FIXED & thanks to all replies~Take off fails
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3016 67 2016-2-12
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On the Phantom 3 Advanced every time I try to take off it will ascend and then the motors cut off and the take off fails, no props attached, and the motors cut off. After this I have to turn off the Phantom 3 to try it again and the same thing happens. All firmware and programs are up to date. Any suggestions?
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United Kingdom

How does it take off with no props attached?
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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foxy-stoat Posted at 2016-2-13 01:06
How does it take off with no props attached?

I'm curious as well.
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Juliano Cruz
Flight distance : 4158868 ft
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I think he wanted to say even with no propellers the problem also occurs.
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United States

Juliano Cruz Posted at 2016-2-13 01:34
I think he wanted to say even with no propellers the problem also occurs.

Yes, no props attached because if I did the craft would takeoff and then just fall. It will not take off with the props unattached. Utilizing the software and just observing the Phantom 3 sitting on the ground it will rev the motors and then they just stop so if the props were on,. it would just take off then drop and crash....
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Surtell Posted at 2016-2-13 06:17
Yes, no props attached because if I did the craft would takeoff and then just fall. It will not tak ...

I don't know this for sure, but I suspect the aircraft knows that after revving up the motors it has not lifted off the ground, so it shuts the motors down. Try it with the props on, that the way it is intended to operate. And try to take off manually, not using the auto-take-off, that's for wimps, just gently ease the aircraft up in the air.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Surtell Posted at 2016-2-12 11:17
Yes, no props attached because if I did the craft would takeoff and then just fall. It will not tak ...

I'm still not totally understanding what you were saying.  What happens when you have to propellers on and you can put it into a Hover or have you never done that yet? Why do you think it will crash when it's in a Hover?
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United States

Geebax Posted at 2016-2-13 05:33
I don't know this for sure, but I suspect the aircraft knows that after revving up the motors it h ...

Will try that Geebax, thanks for the reply!!
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United States

Is this for real?  Come on man.
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-2-13 05:38
I'm still not totally understanding what you were saying.  What happens when you have to propeller ...

You'll have to cut me some slack as I'm a new user of the Phantom 3. I have six smaller quads that work quite well, but if I crash one of them it's not much money to replace. With the Phantom 3 I did not want to crash it on first use so I just left the props off to see how the software works. I attached the props and it works perfectly. Go figure, this should be in the documentation. Dji Ken thanks for the reply and info!!
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United States

DrACE Posted at 2016-2-13 05:45
Is this for real?  Come on man.

You'll have to cut me some slack as I'm a new user of the Phantom 3. I have six smaller quads that work quite well, but if I crash one of them it's not much money to replace. With the Phantom 3 I did not want to crash it on first use so I just left the props off to see how the software works. I attached the props and it works perfectly. Go figure, this should be in the documentation.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Surtell Posted at 2016-2-12 13:48
You'll have to cut me some slack as I'm a new user of the Phantom 3. I have six smaller quads that ...

It is good that you take precautions as you do not want to crash here is new aircraft. I suggest going into the Academy section and reading the entire manual that is there and also watch all of the tutorial videos.
When you open the app the upper right icon that looks like a graduation hat, tap that and that'll take you to the manual and all of the tutorial videos.
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-2-13 05:58
It is good that you take precautions as you do not want to crash here is new aircraft. I suggest  ...

I have read a lot of material and watched a lot of videos, but could not find anything that relates to "Please put the props on" before attempting to fly your craft, lol!!
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Surtell Posted at 2016-2-12 14:01
I have read a lot of material and watched a lot of videos, but could not find anything that relate ...

If you look at page 6 of your manual it tells you how to prepare the aircraft and on page 7 it tells you to attach the propellers. So yes it is in the manual.
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-2-13 06:08
If you look at page 6 of your manual it tells you how to prepare the aircraft and on page 7 it te ...

Dji Ken, yes it is in the manual. I just never thought that the Phantom would know whether it had the props on or off.  Thanks for the patience and answers for a new Phantom user!!
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BASS 666

United Kingdom

I can just see it in the manual .... before take off please make sure you install the props .... jeeeez common sense goes missing sometimes ....
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United States

Elmer Fudd Posted at 2016-2-13 06:38
I never tried it but why wouldnt the P3 idle with the props off?

