Poor Yaw for Filming
1476 6 2016-2-10
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[size=14.6667px]I have been battling with the problem of poor yaw performance since day one. It's completely unacceptable. I could fly the X3, do the classic yaw with opposite bank while tracking around an object, increase throttle and at the same time use the wheel to accommodate the tilt. Now it's proving impossible. At first I thought it was the extra focal length of the DJI 15mm lens and this was simply accentuating any movement. However, since the Oly12mm is now my lens of choice, I find the issue still remains. To be fair, the FOV is not that much wider on the X3. [size=14.6667px]I'm not convinced it's an issue with the yaw of the aircraft but perhaps more the gimbal in the way it initiates a pan prior (separate) to the yaw. I can't remember what it's called in the app, but I guess it's supposed to smooth out the start of any yaw movement. But I think it's too aggressive. I'd be interested in hearing from DJI, as I have read quite a few posts regarding this issue. Being able to initiate smooth yaws while filming is of paramount importance. [size=14.6667px]Is this already acknowleged by DJI as a problem? [size=14.6667px]Can this problem finally be addressed in a FW update? Looking forward to hearing from DJI, cheers.
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Flight distance : 442743 ft
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PaulKerry Posted at 2016-2-10 19:49
Hmmmm!!! Now, that's odd. I know that I've seen it as an option which may be enabled and disabled an ...

Hey Paul, I know the feature, and yes it can be disabled or enabled. I don't think the idea is bad, as it seems to work brilliantly on the with the X3. The idea is to smooth out the yaw the moment it is initiated. I strongly believe that it needs a FW update to either reduce the amount by maybe 50%, or add an option in the app which gives the you the ability to adjust the sensitivity accordingly.
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Flight distance : 442743 ft
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PaulKerry Posted at 2016-2-10 21:51
Ah... Okay then... I'll not try to spoon-feed you...

Perhaps you'll tell me where in the app i ...

I can't remember at the moment. It's late! It's on one of the pages for tweaking expo / gain etc. I think it's on the gimbal settings page, it's fairly easy to see as it sits at the bottom of the page by itself and has a slider to switch it on or off.
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Flight distance : 442743 ft
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United Kingdom

PaulKerry Posted at 2016-2-10 23:43
Yep... The Gimbal Parameters>Advanced Settings sub-panel at the bottom, called "Gimbal Yaw synchro ...

I'm convinced that is mainly to blame. I believe the speed it initiates is often far greater than the required yaw at the time. What happens is the stick input is initialisd, the gimbal then starts to move at it's one single speed, and often then comes to the end of that move as the yawing aircraft is yawing slower than the gimbal. So you get the fast start up of the gimbal, which you become aware of because it's not slow enough, then you become aware of the stop because the yawing of the aircraft is moving slower than the speed of the gimbal. I hope I've explained this well enough! That's my theory anyway.
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Flight distance : 442743 ft
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United Kingdom

PaulKerry Posted at 2016-2-11 08:36
I've never examined the functionality. I generally leave it switched off.

Does it move in the oppo ...

Sure Paul, it moves in the same direction as the yaw. Presumably to smooth out the initialisation of the yaw with the gimbal, by just taking the edge off the move.
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Tharg (from the
Flight distance : 120784 ft
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PaulKerry Posted at 2016-2-11 08:36
I've never examined the functionality. I generally leave it switched off.

Does it move in the oppo ...

Gimbal Yaw synchronous follow is a 'feature' found on nearly all gimbals to a more or lesser extent.

It basically provides a 'deadzone' around midpoint (usually +/- 5 degrees or so) and helps smooth out the inherent yaw found in multirotor aircraft.
The problem comes when the PID tuning of that 'deadzone' isnt right. It has to be set up in such a way that it decelerates smoothly as it approaches its deadzone limit. It must also not accelerate too quickly either.
DJI do not allow PID tuning as found in some higher end gimbals and probably that is a good thing since letting the general populous loose on brushless gimbal PID tuning parameters would make this forum explode into a "I cant get my gimbal to work properly after adjusting PID settings" carnage.
However, having said all the above, they need to set up different PID's for the X5 as the current ones are just pants.   
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Flight distance : 442743 ft
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United Kingdom

Tharg (from the Posted at 2016-2-11 09:18
Gimbal Yaw synchronous follow is a 'feature' found on nearly all gimbals to a more or lesser exten ...

100% agreement!
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