United States
Hi everyone,
I posted this issue a few weeks ago and am still having video issues I am using an iPad Mini 2 with a DJI Inspire 1 v2. I am experiencing some latency and pixelation in my videos. The videos that record to the SD card (currently using the standard 16gb card the drone comes with) are unwatchable and freezes about every 2 seconds. The video that is recorded to my iPad Mini 2 is OK but I am experiencing some slight pixelation and a wipe that comes down the whole image. An example of this can be seen from 48 to 52 seconds of this video in the link below. I even have the iPad in Airplane mode to prevent interference. I am recording in 1080 at 60fps. I have tried another SD Card and while the video recorded to the SD card is better, I still experience this strange wipe/pixelation on the iPad and the SD card. I have attached an example. Any help would be great.