That's what I could not figure out??
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United States

BASS 666 Posted at 2016-2-13 06:38
I can just see it in the manual .... before take off please make sure you install the props .... jee ...

BASS 666, common sense would tell you that whether the props are on or off the aircraft engines should still idle and not just cut off simulating a crash, jeeesssh for real, lol!! I did not want to install the props and find out that it just crashes wasting hundreds of dollars. Also I've seen videos where users actually suggested doing this to get used to the software and see how it works without endangering your aircraft. But thanks for the reply, as a new user of the Phantom aircraft you just have to allow for all kinds of questions and situations.

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Juliano Cruz
Flight distance : 4158868 ft
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Surtell, are you trying auto take off?
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Elmer Fudd

United States

Surtell Posted at 2016-2-12 17:48
BASS 666, common sense would tell you that whether the props are on or off the aircraft engines sh ...

Being new to phantoms probably means youre new to this forum. You will run into this alot where people will reply with something that has nothing to do with your question.Its a little bit like the twilight zone.
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United States

Elmer Fudd Posted at 2016-2-13 07:37
Being new to phantoms probably means youre new to this forum. You will run into this alot where pe ...

Thanks Elmer, I'm kinda used to it. As a lecturer the first thing I tell my attendants is this "If you don't know something ask a question as there are no stupid questions" I would not do well if someone asked a question and I answered something like "Well what kind of dumb question is that" I would not be doing anymore training. As far as my question it was akin to something like a car with no wheels on it and the engine starts and just cuts off. Don't ya think the engine should still run with the wheels off, lol!!!

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United States

Juliano Cruz Posted at 2016-2-13 07:32
Surtell, are you trying auto take off?

Hi Juliano. Yes  I was and the engines would just stop, but I did not have the props on. Once I put them on and tried it it worked like it should. I was trying to learn the software indoors so I just took the props off..
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Flight distance : 40269 ft
United States

Surtell Posted at 2016-2-12 14:17
Yes, no props attached because if I did the craft would takeoff and then just fall. It will not tak ...

Mine does the same thing.  Without props it just sits there like a paper weight.  
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Flight distance : 134580 ft
United Kingdom

Both my P3A an P3P does the same thing. I must return them both to dji for a Warranty Repair as my P3s won't lift off without props on......
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3517287 ft
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United States

Surtell Posted at 2016-2-13 07:59
Hi Juliano. Yes  I was and the engines would just stop, but I did not have the props on. Once I pu ...

Mine flies just fine without props........ Try this next time without props. On the Home Screen where you "Connect to Camera", up in the upper right corner is a graduation cap icon.  This is the ACADEMY. Click on the cap icon and there you will find the FLIGHT SIMULATOR.... Fly the simulator until the battery gives out!!! Almost everything can be simulated there. And it works best with your props OFF
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Elmer Fudd

United States

Surtell Posted at 2016-2-12 18:56
Thanks Elmer, I'm kinda used to it. As a lecturer the first thing I tell my attendants is this "If ...

I understood you original question perfectly.
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Username Here
United States

If you give it a little throttle the motors will continue to run. Sometimes I do this to completely run my batteries down to 08%.
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BASS 666

United Kingdom

Surtell Posted at 2016-2-12 22:48
BASS 666, common sense would tell you that whether the props are on or off the aircraft engines sh ...

that's fair enough but if you had of done lots of reading and watched videos you wouldn't have had to ask the question .... im not trying to pick on you but these things need to be studied and studied more before you even buy one .... I read and watched videos for two months before even trying to buy mine and im sure that's why there are lots of people crashing them on here because they no nothing about them ....
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BASS 666

United Kingdom

Elmer Fudd Posted at 2016-2-12 23:37
Being new to phantoms probably means youre new to this forum. You will run into this alot where pe ...

I have already answered him back and like I say if he done his homework then he wouldn't need to ask stupid questions .... its the first time iv seen the question being asked and trust me, it is a stupid question ....
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There is no stupid questions, there are only stupids guys who like to put down people who ask questions which looks stupid but are not.
In this case one can suppose that what he says is right: the motors stop.
When I do the battery cycling every 20 charges I finish doing it by removing the props and letting the motors run. They do not shut down.
When I do it I start the motors by doing the CSC.
I suspect btellier217 did not use the CSC but did auto take-off. I did not try auto take-off but I suppose that if you do it without the props the motors start and as the barometer does not change the P3 realizes that it is not taking-off and shuts down the motors.
If he is doing the CSC then something is wrong with his P3.

