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Lightbridge 2 different problems!
14778 26 2016-2-18
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Hi guys,

I have a problem with the following setup:

DJI S1000
A2 Flight Controler
Lightbridge 2                            Master controler + Slave Controler
DJI Zenmuse BMPCC Gimbal

I have different problems with what i think the Lightbridge 2

First problem on the master controler is that in the DJI Assistant v1.9 i can only map the stick channels, all the other buttons/channels wont work if i want to set them. It doesnt matter which controler i set master same problem. (all hardware have the latest firmware)

Second problem is that i bought the second (slave) controler to control the gimbal but also that i cant get to work. I can connect through the master controler and then the DJI go app tells me i have gimbal control, but the gimbal wont work and it says gimbal status disconnected.

Other strange thing is that the iosd screen in the DJI go App isnt showing voltage of the S1000, it stays on 0.0

Hope someone can help because its expensive enough and now it doesnt work.

Thank you
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Hong Kong

Hi,could you please let me know how you connect the LB with the gimbal and main controller? It's better to show a drawing here. I guess you may wire the gimbal cable in wrong direction. QQ图片20160219164400.jpg
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Offline Posted at 2016-2-19 09:46
Hi,could you please let me know how you connect the LB with the gimbal and main controller? It's bet ...

he connection of the cables are exactly as in the picture: I already triple checked everything.

The gimbal cable goes from the LB2 --> Zenmuse GCU G7 port from there a Can bus cable goes to the Can Hub and the can hub i connected to the A2 PMU and the A2 PMU to the A2 Controler on CAN 2.

My guess the gimbal HD/AV board is malfunctioning or the HDMI cable from the HD/AV Board, because i connected the gimble to the IOSD Mark II and that also didnt work on AV mode ( this worked in the past)
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Flight distance : 218107 ft
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r.velthuis Posted at 2016-2-19 20:04
he connection of the cables are exactly as in the picture: I already triple checked everything.

T ...

Hello, were you able to get this sorted out? Having the exact same problem
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AerialTech Posted at 2016-2-27 14:46
Hello, were you able to get this sorted out? Having the exact same problem

Good Luck!  I was just trying to get the Lightbridge original to work with Z15-GH4 gimbal for last time and praying to find something new in the forum regarding my problem.  I have solid red video signal.   Been trying for about nine months to get to work and have gotten no support and good luck with dealers although can't blame them for not getting support themselves.  

Was hoping the LB2 would be a fix for my LB1 problems but looks like same only problems from everything I've read so far; very expensive equipment designed to function together but doesn't.  Single G7 cable between gimbal and LB and I get bad video signal?  Dealer's only suggestion was to try new cable but where to get one as he didn't know.  

I know the gimbal is sending signal as I had set up with MKII OSD to 5.8 GHz video transmitter and got video but OSD was jumping around on screen and gimbal attitude missing.  
DJI's response to that solution to problem was to reroute wiring but only have so many options.  I did run entire length of tranmission linse from OSD video output to video xmtr externally externally mounted with no change to eliminate any source of interference prior to contacting them.  Besides, OSD works fine in FW550 in lot tighter quarters and high power tranmitter (I have advanced radio license).  And video signal is fine when using HDMI input to LB from GoPro when on the FW550.

I hope the damn thing still works with H3-3D gimbal in the FW550.  I guess I'm going to have to install non DJI components to get video from very expensive S900.  There is no way I'm shelling out over 2 grand canuck bucks for second generation system that still doesn't work.  Check out the phantom pilots forum regarding latest LightBridge2 Go app firmware update.  Talk about happy customers!!

I wish you all the best and hope you find solutions to your issues but I can't afford to waste any more time or money on all the DJI issues I've had over the years; I can't believe how much I have already wasted!!  I  Good bye DJI!

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Flight distance : 3808425 ft
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United Kingdom

Hi, I have the same problem. I am sure I have connected it up correctly. But it sounds like I have the same problem as the poster above.

I have the Lightbridge 2 set up on S900 with A2 and Z15 A7R. I have triple-checked the wiring using the diagrams provided and watched the setup video as well as checking the forums for obvious issues. I am not quite sure what the issue is and I'm wondering if I've made a simple mistake.
All components are on latest firmware.

1) I am getting no video from the A7R throught the Z15 (I checked directly with an HDMI cable to the HDMI port on the LB2 and that worked fine to the APP.
2) I only have access to 5 channels on the controller (AETR and U). No other channels show movement.
3) I am getting no telemetry from the A2 to the Go App (eg. voltage etc).

I'm not normally flummoxed by these things but this one has got me tearing the remains of my hair out, so any help from people's experience here would be gratefully appreciated. I have tied to search this thread for relevant posts but may have missed one so if there is anything already on here, please point me in the right direction.

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I've send my unit to DJI, i hope DJI can fix this problem. But if i read that other people have the EXACT same problem i think its a firmware/hardware problem with multiple units.
If a DJI employee reads this then please list this as a problem to multiple units and find  a solution. We pay a lot of money for this product and we cant even use it.

