changed cables. Still had the issue and for whatever reason it corrected itself. after hover for a minute or two.

2) During the first 5 minutes of flight, flying the same route as usual the inspire 1 went into ATT mode and I had to take full control of the aircraft. It wasn't a major issues but certainly was dfferent flying from gps mode. It then for some apparent reason went back into GPS mode. I've flown this route dozen upon dozens of times and never had this occure.

3) The camera seems to be glitchy now, almost like slow motion when making turns.

I've never had an issue and everything has been running smooth but I decided to land and ask others their opinions to see what might be going on. I might need to upgrade too and anyone having issues with the current upgrade?

Thanks eveyone for reading and help would be appreciated.

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Sir Shepherd
United States

Paul - thanks and I appreciate your post and help. It is the video on the iPad. I've never had an issue with the iPad, and I also took a second iPad that my wife uses and it did the same thing as far as the strange video feed. You might be right and it could be the HDMI port going bad on the remote.

I've flown the same route it seems a million times and have never lost GPS. I had to act fast as the inspire 1 wanted to take to take a different flight direction and a rookie would have crashed for certain. I've been flying r/c for decades.  As it did wake me up a little I was in control.

If I continue having an issue is there a location in the USA that can check the inspire 1 out. I hate to even think of shipping her but… I'll perform another flight tomorrow and see how things go. It was for sure an eye opener and certain to make your heart skip a beat when you lose GPS.
Almost forgot. Paul did you get your stuff in or waiting for the airlines to get your laguage back home? Can't wait to see what you have coming.
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Sir Shepherd
United States

I'll take your advice Paul and check the hardware coder. I'll have to post the code or errors as I will have no clue what I am looking at. I'll look into this tomorrow afternoon if weather is permitting. I sure hate to think that the HDMI port is going bad. If it is I hope it is covered by DJI since this is pretty new, If in fact that is the problem.

I have never done a RTH function or take off automatic. I need to test these two options out and specially on the RTH. Brings me to a question again. If you do a RTH can you override it at anytime or make the inspire 1 go right to left if needed?

Your wife sounds like a firecracker How wonderful it is to be young. If I could only turn back time. I wouldn't change much but to do it all over again, would be AMAZING!
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