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Barney Rubbel
Second Officer
United States

While not written real well, the original poster is saying that when he DOES put props on it and starts it up, it lifts off and then quits and will fall from the sky. He then takes OFF the props and the motors have the same issue (w/o taking off, hello people?). The motors rev up and then quit. Much smarter to do this w/o the props on unless you have Odell Beckam Jr out there to catch your Phantom when it falls.
I wish I could offer some advice. It's afraid of heights? No error message? No message saying one of the props is getting hung up on something? Was it working OK previously and this just occurred? Help us out a bit.  Thanks!

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 518084 ft
United Kingdom

Barney Rubbel Posted at 2016-2-13 15:03
While not written real well, the original poster is saying that when he DOES put props on it and sta ...

No, he changed his name.  If you read further down...

Surtell - "You'll have to cut me some slack as I'm a new user of the Phantom 3. I have six smaller quads that work quite well, but if I crash one of them it's not much money to replace. With the Phantom 3 I did not want to crash it on first use so I just left the props off to see how the software works. I attached the props and it works perfectly. Go figure, this should be in the documentation. Dji Ken thanks for the reply and info!!"

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I am a little confused about his name: started withbtellier217 and seems to have switched to Surtell.
In this case he said:  I was and the engines would just stop, but I did not have the props on. Once I put them on and tried it it worked like it should.
He never said that with the props on it falls from the sky.
If I am correct with my previous post DJI should amend the manual:
When doing an auto take-off the P# will shut the motors if anything prevents the P3 from taking-off - for example if the props are not on.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 518084 ft
United Kingdom

Surtell Posted at 2016-2-12 21:50
You'll have to cut me some slack as I'm a new user of the Phantom 3. I have six smaller quads that ...

Unfortunately if you try flying the phantom in a way it's not meant to, it won't respond the way you'd expect due to it expecting certain responses to certain actions.  That's why the motors don't stop if you have the left stick fully down when descending, only when it's landed.

If you tried the same experiment but lifted the P3 to the height on your display, it'll keep going & the motors will slow down or speed up depending on how high it thinks it is compared to how high you lift it.
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Flight distance : 106447 ft
United States

JcP3A Posted at 2016-2-13 22:48
There is no stupid questions, there are only stupids guys who like to put down people who ask questi ...

I doubt that any of the brilliant people replying to this post knew that the motors would shut down if you tried to auto-take off with out the props. I didn't, so could someone please show me in the manual where it tells you this.
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BASS 666

United Kingdom

klinknky Posted at 2016-2-13 15:28
I doubt that any of the brilliant people replying to this post knew that the motors would shut dow ...

it doesn't show it in the manual because why would you want to try auto take off without the props on ??????

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Second Officer


Funny thing is, I re read the original post several times and it states...On the Phantom 3 Advanced every time I try to take off it will ascend and then the motors cut off and the take off fails, no props attached, and the motors cut off. After this I have to turn off the Phantom 3 to try it again and the same thing happens. All firmware and programs are up to date. Any suggestions?

Here is my suggestion,
Change your title to "Mock" Take off fails...

In the first sentence you claim to try to take off, you claim it ascends (states it will ascend) and then the motors cut off and the take off fails...then states no props attached and the motors cut off..

I am far from being an english major or an expert on grammar...Frankly, it was poorly written and titled even worse and I presumed the second part of the sentence was a "mock" take off in which the same scenario as in the first part of what you stated occurred..
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Elmer Fudd

United States

BASS 666 Posted at 2016-2-13 08:37
I have already answered him back and like I say if he done his homework then he wouldn't need to a ...

I looked through your old posts and noticed that you  have asked some pretty stupid questions too. You studied up a month or two before you bought your P3 and still asked stupid questions. Youre just an asshole.
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Elmer Fudd

United States

klinknky Posted at 2016-2-13 10:28
I doubt that any of the brilliant people replying to this post knew that the motors would shut dow ...

Im with you. I learned something from the "stupid question".
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Elmer Fudd

United States

BASS 666 Posted at 2016-2-13 10:53
it doesn't show it in the manual because why would you want to try auto take off without the props ...

To tests things out maybe. Just like the OP was trying to do. Why dont you just shut the hell up and let it go.
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