Thank you.
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Flight distance : 120778 ft

HexCam Posted at 2016-3-6 19:18
Hi, I have the same problem. I am sure I have connected it up correctly. But it sounds like I have t ...

Please send Your setup screenshots  DJI Go app and A2 channel mapping for my PM or DJI forum
I compare for my setup and answer.
I using DJI S900+A2+LB2+Z15+A7+A7R

Regards Algimantas
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Flight distance : 3852293 ft
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New Zealand

Okay guys,
I've looked EVERYwhere over the last 2 weeks for a solution to this EXACT problem, and this is a rediculously easy mistake to overlook. As a matter of fact, they make the same mistake in the "Installing Lightbridge 2" tutorial video. (See below)
DJI Mistake.png
You see that all 7 pins on that screenshot are not wired...???

With the correct setup, the 7 pin plug that fits into the LB2 is the start of this Y cable and actually has all 7 pins wired. (the root)

This cable then splits into 2 x cables, 1 of them having a can plug on the end, the other having another identical 7 pin plug that fits into the G7 port of the GCU, but only has 5 of the 7 pins wired. (See my little sketch attached)
LB2 Gimbal Cable.jpg

Get these plugs the wrong way round, and thats when you cant map any other channels... Swap it to the correct way, and BANG... EVERYTHING WORKS.

Hope this helps.
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Flight distance : 3852293 ft
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New Zealand

r.velthuis Posted at 2016-3-10 21:38

I've send my unit to DJI, i hope DJI can fix this problem. But if i read that other people ha ...

I've looked EVERYwhere over the last 2 weeks for a solution to this EXACT problem, and this is a rediculously easy mistake to overlook. As a matter of fact, they make the same mistake in the "Installing Lightbridge 2" tutorial video. (See below)

You see that all 7 pins on that screenshot are not wired...???

With the correct setup, the 7 pin plug that fits into the LB2 is the start of this Y cable and actually has all 7 pins wired. (the root)

This cable then splits into 2 x cables, 1 of them having a can plug on the end, the other having another identical 7 pin plug that fits into the G7 port of the GCU, but only has 5 of the 7 pins wired. (See my little sketch attached)

Get these plugs the wrong way round, and thats when you cant map any other channels... Swap it to the correct way, and BANG... EVERYTHING WORKS.

Hope this helps.
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Flight distance : 3852293 ft
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New Zealand

HexCam Posted at 2016-3-7 06:18
Hi, I have the same problem. I am sure I have connected it up correctly. But it sounds like I have t ...

Hey HexCam, not sure if you've got your problem sorted, but please see my post below... I feel a bit silly, but such an easy mistake, especially when I followed the Video Tutorial step by step.

Hope this helps if you haven't sorted it out yourself already.
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Flight distance : 3852293 ft
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New Zealand

AerialTech Posted at 2016-2-28 08:46
Hello, were you able to get this sorted out? Having the exact same problem

Hey AerialTech,

I hope you have your problem sorted out, but just incase you haven't please see my post at the bottom of this discussion.
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Flight distance : 18078032 ft
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United States

Boy this one got my hopes up. But I checked and I had everything hooked up correctly and still no video signal.
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DJI Team
Hong Kong

steve@wingnutae Posted at 2016-4-8 11:25
Boy this one got my hopes up. But I checked and I had everything hooked up correctly and still no vi ...

May I know more details about your settings and configurations?
If you have any problem, please review the User Manual or our official website for any possible solution.
At the same time, we would try our best to help you.
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Agpilot2b, thanks so much!

I was having the same problem and your solution fixes that problem. That tutorial video is really misleading, they should fix it!
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Flight distance : 4860725 ft
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Hmmm, I'm not getting voltage either.

If you're inputting to LB2 from a Z15, make sure you switch the gimbal from SD to HD.  The switch is on the camera cradle, on the back.
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United Kingdom

Hi All,

I am having some similar issues and I'm really hoping someone might be able to offer some advice.

I have an s900 with A2, GH4 Gimbal and I have just installed Lightbridge 2 according to the DJI tutorial Vid. All firmware and software up to date. (connected to DJI Assistant 2 and updated accordingly)

Problem - On connecting the A2 to the A2 assistant under channel mapping, I can see that the transmitter is connected and communicating to the air unit as when I move the sticks and landing gear controls, I can see the corresponding channels move on the software. APART FROM the gimbal tilt wheel, which does not have any correspondence on the software! So basically I don not have control over the Gimbal or have any video feed to the DJI GO App.

P.S ((As per agpilot2b's comments I too have swapped these cables as they should be but I'm still having this issue)).

The DJI GO app is not showing any feed from the camera and states 'Gimbal Disconnected'.
The gimbal IS powered and goes through its config and levels when the s900 is powered on.
GH4 is powered on and has the gimbal connections in the HDMI and REMOTE ports. The Switch on the back of the Gimbal is switched to HD.
Does anyone have a Connection Diagram for the A2 / Lightbridge 2 / GH4-HD setup? That may help?
Or does anyone know where the disconnect may be between my gimbal and the LB2 transmitter / App...

