Second Officer
United States
Shocked! I have a PO Box, no mailbox in front of my house. It is Sunday, I see a mail truck at my neighbor's mailbox. Mail delivery on Sunday? Must be something special for Valentine's day or something. Then he drives away down the road to my next neighbor's driveway, turns around and pulls into my driveway. He drops off a box with all 5 items I recently ordered from Amazon. I did not ask for any special delivery nor did I pay for one - just checked my invoices. So wow! My label maker came today, I braved the -31 degree wind chill and ventured out for batteries.
I have to say, I am very pleased with my choice and I thank those who recommended it and those with other recommendations as well. This unit is so easy to use, so capable, and just darn nice to hold and use. Glad I bought extra cartridges. I can already see I will need more. I bought this for home use first (I figured one time labeling of quad stuff and a few other things) and then to use at my work. Since having it in my hands for the better part of the afternoon, I have already used up most of the tape that comes with it.
This really is a nice unit. I would say the Cadillac of Label Makers. |