Thanks in advance. Been tearing my hair out for a few days now...
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Flight distance : 63507 ft
New Zealand

I have an S1000 with A2, GH4 Gimbal and I have just installed Lightbridge 2 according to the DJI tutorial Video. My cable is in the right direction. All firmware and software up to date. connected to DJI Assistant 2 and updated firmware on LB2 via usb. The gimbal was not working until I updated to firmware version 3.0 on the Z15-GH4. I can map channels from the A2 App, and I do see telemetry info on the DJI Go App connected to the remote. I can control gimbal Pan from DJI Go. The A2 and gimbal seem to be ok although the light on the A2 is always solid red. Not sure if that is normal. The light on the BT-1 is flashing green when connected to remote as it should be.

Problem 1 - Even though I can connect to LB2 with Assistant 2 and upgrade firmware to 1.4, I cannot go to settings in Assistant 2. When I try the link light on LB2 goes from green to flashing red and says linking with air system but never does. I have tried this on a Windows PC and a Mac. Both do the same thing. I can even downgrade my firmware on the LB2 it is now back at 1.3. Does not matter cannot get to settings!!!

Problem 2 - No video from gimbal on EXT, no video from HDMI on LB2, video light on LB2 always solid red. Gimabal video light always solid green. I have set the priority to 100% EXT, 100% HDMI and 50/50 in the DJI Go app still no video.

WTF DJI?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Flight distance : 63507 ft
New Zealand

edducati Posted at 2016-8-24 06:40
I have an S1000 with A2, GH4 Gimbal and I have just installed Lightbridge 2 according to the DJI tut ...

Does DJI monitor this forum?
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Flight distance : 1121519 ft
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United States

I'm having issue similar:  Sad thing is it did work earlier, now I'm not sure if it was coincidence that it stopped when I was poking around.

A3 + LB2 running Z3 on a M600 adapter.  No aircraft .. this is standalone system.

Powered up, connected, all was well.  Messing with settings trying to get pan/tilt with sticks, set controller to slave, then ZAP - video feed lost.

RED light on LB2 video, no changes to cabling made between stated (working/not working)
Gimbal responds to pitch wheel
I can see histogram and settings change when I wave my hand in front of Z3 camera
Zoom works (I can see the lens inside moving)
I can take pictures and video

App indicates I need to update LB2 firmware
DJI Assistant sez my firmware is updated.
Lightbridge App does not connect (sez connection broken)

Many multiple reboots, settings changed, etc, always same result ... grey or black screen where there should be video feed.
Been at this all day .. I keep finding threads like this.  Hoping it's something I'm missing ... but getting a bad feeling
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Flight distance : 2538474 ft
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my setup problem is similar(ish) in that trying to connect S1000+ with A3, LB2, and Z15-GH4 but the suggested connection from LB2 air unit to both Zen GCU AND A3 using the split cable is impossible as I did not get a split cable with my LB2 I just got a cable that goes from LB2 air unit to the GCU, then I have no connection to the A3 unless I use the canbus hub and plug one end of that into the GCU and connect it via a canbus cable to the A3's canbus 2 port ????
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Has anyone above been able to fix these issues?

I'm in the same boat...I had LB1 and everything worked perfectly with the Futaba t14sg controller. Wanted to simplify and add a second Tx so I upgraded to LB2. Swapped out the air unit and everything else, as instructed.
- No video feed.
- Joystick does move the appropriate channels in Channel Mapping, and aircraft start up procedure is as it should be.
- No control over gimbal whether with the second controller or with the toggle on the first controller.
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Flight distance : 379177 ft
South Africa

same issue here, any solutions?
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

edwoodza Posted at 2017-1-26 01:40
same issue here, any solutions?

I responded to you on another thread.:

If you don't have your own thread on this, could you please make one?
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NFA Fabrication
United States

How on earth have this many people had the exact same problem and DJI hasn't found the solution? Post #17 could have basically been written by me as it is 100% identical to my situation. I wasted all weekend trying to fix this. Also, the Y cable on mine was also backwards as one of the posts in this thread suggested. That did fix a few issues! With such a common issue, on such a common list of component as this is a very typical S900 build, you'd think DJI would just issue a diagram with the correct connections for a proper working set-up for an S900/GH4/LB2 set up. This is getting really old.
I was so excited to find a thread showing my EXACT problem! Only to read through it and find out not even DJI ever came up with a solution to it. Fun times...
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Flight distance : 39728 ft
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I have ground unit and slave unit. With slave unit,  gimbal doesn't Work. In the remote controller list, in the dji go app, there are 2 slave unit. I would like to delete the old slave unit but when i click on delete doesn't work. Is there a procedure to delete every slave unit list and remake the pairing?   Thank's a lot
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Paul Suthard
Flight distance : 116634 ft

Has there been any solution? I have an S900 lb2 A3 with a z15 bmpcc and x3/5 etc gimbals and am getting the same "gimbal disconnected" with a red video light on lb2.  HELP!
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